Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

トイレトレーニング始めました。(Potty Training Started)

2020-12-06 10:01:16 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you today?

So, my daughter, May-chan, turned 2 years old on November 30th, and Andy and I started potty training with her about a couple of months before her birthday.

On her 18 month check-up, we asked her doctor about potty training and she introduced us this popular book then.

We ordered it on Amazon.

Even if we purchased it, I read through it very briefly on the first couple of topics and I bet that Andy even hasn't opened the front page yet. LOL

Anyways, as far as I had a glance through some pages on the book, it said that the age from 20months through 30months would be the good timing to start a potty training. So, I felt like trying it with May-chan too.

Another reason why I thought that it would be a good timing for May-chan to start a potty training was because she seemed to be interested in me using toilet paper or flushing the toilet when I went to bathroom.

Then, Andy and I talked and decided to get her a potty in the beginning of August.

This is what we chose.

There were also small-size toilet seats attachable to regular toilet seats, but we preferred ones that you could directly put on floor since regular toilet seats were still too high for May-chan to sit on by herself anyways. Besides, the one that we chose looked very similar to regular toilet seats and I thought that it would make May-chan feel like imitating us more. (The biggest reason why we chose that one was because it was most reasonable. LOL)

So, when we first received her potty, May-chan really liked it. It's something very new to her, and she always enjoyed sitting down on it next to me whenever I went to bathroom.

So, I thought, "Oh, she might be ready for a potty training now!" and from that day, I tried to make her sit on her potty as frequently as possible in the next couple of days, but it was obviously too much for her. She ended up saying "No!" and not wanting to sit down on her potty anymore.

Then, I decided to take a break and stopped saying anything about potty for a couple of months. Then, May-chan voluntarily started sitting down on her potty lately again.

"Yes! She's got interested in potty again!!" I decided to restart a potty training. This time I was a little bit more seriously working on it than the last time.

First off, I moved her potty from our master bathroom to the guest bathroom which was right next to the living room.

According to the book, it said that it's a very effective way to leave your child with no pants and underwear for the couple of days.

The method is that you basically leave your child without pants or underwear and once she/he starts peeing, you grab and carry her/him to the potty. And even if one drop got in the potty, you praise her/him a lot.

Then, she/he will learn the rule, "pee in the potty" in a couple of days.

I talked to Andy about the method and we decided to give it a shot. Though, we needed to get something ready before we started.

Carpet cleaner. (For pets)

As you just imagined, to practice this method, you have to prepare yourself to clean pee on carpet or wood floor very often. So ,we thought that we would need some cleaning supply for the training.

Anyways, we started it. May-chan was spending a day like this for the first several days.

On the very first day, all I learned was how hard it is to put even one drop of pee in the potty!

Needless to say, I kept my eye on May-chan to be ready for the moment pretty much all the time, but when the moment really came, I got more freaked out than May-chan did. While I was freaking out, May-chan had been done with the business already. (Dang!)

Oh yeah, one of the important tips about potty training was that you stay calm and don't want to scold the child. So, I tried not to show my disappointment to May-chan and pretended like it was no big deal.

On the first day, we had some chances like that, but however fast I tried to pick up and carry May-chan to the potty, we could never make it. Sometimes she had already finished by the time we reached the potty and at other times she somehow paused to pee at the point when I picked her up and didn't want do it anymore after.

On the second day, several factors miraculously matched and she made pee and poo in the morning, which made both of us super excited and do many high-fives. So, I couldn't help thinking, "Oh my! She might be able to keep going like this!" for the moment, but yeah, potty training is not such an easy and simple thing.

Let me say the result first. May-chan and I haven't made any big progression since then.

Still, there were some progress for sure. Before, May-chan didn't mind it at all even when she peed or pooped in a diaper but now she tells me "Shi-Shi (pee)" when she did.

Also, she still pees on the floor when she's bottom naked, but she sometimes rushes into the bathroom saying "Shi-Shi (pee)!" and sits sown on her potty by herself. (She's already done with peeing at the point though.)

So, what I tried next was make her sit on the potty at certain timings before she started peeing.

She didn't mind sitting still on the potty most of the time even for 15 mins or so at the longest if I read books there, but she never seemed to want to pee in the potty. So, I always ended up thinking, "Okay, maybe you don't need to pee yet." and let her go play. Then, she peed on the floor a min after. LOL

I guess, she kind of built up this formula in her head, "Peeing → Mommy came to pick me up → she put me on the potty", not the one, "Feel like peeing → Sitting on the potty → Peeing in the potty".

The method to leave her bottom naked gave us some progress, but it required me a lot of concentration and I couldn't to do it for many days in a row. So, I sometimes use training pants too.

The pink one on the left was a gift from my best friend, Aki, in Japan. I got the Disney ones at Target.

The one made in Japan is very well made and usually absorbs all the pee very well, but the Disney ones don't and leak some pee all the time. They're cheap though. Haha.

Still, those training pants hold some pee and make my cleaning job easier.

On a meeting of the local toddler class, I asked other moms and the teacher about tips for potty training in general. Then, they gave me these very helpful advice, "If either you or your kid gets stressed out, you can always take a break." or "Yup, the time will come anyways, so you don't have to get stressed out." Thanks to their words, May-chan and I both have been doing a well-balanced, not too easy and not too intense, training so far. (We don't have any deadline to get the training done either.)

As far as I have tried a potty training with May-chan in the last couple of weeks or so, I realized that the training got stuck in the point where each success or failure depends on how quickly I can react to the start of May-chan's peeing rather than May-chan herself tries or not.

So, I'm considering to take a break from the training for a little bit since I'm starting to get tired of it and the seasonal events will keep me busy as well.

May-chan's still interested in potty-related things, so I'm being optimistic to think that she'll eventually learn to go potty and pee there when she comes to be able to get the sensation more strongly.

So, I'm not sure when May-chan's potty training will be really complete yet, but I'd like to stay relaxed to wait for the time to come trusting other experienced moms' advice.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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