Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

初そり遊び (May-chan's first sledding)

2020-12-04 08:18:33 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello everyone!

How's everything going today?

I wrote about this a couple of days ago, but here in MN, we usually get lots of snow in winter and May-chan and I try to play outside in snow as far as both of my physical and mental batteries are charged enough.
(BTW, it's been warm in the last couple of weeks though.)

I frequently say that I'm a very freezy person and it's purely my nature. So, I've never liked being in a cold place ever since I was a child. Even when we got some snow in winter in my hometown, the Southern area of Kyoto, Japan, which was not usual, while other kids in school were so excited and asked their teacher, "Can we play outside in snow for the PE class today instead of doing it in the gym today??" or something, I was thinking, "What? Why do you guys wanna play in snow?? I'd rather have PE class in the gym."

Like that, I preferred being warm home when we got snow also in my childhood, so it's obvious that I don't have any good memories about playing in show, sledding or something, back then. (I was actually a very athletic tomboy and loved playing outside when it's warm, so again, I was simply a very freezy person. Hehe)

Though, while I was playing with May-chan in snow the other day, "Oh, I have sleds in the garage!" I recalled. So, when would I use them but now?? I grabbed them out on our 2nd time snow play this year.


29歳になりました。(I turned to be 29 years old.) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


29歳になりました。(I turned to be 29 years old.) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


These sleds were actually my birthday gift in 2013 from a friend of mine, Scarlet. (Thanks again, hon!)

You know what, to be honest with you, I hadn't felt like playing in snow with the sleds alone until I began to play in snow with May-chan, so those sleds were sitting forever in the garage for 7 years.

Okay, let's ride! "May-chan, come here!"

Oops, she's taking a stop on the way to taste snow on the ground directly. LOL Yeah, she's such a snow eater.

10/22/2020 Fun sled with Mommy 4(マミーとそり遊び4)
I might as well shoot a video too.

Luckily maybe? Out back yard is kind of sloped which is good for sledding.

Of course, May-chan loved her first sledding, but I actually loved more. Haha.

Again, May-chan was more into tasting snow on different spots in the yard most of the time. LOL

Anyways, whether you wish or not, we'll get lots of snow from now on in MN anyways, so I'd like to make sure that both of my physical and mental tanks will be charged enough to play in snow with May-chan as often as possible!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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