Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めい2歳で初めてのひな祭り (May-chan's First Girl's Day)

2021-03-19 10:27:20 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Me? I have no motivation today.

It's Friday morning now, but I've already run out of my energy for the week. So, I let May-chan watch TV for a while and during it, I'm having a cup of coffee and munching my favorite Japanese chocolate cookies. Haha.
(You should have such a lazy day sometimes, shouldn't you?)

March 3rd was Girl's day in Japan!

I remember that my parents used to celebrate it with Chirashi-zushi (a type of sushi) or colorful rice crackers for me when I was little, but since I grew up, I hadn't celebrate the day for a long time.

Even after May-chan was born, I was like, "Oh, it was Girl's day yesterday!" and remembered about it from others' blog or something, so I didn't do anything special for her on the day in the last couple of years.
(Besides that, May-chan was too young to understand what's going on anyways, which made me think, "Well, even if I did something, she wouldn't remember it anyways.")

Though, she's now 2 years old and amazes me in the speed of the growth especially these days. So, I felt like, "Oh, she'd at least know that it's a special day today even if she wouldn't understand the meaning of the event." and decided to celebrate it together this year.

I came up with it only a couple of days before the event day and hadn't been to United Noodles (The biggest Asian grocery store in MN) for a while due to the quarantined life, so I simply made Temaki-zushi (Hand-wrapped sushi) just with the ingredients that I already had in the house.
(I asked Andy which style of sushi he would prefer, Temaki (Hand-wrapped) or Chirashi (Bowled), and he said Temaki.)

The toppings that I prepped were Japanese style omelet (a little sweet, seasoned with sugar), cucumber, Natto (fermented soybeans), shrimp, calamari, avocado, carrot, bell pepper, Korean BBQ style pork belly and mayo crab.

If you're in Japan, you can get a set of assorted fresh Sashimi at any grocery store, but we're here in MN. It's kind of hard to find Sashimi-grade seafood near our house, so I usually fix these ingredients for Hand-wrapped sushi.
(You can take out fresh sashimi from a Japanese restaurant or get sashimi-grade seafood at Coastal Seafoods in Minneapolis or other places, but it's a little bit too much work or pricy for me.)

Canned tuna with mayo is also one of the popular toppings for Hand-wrapped sushi in Japan, but I usually make only canned crab with mayo since both tuna mayo and crab mayo are too much for us to finish and we like crab mayo better.

I boiled the shrimp and calamari, so May-chan could eat them, but she didn't like them so much.

She wasn't a fan of sushi rice (rice seasoned with sushi vinegar) either, but she loved the homemade Natto (fermented soybeans)! She actually had been bored of them for a while, but she got the craving back! (Yay!)

Oh well, as you probably noticed it, but it's nothing different from us eating sushi as regular dinner so far. So, I wanted to add some taste of Girl's day on the regular dinner and recalled that I had something perfect for that.

May-chan's holing it.

It's a wall decoration and a farewell gift from my best friend, Aki's mom, when I moved here from Japan.

It's handmade by Aki's mom and she drew the lovely doll couple on one side of the wood board for Girl's day. (In Japan, families who have a daughter display a set of dolls on Girl's day.) On the other side, she drew a cute bunny and the moon so that I could display it to celebrate the harvest moon in fall. So, I've put the board on the table right by the front door showing the doll side in spring and the bunny and moon side in fall so that I can enjoy the seasons.

Besides making the sushi, I also thought about making 3 color-layered Jello as the dessert, but I didn't get motivation enough to make something that I wasn't sure if May-chan would eat or not. So, I ended up not making any dessert for the event this year.

Still, I took a family picture and I bet that May-chan knew that it was something special at least, so I'm totally happy about it.

I want to make a sushi cake (Just sushi looking like a cake) or 3 color-layered Jello next year if May-chan would like to eat them.

Okay, this is all how we celebrated Girl's day this year!!!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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