Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

感謝祭2020 (Thanksgiving 2020)

2020-12-08 08:39:50 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi everyone!

How's everything going in your life?

Okay, I want to share our Thanksgiving this year here.

This year's Thanksgiving was a little bit different from our usual due to COVID-19 pandemic as you probably assumed. We got another stay-at-home guideline from the governor in the middle of November too.

Our original plan was actually that we would invite Dad&Mom and Brad over our house and Andy's going to cook turkey for the family.

He even had bought a turkey fryer so that he could deep fry one in the yard.

We already had got all the supply for the Thanksgiving dinner from grocery stores, but we ended up deciding to ask Dad&Mom to stay at their place for Thanksgiving this year which was about a couple of days before.

I've mentioned this here some times before, but Dad&Mom have been actually building a cabin and working on the interior by themselves for a while. Until a month ago or so, their contractors were working outdoor and there was not much risk to have a close contact with them. Though, they recently started working inside the house, so we considered about the fact that the number of infected people had increased and also that the governor issued another quarantine guideline too and decided not to take an unnecessary risk and chose "better be safe than sorry" this time. (FYI, Dad&Mom already live in the new cabin, but there are still a lot of places to be finished.)

So, we celebrated Thanksgiving this year just with Brad and 3 of us. We still invited Brad since he had been quarantined very well by working from home or doing curbside pick-up orders only, and it turned out very low-key but still nice.

All we do on Thanksgiving is basically eat lot of food and watch football games every year. So, we were watching a football game before dinner. Yeah, I know, the living room was super messy with May-chan's toys.

May-chan was in a good mood since uncle Brad read books for her. She was actually shy with Brad until a while before, but she seemed to have broken out of the shell for him recently.

Speaking for Thanksgiving dinner this year, Andy skipped to his first challenge deep-frying a turkey since Dad&Mom couldn't make it. So, he cooked steak instead.

Dinner was ready!

Thanks to our grill man, the steak was cooked perfectly.

Brad made himself vegetarian burgers with my homemade buns.

Yeah, it's pretty much of what we did on Thanksgiving this year. LOL

Well, when I think about our usual Thanksgivings, nothing was much different except for what we ate this year and missing Dad&Mom. That fact reminded me how important Thanksgiving dinner is and who you are with to celebrate Thanksgiving in general.

Anyways, I took a picture of us at least and it turned out good.

Okay, this is all about how we spent Thanksgiving day this year.

It was too bad that we could do that with Dad&Mom, but I was still grateful that we could have Brad and spent a day together to remind ourselves how blessed we were with so many things.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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