豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-11-07 21:07:22 | ケアンズ近郊




Swing in the tropical rain forest
Sat. November 7 : fine

There are two world heritages in Cairns. Great Barrier Reef is the 2000km-long biggest organism on earth that has grown in scale from the small coral in several thousands of years. It gives homes to 8,000 different kinds of lives, absorbs carbon dioxide and provides oxygen. The sea water vapors to make clouds and that causes rain onto the tropical rain forests. In the tropical rain forest one third of mammals, half of birds and one third of fresh water fish of that live in Australia are found. The nutrition that is made by more than 200,000 different kinds of plant flows down into Coral Sea through the rivers and that raises Great Barrier Reef.

tropical rain forest
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