Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

我が家の裏ガレージ (Our back garage)

2019-11-19 15:30:12 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Here in MN, we've go in the snowy winter already, but I want to talk about this which happened in July when you still could walk around just in T-shirt.

We have 2 garages with our house, and the one is connected with the house and the other one is in the back yard.

I only use the front door to park my car but don't even step in the back garage more than a couple of times a year.

So, what do we use the back garage for?? Yeah, we store things like our lawn mower and snow blower, and our brother, Brad, had actually occupied most of the space with his car stuff.

Brad occupied most of the space in the back garage for some years and finally moved his stuff out last summer after Andy asked him to million times. Haha.

Like I said first, I don't use the back garage at all so was half-listen, no, zero-listen to what he talked about the garage. LOL Still, I could get that he was saying that rain leaked inside the garage.

It's a little bit waste of his time and energy, but Andy always kindly explains to me what the issue is and how he wants to fix it about his projects in general. Sorry, but I just can't care about so much about what doesn't really bug my personal space. He actually knows it and still tries to explain things for me.

Anyways, Andy wanted to fix a couple of parts of the back garage last summer and asked some friends for help since he couldn't handle it by himself. So, this is about the day that we had the friends over our house and did the project together.

Dad&Mom, Brad, Lorin, Abe, and Tom&Kat kindly came over to help us on their precious weekend.

As for the pile of sand in front of the garage, Andy ordered it for the project a couple of days before.

May-chan, Kat and I were not counted as a worker for the project, so we went out for a walk close to our house.

We stopped by a Caribou first, walked on the usual trail and then hung out at the park by the trail. Kat treated me an iced coffee. Thanks!

May-chan didn't have stranger anxiety at all so she really liked playing with Kat outside on such a beautiful day. (She still doesn't get so shy with strangers that bad though.)

If I remember it correctly, May-chan tried to ride on a swing for the first time on the day.

We took a picture of us too.

While we're just having fun and relaxing time, the project had been done already.

The insulation in the wall was the biggest concern for Andy, but luckily, water didn't go in so much.

After the project, we had delivery pizza together and then ended the day.

Andy says that the project was still just a small part of the entire project for the back garage, but everything went very smoothly on the day thanks to the big help from our family and friends, which made Andy relieved and happy.

The day reminded me that "Sweet and kind friends are priceless."

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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