Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ガスレンジ問題完結 (The gas range issue is now resolved)

2022-12-09 10:23:16 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi folks!

How's everything going today?

Okay, this is also about an event we had last September and October.

First off, this is about our gas range issue.

念願のガスレンジと換気扇!(Our dream gas stove and vent) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


I wrote about this on the article above, but n the beginning of September, Andy and I purchased a gas range and installed a fan and vent to discharge smoke and steam outside of the house, which we had wanted for a long time.

After the big innovation, both Andy and I were really amazed how wonderful the new gas range and vent were in our kitchen, but we noticed something extremely important some days after.

When we were looking at new gas ranges, one of the options that I couldn't skip for a new range was "It has a proof setting".
(It's because I recently bake bread a lot and also want to make "Natto", fermented soy beans, from scratch at home.)

So, Andy looked through a lot of gas ranges and also made sure about the proof option with a sales man at a retail store or the brand online website several times, and then he ordered one.

Anyways, I was baking bread as usual, "Oh, the new oven has a proof setting, so why don't I use it??" I decided to try to use the setting for the first time. Though, wait a sec, where's the "Proof" button??

I couldn't find "Proof" button on the oven at all, so I checked an online instruction of the same brand ovens too. Then, all the information that I could get from them was "For proof setting, you press 'proof button'" Oh well, are you kidding? There's no such a button on my oven!!!

So, Andy called the sales man from the retail store who guaranteed, "Yup, it has a proof mode!" and asked what's going on. In conclusion, the instruction on the brand website was wrong. They said that our oven had a proof mode even though it actually didn't!!!

The sales man also read the wrong instruction from the brand and told us that it had a proof mode, so it's not his fault at all. I feel bad for him too.

The sales guy was actually super nice and responded to us very quickly. He gave us new 3 substitute gas ranges and ovens WITH a proof mode and said, "You guys can keep using the one you have now until the new gas range will be delivered."
(Still, any of the substitute gas ranges are more expensive than the original one and we still had to pay the difference. A part of me a little bit expected that they would say, "You guys don't have to!" or something.)

In the beginning of October, which was about a month after the unexpected incident, we finally got a new gas range which hopefully this time would be our long-time friend.


The gas range part is pretty much same as the one before.

Yup, the first thing I checked with this new oven was if it really had a "Proof button" or not. LOL

It's been a couple of months since we started using this new gas range and oven and I love it so far.

Honestly speaking, it's not the end of world even if it didn't have a proof mode for baking bread, but of course, it's really helpful. I'd definitely need the option when I make "Natto", fermented soy beans, and I can't wait to use it.

Oh, we actually med a minor issue with this new oven too, which the little fan made kind of a big noise. So, we had to call a service center to send us somebody to fix the problem too.

Andy had been already so tired of dealing to fix all the issues with the first oven, so he was really stressed up when he had to call somebody to fix the fan noise. Though, everything is done now and our new gas range and oven works pretty good.

Anyways, we didn't expect that we'd meet such a rare issue through getting a new range and oven, but overall both Andy and I really enjoy cooking with the new gas range.

We really want to use the new range and oven for a long, long time from now.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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