Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

時差ぼけ解消したよ! (May-chan's jet lag is over!!)

2019-11-26 10:44:31 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

How are you doing today?

So, I've been working on catching up with all the pictures and stories that I haven't shared here, but it's also good to talk about something timely sometimes too, isn't it? (Even though I said it, I took about a week just to finish writing this article, so it might not be timely anymore. Dang.)

May-chan and I stayed at my parents' house in Japan for 7 weeks from September to October and had a great time with my family and friends there.

It was awesome that we could spend such a long time in Japan, but we had a hard time to fix May-chan's jet lag when we're back home in MN.

May-chan is our first child, so neither Andy nor I had any knowledge about kid's jet lag in general, and we both were surprised that it's supposed to take much longer to fix jet lag than we expected.

Besides the basic difficulty, May-chan unfortunately got a cold from a couple days before we left Japan, which was the very first time in her life and might have made the fixing process harder than what it's supposed to be.

Here's the articleabout the time right after we arrived MN, and I talked about her condition.

I wrote about this on the article that I linked above, but there were 2 important information that you should know to fix your kid's jet lag.

1: It's harder to fix a jet lag after a trip, "From Japan to the US" rather than "From the US to Japan".

2: You can shift your sleep time only 1 hour a day in general. (Which means that you usually take 14 days to fix the jet lag betweeen MN and Japan since there's 14 hour difference between them.)

I've written May-chan's diary since she's born and recorded things like her diet and sleep schedule. So, I was already writing down the time and hours of her sleep cycle on the note but made a chart with the data so that I could grasp her sleep cycle better.

This is the one that I first made. I colored the time range of when May-chan slept.

その後、最初に作っていたチャートをどこかで間違ってしまい、新たに書き直し。(笑) 真ん中に引いている縦の黒線がお昼の12時です。
Then, I messed up with the first one at some point and made a new one. Haha. The black vertical line is noon.

The chart starts from October 23rd which was the next day after May-chan and I flew back home from Japan, but we let May-chan sleep as much as she wants anytime since she was sick at the point.

After a week or so, she was pretty much recorvered thanks to antibiotics, and I finally started working on fixing her jet lag.

The red line is the day that I started adjusting May-chan's sleep cycle.

On the first day, I actually hadn't researched anything about tips to fix kid's jet lag online and treid to move May-chan's bed time about 5 hours ahead at once and woke her up 5 hours earlier then the time she woke up the day before.

Though, it turned out to be a big fail. Not only May-chan, but also I was useless even when I was up, and we both ended up taking short naps at weird timings.

So, I gave it up after the first trial and looked up only information about kid's jet lag, and it taught me that you should shift the bed time only one hour a day.

On the first day that I started adjusting May-chan's sleep cycle, she wnet to bed at 6:30am and woke up at 4pm.

So, my plan was that I would wake her up at 3pm and put her in bed at 5:30am on the next day and then wake her up at 2pm and put her in bed at 4:30am on the day after...which is pretty much that I kept waking her up 1 hour earlier than the day before.

If this way went well, I could get May-chan back to her normal sleep cycle which was "go to bed at 7pm and wake up at 7am".

On Day 2, May-chan was actually up 2 hours earlier than Day 1 without me waking her up and mede me feel, "Oh great! If she'd keep doing this, it wouldn't take 2 weeks!!" Though, things didn't go that easily and went back and forth everyday.

Still, I could surely shift her bed time back to normal, and May-chan started going to bed around 7pm in 10days or so.

"Phew, we're so close!" I was starting to be very relieved, but there was another problem coming up next, which May-chan suddenly started crying in the middle of night.

Even when she fell asleep around 7pm, she woke up and cried in 4-5hours or even a couple of hours sometimes

She sometimes woke up in the middle of the night before too, but back then, if we put a pacifier back in her mouth or she did it on her own, she calmly went back to sleep right away.

Though, in the process to fix her jet lag, once she woke up in the middle of the night, she didn't go back to sleep at all and cried harder and harder standing up and holding the side of the crib.

I usually waited for 5mins or so and saw how she would do by herself, but she didn't stop crying until I held her up and cuddled with her in our bed. (Once I cuddled with her in our bed, she went back to sleep shortly.)

To be honest, I didn't want to make it a habit and tried to make her sleep in her crib, but I ended up cuddling and sleeping with her in our bed when I ran out of my energy.

At the same time when May-chan had a hard time sleep through the entire night, she also had some minor problems too. She got dry skin and rash on her thighs, which is still going on, and also hives probably from food allergy. Plus, I wasn't sure if the room temperature was warm enough for her since the weather was getting colder at the time too. For those multiple facts, I couldn't tell if the reason why May-chan woke up in the middle of the night was just because of the process to fix her sleep cycle or something else.

Anyways, I tried to see how things would go with May-chan's condition by putting vaseline on her skin frequently, keeping a possible allergen away from her diet and adding more clothes on her pajamas.

To make a long story short, her night cry was from adjusting her sleep cycle, so she stopped crying in the middle of the night in a couple of days after she fit back in her normal sleep cycle.

As my chart above again, I started adjusting her sleep cycle on October 30th, and she stopped crying in the middle of the night and started sleeping through the entire night on November 14th, so it means that I took 2 weeks to fix her jet lag after all.

Oh well, after the a little tough 2 weeks, I realized how nice and easy it is that May-chan wakes up and goes to bed in the same schedule.

Okay, this is all about my jet lag story!! Thanks for reading again!

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