Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいの初めてのツリーハント (May-chan's 1st Tree Hunt)

2020-12-14 12:02:43 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

The other day I wrote about our Thanksgiving here and if it's as usual, we're supposed to go tree hunt on Black Friday with Dad&Mom every year.

Though, we couldn't do Thanksgiving with them this year, so they're saying that they'd also skip our usual tree hunt this year as well since they'd been so busy working on finishing their new cabin.

So, Andy and I were thinking, "What do we wanna do this year??" for a while, but we remembered that we canceled our usual tree hunt and ended up getting a tree from a tree shop nearby. So, we made up our mind, "Let's go tree hunt this year!!"


もうすぐクリスマス!(Christmas is right there!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


もうすぐクリスマス!(Christmas is right there!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Here's our last year tree. It was a pretty tree, but getting a tree at a shop nearby wasn't as eventful as our traditional tree hunt.

The forecast was saying that it's going to be a cold day. Plus, it was super windy too.

I asked Andy, "Can we grab a cup of coffee at a Caribou on the way?? Because it's our first family trip in a long time!!" So, we swung by a Caribou before we headed to a tree farm.

The holiday version cup reminded me of my old days when I was working at Caribou for almost 7years. I remembered that I always felt "Oh, it's already Christmas!! This year's design is cute too!" when we received holiday version cups from warehouse.

Andy got a iced chai too.

Our favorite Christmas tree farm is about 2 hour drive from our house. Yeah, Andy's the driver as usual. "It's super windy!" he paid extra attention on driving that day.

We got there! The gift shop building where we usually pay trees was closed due to COVID-19 this year, and they set up everything outside so that we could get a tree and pay with a certain distance from others.

I wanted to use a bathroom after a long drive and a cup of delicious coffee, but thankfully they set up some outdoor toilets there too. While I was using the bathroom, Andy and May-chan were all ready to go hunting a tree.

They already had borrowed a wagon and a saw from the farm.

It was May-chan's first wagon ride, and she was super excited!. May-chan's such a thrill lover, so she was trying to stand up on the wagon even though it's moving.

Let's get it started!

I found this purple painted tree there. We'd done tree hunt some times before, but I'd never seen a painted tree there.

Anyways, we started looking for one favorite tree from millions. May-chan's following after Daddy. She's lately been into doing same things as what we do.

Once she got used to the place, she started enjoying waling around by herself like this.

I wanted to take some pictures of us since it was the first time for us to go out somewhere with 3 of us in the long time, but May-chan didn't look at the camera well. Haha.

This one turned out pretty good.

Here's our tree of this year! Andy usually brings his measuring tape so that he can make sure that the height of the tree is not too tall or too short for our living room ceiling.

Once we decided which tree we liked, we want to cut the tree with a saw on our own. Yup, Andy's always in charge of the power requiring job in the family.

Again, May-chan wants to mimic whatever we do, so...

she lay on the ground like Daddy. Though, she's in his way, so I picked her up in a moment. Haha.

We put the tree on the wagon and carried it to the outdoor tent which they temporarily had set up for this COVID year. At the tent, they nicely cleaned the needles and wrapped the tree with bailing twine.

Andyっちは、「めいをもう少し遊ばせてから帰っても良いけど?」と言っていたんですが、Hit-chanはめっちゃ寒かったので、そのまま帰るようにお願いしました。(笑) めいもAndyっちもまだまだ大丈夫そうでしたけどね。
"We can let May-chan play a little bit more here. What do you think? It's up to you." Andy said. Well, I was freezing already at the point, so said "Let's go home!" Haha. Both May-chan and Andy seemed to be fine hanging out there for a little bit more, but not me.

We went there by my new car which we could put the tree on top of the roof, but again, it was super windy that day, so we ended up loading the tree inside the car just as we used to do with my old car (Gin-chan) like this.

It was actually May-chan's very first real tree hunt, but she absolutely had much fun with it. Andy and I both were debating if we would want to go this year or not until the last minute, but I definitely say that we made a right decision for sure.

We haven't decorated the tree yet, but the thing is how we would be able to protect the tree from our 2 year monster who would destroy everything...LOL

Anyway, this is all about May-chan's first tree hunt! Thank you for reading again!!!

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