lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2011-06-25 18:29:43 | art music
(© 2008-2011 fotonauts Inc ? All rights reserved)

□ NatinalGeoGraphicがfotopediaとコラボレーションしたiPadアプリが凄く良い。インターフェースが洗練されてて、バーチャル観光の可能性を感じさせてくれる。http://bit.ly/kd9aUF ビルマの夢 の http://bit.ly/tburma

Discover the beauty of Burma without leaving your home.

National Geographic Traveler and Fotopedia present a photographic journey through Burma’s awe-inspiring scenery.

□ MacBook AirとiPad2の両刀で、カウチポテトでも劇的に作業効率が上がった。リファレンスモニターとしてのiPadが優秀過ぎる。

□ オフ時にはiTunes専用モニターとなるiPad2。Macでわざわざ作業しながら、狭いディスプレイじゃ見る気の起こらない映画や映像コンテンツも、快適なデマンドで即座に参照出来るから敷居が低い。

□ 最近はiPad上のiTunesで、短編映画を見るのが習慣。一本当たり200円で、世界中から選りすぐられた数分間のショートフィルムを手軽に見られるのが素晴らしい。これって、短編映画市場に与える影響のポテンシャルも高いんじゃなかろうか

□ プライベートでは、プラズマでスカパー、iPadで動画、Macで読み物がデフォルトパターン。意外にもiPadとMacの用途が、当初の目的と逆転しがち。

□ iPadが、コンテンツやリファレンスを呼び出すデマンドのモニターとして快適に感じられるのは、興味を引き出す対象に文字通り「手を伸ばして」リーチする感覚に由来するのかもしれない。

□ そう言えばiPad上で光ピンセットを遠隔操作して分子に干渉する"iTweezers"と言った、生物学への応用も期待出来る技術も開発されているけど、iPadのタッチインターフェースがどれだけ完成されているか良く分かる

□ パイレーツ4のサントラ、合唱部分のスコアにEric Whitacreが起用されていると知って驚いた。たぶん日本でも現代合唱曲や管弦楽を嗜む人には馴染みの存在かもしれない。

□ Eric Whitacreのソーシャル合唱団プロジェクト、Virtual Choir 2.0はTEDでも注目を集めたし、今年のSage Commons Congressのクローズにも使用されたくらいなので、アートと学際分野では最も旬な人かもしれない。

□ Discovery.chで『聖書のミステリーを解明する』でソドムとゴモラ。考古学を軸に展開される象徴論や天文学、兵器物理などの学際的な考証の道筋をスリリングな語り口で繋いで面白い。シュメールの星座盤の最新の解読結果から、アテン群小惑星の軌道を割り出し、その衝突が聖書に記述された説

>> http://japan.discovery.com/episode/index.php?eid1=877420&eid2=000000


□ tweet storage.

□ PhDを得る為の総体的コストとリターンに偏向性があると言うことは、学術や産業が向き合うべき問題が、現実に即応していない反映でもある。この両者の需給を巧く調整する機関を確立すべきかも

>> http://nature.asia/jtZDul


NatureJapan: PhD大量生産時代


NatureJapan:「人工シナプス:直感再現 脳型コンピューターへ一歩--物材機構など」
Short-term plasticity and long-term potentiation mimicked in single inorganic synapses
The Ag2S inorganic synapse has interesting characteristics with analogies to an individual biological synapse, and achieves dynamic memorization in a single device without the need of external preprogramming.

A psychological model related to the process of memorizing and forgetting is also demonstrated using the inorganic synapses. Our Ag2S element indicates a breakthrough in mimicking synaptic behaviour essential for the further creation of artificial neural systems that emulate characteristics of human memory.

平成23年度DDBJオープンシステムプロジェクトの募集開始(2011.6.20) ddbj.nig.ac.jp/whatsnew/2011/… DDBJ の大規模計算機環境をデータ解析やプログラム開発に利用可能(7/11申込締切) #DDBJ



Pre-existing hash tag #worm11 takes precedence. So it's #worm11 for the 18th International C. elegans Meeting Jun 22-26, UCLA.

ネイチャージオサイエンス掲載論文です。「植林は温暖化防止にほとんど貢献しない、カナダ研究」国際ニュース : AFPBB News http://nature.asia/jcmKAe


NatureJapan: ハトの群れ飛行は高コスト
Nature Highlights: Flying in a flock comes at a cost in pigeons / http://nature.asia/kRXQvI

□ NatureJapan:
ネイチャー掲載論文です。「花粉症の原因、立体構造解明 京大グループ」京都新聞 http://nature.asia/iwNUmc

4 Stars for Metadata: an Open Ranking System for Library, Archive, and Museum Collection Metadata - goo.gl/GJBr5

The library, archives and museums (i.e. LAM) community is increasingly interested in the potential of Linked Open Data to enable new ways of leveraging and improving our digital collections, as recently illustrated by the first international Linked Open Data in Libraries Museums and Archives Summit (LOD-LAM) Summit in San Francisco.


The power of Open - stories (including ours on page 40) of creativity tinyurl.com/powerofopen

The Power of Open collects the stories of those creators. Some are like ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative news organization that uses CC while partnering with the world’s largest media companies.

Others like nomadic filmmaker Vincent Moon use CC licensing as an essential element of a lifestyle of openness in pursuit of creativity. The breadth of uses is as great as the creativity of the individuals and organizations choosing to open their content, art and ideas to the rest of the world.

【医学・癌】Annals of Oncology study:男性の18歳時の体重が、10年後のがん罹患率に関連。 http://oxford.ly/k8tvKw #cancer #weight #obesity

new @openhelix tutorial pages: recent @biomedcentral research articles that cite & use database/resource http://bit.ly/mEdF2Y

the_Node: 発生生物学上の数理的モデリング
Read Natascha's summary of the mathematical and computational modelling talks at the BSDB/BSCB meeting. http://fb.me/ZUc0VVYI
Examining the parameter sets generated by the computational analysis revealed that they corresponded to either one or the other, or a mixture of the two mechanisms.

This suggested that the two experimentally proposed mechanisms can function independently or in concert via the same network topology with the relative contribution of the two mechanisms depending on the quantitative tuning of parameters.

Finally, Marie-Anne showed that inter-species differences in vulval patterning can be achieved by quantitative modulations of the very same network.

Kristin Douglas uses concept mapping to teach undergrad developmental biology course. #worm11 (Concept maps explained: http://t.co/X2U2OOL )

Beautiful pics of embryos here: RT @the_Node it's the Node's first birthday, we are giving away desktop calendars fb.me/BGRPiWUM

iscbsc: ISCB Student Council: アフリカの為の次世代シーケシング
RSG Eastern Africa co-organizes EMBO Global Exchange Lecture Course - Next Generation Sequencing for Africa: Reg... http://bit.ly/kUsW63
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies have drawn the attention of the scientific community due to its unprecedented power and relatively low cost. This new technology has huge potential to accelerate agricultural biotechnology.

The objective of this lecture course is to familiarize researchers and students in Africa to the potential of NGS in agricultural biotechnology and to learn the best practices in this fast evolving field. This Lecture Course will be based on a series of conceptual, background and methodological lectures centred on Next Generational Sequencing (NGS).

Article-Level Metrics Now Available for AIP Advance: New tool measures article usage in open access journal http://ow.ly/5n2Yr #AIP_ADV #oa

AIP_Publishing: ロバストな三体間の水シミュレーション
Robust three-body water simulation model http://ow.ly/5pOU8 #AIP_JCP #chemical #physics #research

AIP_Publishing: FedExが輸送監視システムを応用した気候測定センサー、SenseAwareを開発。
Shipping Sensor Works for Climate Science: Sensor developed by FedEx increases rigor of measurements...http://ow.ly/5nGwJ #AIP_ISNS

AIP_Publishing: 驚異となる病原性大腸菌に対抗するDNAシーケンス技術
New Technology Helps Fight Deadly Outbreaks: DNA sequencers are helping combat outbreaks of deadly diseases http://ow.ly/5pvsg #AIP_ISNS

Rapid DNA Sequencing of German EHEC E. coli 13 10 runs in 36 on Life Technologies will air 06/24. http://tobtr.com/s/2022417 #BlogTalkRadio


GenomeBiology: 自動化された仮説生成を介した教師なし生物学知識発見プラットフォーム
BioGraph: a data integration & mining platform for biomedical knowledge discovery bit.ly/jf7GE7 #genomics

appliedgenomics: Applied Genomics
Next Generation Gene Sequencing Brings Personal Genomics Closer. Press Release: bit.ly/lCHfAl Abstract: bit.ly/lMTNXs

genomicslawyer: Dan Vorhaus
Omicia releases genome annotation software (incl. for clinical/commercial applications) http://bit.ly/l1XpJ6 HT @neandrothal @EricTopol

VAAST Potential for New Genome Mutation Hunting Software
“VAAST is an integrative tool that uses a number of inputs to rank the [DNA] variants based on clinical gene importance in an automatic way,” Reese told Bio-IT World. The mutation tracking software is designed to screen individual human genome sequences for clinically significant mutations.

LiebertOnline: Mary Ann Liebert Inc
Nucleic Acid Therapeutics (Formerly Oligonucleotides): Polymers in Small-Interfering RNA Delivery http://ow.ly/5o3us #openaccess #oa

PLoSCompBiol: テンソル計算を用いた重み付け共発現ネットワークの統合的な解析
Integrative Analysis of Many Weighted Co-Expression Networks Using Tensor Computation ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3…

Can humans sense the Earth's magnetism? : http://eurekalert.org/e/414h

EurekAlertAAAS: 『不気味な遠隔作用』を伴わない量子マジック
'Quantum magic' without any 'spooky action at a distance' : http://eurekalert.org/e/41cJ
A team of researchers led by Anton Zeilinger at the University of Vienna and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences used a system which does not allow for entanglement, and still found results which cannot be interpreted classically.

The physicists used a "qutrit" ? a quantum system consisting of a single photon that can assume three distinguishable states. "We were able to demonstrate experimentally that quantum mechanical measurements cannot be interpreted in a classical way even when no entanglement is involved," Radek Lapkiewicz explains.

AlanTuringYear: 『計算可能性』に関するジャーナル創刊
COMPUTABILITY: Birth of an exciting new journal on Turing's birthday: http://bit.ly/mytI2V #Turing #Computability #ATY #computer
The journal Computability is a peer reviewed international journal that is devoted to publishing original research of highest quality, which is centered around the topic of computability.

The subject is understood from a multidisciplinary perspective, recapturing the spirit of Alan Turing (1912-1954) by linking theoretical and real-world concerns from computer science, mathematics, biology, physics, computational neuroscience, history and the philosophy of computing.

チューリング生誕100周年ジャーナル bit.ly/mytI2V のチーフエディターがブラトゥカさんな理由は、次数次数したジャーナルじゃなくて、物理や生物との関わりを重視したい的な気持ちなのかな。まあ最近のブラトゥカさんはヴァイラウフ次数とかやってて次数次数してるけど

先日読んだ SIGMOD2009 で大規模RDFのJoinの高速化とかスケーラビリティの論文を書いた著者2名が、VLDB2010 に新しい論文を出してる。すごすぎる


