豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-11-11 21:09:39 | 動物




Atlantic salmon
Wed. November 11 : fine

Australia has the third widest fishery ground in the world but the catch of fish is on the 55th. OZs rarely eat fish. Recently, however, they have eagerly raised southern blue fin tunas, Atlantic salmons, abalones, breams, yellow tails, eels, pig fish and other kind of fish to have them export. Chinese character for salmon “鮭”consists of “魚” or fish on the left-hand side and “圭” or two elevens on the right-hand side, so today is “salmon day”. Australian salmon contains a lot of fat and people appreciate it as the gradient of sushi, fatty salmon in Japan. In Australia it is used for making smoked fish or steak. You can also buy the fresh meat for sashimi.

Australian abalone
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