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竹島問題 アメリカ大使館 秘密書簡(竹島領有権問題18)

2010年03月26日 | 国際・政治
 1946年1月29日に発せられた"SCAPIN 677"(GHQ指令第677号)を受けて、サンフランシスコ講和条約の第5次草案までは、竹島=独島は、日本が放棄するものとされていた。しかし、第6次草案では、その竹島=独島の記述が消え、逆に日本の保有領土の項に竹島=独島を明記した案が作成されたりして二転三転した後、最終案では、日本の保有領土の項からも竹島=独島は消えることとなったようである。
 「竹島=独島論争 歴史資料から考える」内藤正中・朴炳渉(新幹社)には、その経緯を明らかにする一つの資料として、アメリカ大使館の秘密書簡が取り上げられている。その中には「アザラシの繁殖地であるリアンコール岩は、ある時期、朝鮮王朝の一部であった」(The rocks, which are fertile seal breeding grounds, were at one time parof the Kingdom of Korea.)という一文があるが、これは、日 本の竹島=独島の領土編入が違法であったとする考え方につながるものであり、重要であるといえる。日本政府は、竹島=独島が、かつて朝鮮王朝の一部であったという事実を認めていない。「……無人島ハ他国ニ於テ之ヲ占領シタリト認ムヘキ形跡ナク……」ということで、日本の領土に編入したのである。しかしながら、アメリカ国務省は一度ならず竹島=独島の歴史を精査し(The history of these rocks has been reviewed more than once by the Department……)、「ある時期、朝鮮王朝の一部であった」と秘密書簡で結論づけていた。「竹島=独島論争 歴史資料から考える」内藤正中・朴炳渉(新幹社)から、その解説と秘密書簡原文を抜粋する(訳は省略)。
3 アメリカ大使館の秘密書簡
1 解説





2 書簡の口語訳(省略)

3 書簡の原文

SUBJECT :Korean on Liancourt Rocks.

In the constant clash of interests which continues exacerbate relationsbetween Japan and Korea, there has recently occurred a minor incident whichmay achieve larger proportions in the near future, and which may introducerepercussions affecting the United States.The incident concerns the disputedterritory known as the Liancourt Rocks, or Dokto Islands, the sovereigntyto which is in dispute between Korea and Japan.

The history of these rocks has been reviewed more than once by the Department,and does not need extensive recounting here. The rocks, which are fertileseal breeding grounds, were at one time part of the Kingdom of Korea. Theywere of course, annexed together with the remaining territory of Koreawhen Japan extended its Empire over the former Korean State. However ,duringthe course of this imperial control, the Japanese Government formally incorporatedthis territory into the metropolitan area of Japan and placed it administrativelyunder the control of one of the Japanese prefecture. Therefore, when Japanagreed in Article Ⅱ of the peace treaty to renounce "all right, titleand claim to Korea, including the islands of Quellait, Port Hamilton andDagelet",the drafters of the treaty did not include these islandswithin the area to be renounced. Japan has, and with reason, assumed thatits sovereignty still extends over these islands. For obvious reasons,the Koreans have disputed this assumption.

The rocks, standing as they do in the open waters of the Japan Sea betweenKorea and Japan, have a certain utility to the United Nations aircraftreturning from bombing runs in North Korean territory. They provide a radarpoint which will permit the dumping of unexpended bomb loads in an identifiablearea. Being uninhabited and providing a point of navigational certainty,they are also ideal for a live bombing target. Therefore, in the selectionof maneuvering areas by the Joint Committee implementing Japanese-Americansecurity arrangement, it was agreed that these rocks would be designatedas a facility by the Japanese Government and would serve the purposes mentionedabove. They were turned into a bombing target, were declared a danger area,and have been posted as out-bounds on a 24-hour 7-day a week basis.

Imformation to this effect was disseminated throughout the Far East Commandand presumably throughout the subordinate comands of the Far East Air Forceand the Naval Forces, Far East. Very recentry the imformation has beenpassed on to the Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor,in order that he may give it formal dissemination in the form of a hydropac,or notice to mariners.

Despite this, the United Nations Naval Commander in Pusan (CTG 95.7) apparentlywas unaware of the dangers existing on these rocks, and when he receiveda request from the Chief of Naval Operations of the ROK Navy to permitthe dispatch of a scientific expedition to the rocks, he granted that permissionon September 7,1952 and the expedition departed from Pusan on September12, 1952.The purpose of the expedition was not made cear, but its intenthas obviously been to establish claim to Korean sovereignty over the rocks.It also appears that Korean fishermen have been regularly using the rocksfor fishing purpases and have been probably capturing seals in the vicinity.

When the aforementioned "scientific expedition" reached the islands,they apparently passed their time in area without incident. However uponreturn, the leader of the expedition reported that a fishing crew gatheringsea shells in and around the rocks on the 15th of September, had been bombedby a United State plane, and had fortunately escaped injury by retreatinginto the caves.

The original permission granted by CTG 95.7 for the scientific expeditionto travel to the rocks had been brought informally to the attention ofthis Embassy (Enclosure 1.) The Embassy took action with the Far East Command,and through that Command with the Naval Forces Far East, to advise CTG95.7 to refrain from granting any further permits of this type. It wasnot until after this action had been taken that the bombing incident hadtaken place.

It is considered that the recent reassertion of the danger zone on theserocks should suffice to prevent the complicity of any American or UnitedNations Commanders in any further expeditions to the rocks which mightresult in injury or death to Koreans. However, owing to the crude implementationof Government controls in Korea, it is questionable that all independentKorean fishermen can be dissuaded from continuing their expeditions intothese rocks. There therefor exists a fair chance that some time in thenear future American bombs may cause loss of life or other incidents whichwill bring the Korean effort to recapture these islands into more prominentplay, and may involve the United States unhappily in the implications ofthat

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