Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

新米ミネソタンさんと久しぶりにデート (A date with my Japanese friend)

2021-07-23 10:16:08 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, it's been a while since Andy and I got fully vaccinated, and I personally started socializing more recently too. (It's still a few times though.)

The other day I had a morning date with one of my few and precious Japanese friends in MN, R-san.


新米ミネソタンさんと朝食デート (Breakfast Date) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


新米ミネソタンさんと朝食デート (Breakfast Date) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


As far as I remember, this was the last time when we hung out before the pandemic.

It's already 2 years ago and thanks to R-san for inspiring and giving me this idea, "Oh, maybe I should go to Japan with May-chan now!" on the date, I could really make up my mind to take May-chan to Japan shortly after then. Seriously, the decision turned out the best that I'd ever made. Considering May-chan's age at the time and the pandemic blown out in the year following, I believe that the timing wasn't better than anytime else.

R-san and I had been in touch sometimes, and I got some advice and information about Japanese schools here too. Around when we both got vaccinated, "Let's get reunited!" we started planning for a date.

This is our usual and R-san knows more nice and fancy places to hang out at, and she suggested this nice cafe in Wayzata.

Here it is.


Penny's Coffee



I used to work in Wayzata, but they were not here back then.

When I worked at Caribou in the town, I went to the town almost everyday, but I don't hang out at the fancy town anymore after I quit the job.

"Wow! This is a quite different place from what I knew!" I was surprised. The entire town looked so different because they'd done some big constructions in the town and also a lot of the shops and restaurants were changed.

R-san kindly sent me the link of the cafe beforehand, and I looked at what they had on the menu. So, I was looking forward to trying a couple of their pastries, but the pastry showcase was actually empty when we got in the shop.

Just in case, I asked the girl at the register, but her answer was that they only serve 2 kinds of crepes at the time. Dang!

ハムとチーズのクレープ。これならめいも食べるかなぁと思ったんですが、全然食べませんでした。(笑) 家に持って帰ったら、Andyっちが気に入って食べてくれたのと、お腹が空いたHit-chanも美味しく頂きました。
So, I got this Ham&Cheese crepe instead since I thought that May-chan would eat it too. Though, May-chan didn't eat it at all. LOL I actually took it back home and then Andy really loved it and I also enjoyed it too.

I assumed that May-chan wouldn't be able to sit still inside the store, so "Let's sit and chat on a bench outside!" R-san and I had originally planned, but once we got in the shop, "I want to sit down on the chair!" May-chan said. So, why not? We changed our first plan and decided to enjoy the coffee inside. (Only one more person was sitting in the store at the time.)

May-chan first got shy with R-san, but she opened her heart shortly after since R-san friendly spoke to May-chan in Japanese which's familiar to her as Mommy's language.

It was the first date with R-san in the last 2 years, but there's zero awkward moment and we enjoyed chatting about miscellaneous stuff as usual. (Mostly, I talked to her and she listened.)

In a little while, May-chan started whining, so we got out of the shop.

Hit-chanにとって、新米ミネソタンさんはできる女。(笑) この日もわざわざシャボン玉を持ってきてくれて、めいの為に飛ばしてみせてくれました。(感謝)
For me, R-san is such a reliable lady. Haha. She actually brought a bottle of bubble solution and made some bubbles so that May-chan could stay entertained. (Big thanks!)

May-chan was super excited to see the bubbles since she always played with them in our house yard. Though, she wanted to hold the bottle on her own as always (which means she'd spill it 100%), so I made it finished at the point. LOL

We just slowly walked around the town chatting and said good-bye when R-san's son was coming home from his summer camp soon.

It was such a great and refreshing time for me that I could talk to someone about whatever I wanted to talk in my mother language.

Even for May-chan, it was a nice opportunity to see and talk to someone who also spoke Japanese like Mommy. I'm so glad and lucky to give her a situation where she could experience hearing very natural Japanese conversations.

And this is also our usual as well, but I got a lot of nice things like kids toys etc...from R-san that day too. (What's really nice to me is that R-san always asks me if I would want it or not before she gives me somthing.)

Yeah, I'm not a social person at all, but this date reminded me that such a fun time with my close friends was essential for me to enjoy my life more.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!

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