豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-11-18 21:14:54 | 日常生活




Herbivorous man
Wed. November 18 : fine

Although I’m not a gourmet I don’t want to eat unhealthy or tasteless food. Eating seasonal fresh food stuff cooked in a simple way is best and most luxurious. I’m good at cooking, too. I don’t like French cuisine or Japanese tea ceremony cuisine that is cooked too sophisticatedly. I am not a good eater of meat and fish but I’m not a vegetarian. I eat meat on the day that has the number 2 or 9. I eat fish on the day that has the number 3 or 7. So it’s my standard of having 2 meat dishes and 2 fish dishes every 10days. There are a lot of local vegetables and fruit through the year in Cairns. Even in winter 50 kinds of fruit and 100kinds of vegetables are displayed at the green market.

green market in Cairns
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