Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいの2歳の誕生日・後編 (May-chan's 2nd Birthday! vol.2)

2020-12-12 10:44:07 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi there!

How's your day going?

Okay, I want to keep talking about May-chan's 2nd birthday today.

I shared the picture of the cake which I made for her birthday on the last article and thankfully she loved it!

Just same as when I made Andy's BD cake, I took 3 days to finish May-chan cake. Today I want to share a little bit of the process to make the chick cookies here.

When I was thinking about what cake I would like to make for May-chan's BD, I came up with decorating it with chick cookies. So, I first made the cookies some days before her birthday since they would be good for a while. I first drew a chick on a cooking wax paper and cut the cookie dough following the lines.

At the same time, I also made a couple of message plates that I used for Andy's BD cake. I made 2 shaped cookies since May-chan recently mastered to cound 1-10 both in English and Japanese. (For the brown part, I mixed some cocoa powder in the dough. )

I baked them in the oven and they're done! I was actually a little worried how the cookies would turn out since it was my first try. Thankfully, they turned out awesome!

Okay, now back to the story on May-chan's birthday. After the delicious dinner and the successful cake time, it's the present time!!

She's 2 now and able to open her presents on her own!

The presents were 2 books and 2 DVDs of this famous Japanese cat character, Non-Tan!

I actually bought a couple of DVDs of the Non-Tan series when May-chan and I went to Japan last, and they turned out to be a big hit for May-chan recently.

She's enjoyed the DVDs everyday, so I ordered more titles from Amazon Japan.

It was very timely presents for her, so she figured out what they were just from the packages and curiously looked at them close. So, we decided to play one of them for her.

As we expected, she loved it! I was so glad to see her having fun with the DVD.

She actually had received a present from her grandparents in Japan earlier.

The unique design might ring the bell in your head.

The cloths are from SOUSOU which is one of my mom's favorite brands. So, she picked up a couple of cute clothes and sent them to May-chan as her birthday presents. Thank you!

They're still a little bit big on May-chan which means she can wear it for a while!

Like this, we celebrated May-chan's 2nd birthday with much fun and joy. She really loved the dinner, cake and presents, which made Andy and me so happy.

I took a picture that day too. Happy 2nd birthday, honey! Please grow up strong and healthy!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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