

高木仁三郎の言葉 #45


高木仁三郎セレクション p.79

The words of Jinzaburoh TAKAGI(1938-2000), people's scientist against nuclear power#45

The nuclear power plant as a technological system

In case of failing to keep cooling the core, so-called “no-water burning” happens at the core, and the progression of the breakage of fuel cladding tubes and the meltdown of uranium (the melt point of uranium oxide is at 2800 degrees C) open a gate for massive radioactive release. The loss of the cooling capacity like this is commonly caused by the loss of cooling water at the core (loss-of-coolant accident=LOCA) with the breakage of the pipes and so on. A safety mechanism is indeed set up for it but any safety mechanism cannot be perfect.

Jinzaburoh TAKAGI selection p.79

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