Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

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我が家の一週間の夕飯メニュー (Our Dinner for a week)

2021-06-01 08:30:08 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How's your life treating you today?

So, I want to talk about food today. Both in Japan and the US, every family has their own recipes and meal style.

When I used to live with my family in Japan, my mother cooked dinner everyday when we kids were little, and when she started working and we kids were bigger, we all took cook's duty in turn.

We also had a tacit understanding about 2 rules in my family.

One was that the cook decided what to make and the eaters didn't complain about it but appreciated it.

The second one was that the cook didn't have to clean after dinner, and the eaters were in charge of it.

7 members were in my family, which means that we always had 6 people other than the cook of the day to clean after dinner. So, it's our family habit to do "Rock, Scissors and Paper' to decide who's going to do what, such as taking the dirty dishes to the sink, washing dishes, wiping dishes or making after-dinner tea for everybody etc...

What I recall often about such my childhood family dinner now is some heartwarming moments. You know, we did "Rock, Scissors and Paper" every single night for the cleaning roles, and it's not unusual that a same person lost 3 days in a row and had to wash dishes which was the least popular task. In other words, there's sometimes a lucky person who won 3 days in a row and only needed to bring dishes from the table to the sink.

Though, the lucky person sometimes generously offered a trade to the unlucky and disappointed person saying, "I'll trade you and do dishes today."

I also witnessed that someone offered a trade just because the person had a bad day or something. Yeah, it's a very heartwarming memory to me.

Again, I still recall those childhood memories often and sometimes miss them.

Of course, I want make it a habit with my new family here having a warm dinner time at the same table, but it hasn't been a stable routine yet probably because the culture difference between Andy and me is kind of related too.

I talked about this before here, but Andy and I tend to individually eat different stuff at different times if we don't plan anything specific, so we're not used having dinner at the same table with all of us together.

Andy also wants to make a dinner time a family time, so we've tried to make a meal plan for the week beforehand so that we can eat same stuff at the same table together.

Anyways, today I want to share dinner menus that we enjoyed one week.

Monday. One of our favorite dishes, Peperoncino, spaghetti simply seasoned with garlic, salt&pepper and olive oil.

It doesn't look so delicious in the picture, but it was tasty as always. We usually cook Bella mushroom and Italian sausage for the sides.

The Peperoncino wasn't good enough as a source of veggies, so I made salad too. It's made with Daikon radish, cucumber, carrot, tuna and mayo.

Tuesday. Mapo tofu. I usually make it referring to a recipe of one of the most famous Chinese cooks in Japan.

I also stir-fried some asparagus and bell peppers with peanut sauce.

I didn't know this even after I'd married Andy for almost 11 years, but he liked Mapo tofu as well as he even said, "I could eat Mabo tofu a lot like pizza." Wow, it was very surprising for me to know that Mabo tofu ranks with Pizza in him.

The combination of Mapo tofu and white rice is the best! Andy usually doesn't eat much rice, but he did with Mapo tofu that day.

Wednesday. Pulled pork sandwiches.

Andy had taken more than 12 hours to cook the pulled pork one time and we had frozen them in some portions, so all we needed to do was defrosted one portion and seasoned it. Andy and I usually season the meat individually as each likes.

I homemade the sweet buns and made some Coleslaw which made the best combination with pulled pork.

Thursday. We had some left over Mapo tofu and Coleslaw, so I made some fried rice with shrimp as an entree.

Friday. We made Fish&Chips. I cooked some frozen fries and made some Daikon radish and cucumber salad with homemade sesame oil dressing.

I usually ask Andy to make batter for Fish&Chips because he's good at it, but this time I tried a recipe with good reviews that I found online.

I like Andy's batter, but the recipe from online was pretty tasty as well.

I actually loved the asparagus, and my homemade tartar sauce was as delicious as usual.

We hung out with Mika-chan on Saturday and had McDonald's for lunch, so Andy and I separately munched something light for dinner at night.

Sunday was Mother's day, so we celebrated it with Korean BBQ!

80% of the veggies on the plate would go to my stomach, so I picked up what I liked for green. I love Konjac which is pretty much same as Shirataki.

お肉はAndyっちがUnited Noodles(アジアンスーパー)のお肉コーナーで見つけてくれた骨付きカルビ。
Andy found these sliced ribs at United Noodles, so we tried them.

The meat was a little bit on the firm side, but you know, Korean BBQ sauce can make anything delicious anyways, so I honestly enjoyed a lot of white rice just with the grilled veggies and Korean BBQ sauce.

Okay, it's being a long article, but this is all about our dinner menu of a week.

The record of our meals is nothing special for others, but I bet it's going to be a precious family memory when I read this back some years later like, "Oh, we're eating this back then!" or something.

I'm kind of thinking that I'll keep recording our family dinner and sometimes share it here too.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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