豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-11-08 22:09:20 | 食事





Dutch octopus balls
Sun. November 8 : rainy

I found the octopus ball cooker that works in 220V at the hardware store. It says “Dutch pancake maker” on the package, costs $35 and is made in China. Pannenkoeken, Dutch pancake is crepe so it’s obviously an octopus ball cooker. Or it may be the baby castella cooker? After long, I tried making octopus balls. However, you cannot get octopus legs but an ocellated octopus in Cairns. I accepted squid instead. I got some dried shrimps, tempura shred, fine dried sea weed, red pickled ginger and bamboo spits at the Asian grocery store. The outside of the octopus balls was crunchy and the inside was soft and thick. Hot and yam, that was something I was fully satisfied.

space octopus ball

buying rocks
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