Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

7. 第二子妊活日記、第二の案 (7 Infertility Treatment diaries, Plan B-3)

2020-12-20 11:04:02 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hi everyone!

How's your life treating you today?

Okay here's another Second Series article.

Andy and I thought about a way to do another IVF at a clinic in MN with our frozen embryos stored in Japan but unfortunately it turned out impossible.

Then, we considered about a way to do it in Japan again and started feeling that it could happen, we got stuck in front of a big wall, COVID-19.

First off, it's risky enough for us just to make a trip from MN to Japan and vice versa.

Even if we still tried to do it as understanding the risk, there's still a high bar to get over.

That's self-quarantine rule which is that you have to be quarantined for 2 weeks when you land in Japan.

When I go to Japan from MN, I'd fly from Minneapolis directly to Haneda airport in Tokyo.

The guideline says that you're not supposed to use any public transportations from the airport that you landed to a place where you'd be quarantined.

If I could fly to Itami airport in Osaka, it might be possible to ask my younger brother to give me a ride to my parents' house since he lives near the airport. Though, even for transferring to a domestic flight, you have to do self-quarantine for 2 weeks beforehand. So, the only choice that I can take is do self-quarantine around Haneda airport after all.

If I go to Japan with May-chan and do self-quarantine there, we'd have to stay at a hotel in the airport for 2 weeks.

May-chan and I actually stayed one night at the hotel once before taking a flight back from Tokyo to MN.

So, I can imagine what it would be like that May-chan and I stay at the hotel for 2 weeks.

Last time I decided to stay at the hotel just because it was very convenient and easy for both of May-chan and me to be prepared for the long flight, and it was a right decision. Though, one night and 2 weeks are a huge difference.

Plus, May-chan was too little to walk around on her own last time so I didn't have much concern if she would go somewhere and might destroy something at all, but I do have to now. Haha.

Besides, I bet that it's going to be a lot of stress for her not being able to go and walk around as she liked.

Even at our own house where she relatively can walk and play around, she gets stressed out if she didn't go outside. Then, what if she gets stuck in a small room for 2 weeks? I assume that her stress bombs would explode and make her go crazy.

I did some research about others' self-quarantine experiences and found out that some people had to wait for over 20 hours until COVID-19 test results came back or some hotels don't accept people who want to stay for self-quarantine.

So, when I consider all sort of things related to COVID-19, I came to this conclusion. "I might be able to make it if it's me alone, but it's no way that I could do it with May-chan."

Anyways, I want to end this here for today.

Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!

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