Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

また夫婦で髪を切ってもらったよ。 (Couple Hair Cuts)

2019-11-17 12:29:58 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you today?

So, I've been catching up with all the stories and pictures in the past here recently, and this is also an article that I already wrote before the Japan trip.

Yeah, I know that you might want to say, "Is it that before?" but I hope you'll still enjoy it.

Well, I've said this often here, but I'm so shy and don't like going to get a haircut so much.

I don't mind having a stylist cut my hair so much but don't like the awkward time to have a small talk with the stylist.

I didn't like the uncomfortable time at a hair salon when I was in Japan, but here in MN, I have to do the awkward small talk in English and pay tips as well (In Japan, we don't have to pay tips to a stylist.). So, I was feeling like, "I don't wanna spend that much money for a okay hair cut and an uncomfortable chat with a stranger!" and didn't go to a hair salon for a while.

Though, a hair life savor appeared in my life! She's one of my Japanese friends in MN, Mika-chan.

We met through my blog, and she went to a cosmetic school here and is now a professional hair stylist.

Ever since she first cut my hair a couple of years ago, I've asked her to do my hair. She has such a lovable personality and a pro skill too, so I can't ask anybody else for my hair cut anymore.

Andy's also a fan of her since Mika-chan first cut his hair and sometimes asks me, "I kind of wanna cut my hair soon, so can you ask Mika-chan when she's available?"

Last month, Andy had a business trip and wanted to cut his hair before the trip, so we had an appointment with her.

I also have a Japan trip in September and was originally going to get a hair cut when it's closer to the time, but it was easy for me to cut my hair at the same time with Andy, so I made an appointment for myself too.

I didn't think that it wasn't so long after the last haircut, but my hair got longer than I thought.

Mika-chan always takes these before-after pictures for me. (Thanks!)

Just as usual, while I enjoyed chatting with Mika-chan as friends, Mika-chan finished cutting my hair so wonderfully as a pro hair stylist.


Yeah, it's really good.

I lost quite of my hair after childbirth, but Mika-chan set my hair very well and made it look more volume.

While I was having my haircut, Andy was watching May-chan.

This is his before.

Though, I didn't take pics of his after, but it was very nice as always.

At last, Mika-chan held May-chan too.

Mika-chan is now my very good friend and also my facorite hair stylist too. I'm super happy to have her cut my hair, but there's only one drawback which is...

Her salon is pretty far from my house!!!

Andy's Dad&Mom's house is only 5mis drive away from her salon, but ours is 40mins away from it.

Actually, Mika-chan got a new job at a different salon recently, but the new salon is also in the same area where the old one is, so we still have to make a 40min drive to get a haircut from her.

As her friend, I wish I lived much closer to her house and hung out with her every week, but we both don't like driving so much, it's challenging for us to drive through downtown area.

It's a big dilemma that we can't hang out so often even if we do want to. Though, Andy and I got wonderful haircuts by Mika-chan on the day and were so happy about it.

After the haircuts, we're alerady out closer to United Noodles, so I asked Andy to stop by there too.

It was Saturday morning, and the store wasn't very busy.

He just got a haircut but hid it with his hat. Haha.

It's not so far from my Japan trip in September, so I could stop shopping before I put too much things in the basket.

Anyways, I just want to say that I'm super lucky to find a wonderful friend and a great hair stylist at the same time. Thanks, Mika-chan!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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