豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-07-24 13:34:22 | 海外旅行

広大な庭、池、プール、テニスコート。屋内にはレストラン、ラウンジ、図書室、集会室、美容室、ジム、玉突室、カードゲーム室、陶芸や調理などの趣味の部屋、温室など至せり尽くせり。ここは富裕層向けの高齢者アパート。僕たちは施設付属のゲストルームに宿泊。姉は半年前に2800万円で2LDK を購入。国や州の補助があるので管理費と食費の合計は月3万円弱。現在は隣接するケアハウスに意識不明で収容されています。



Apartment for elderly people
Fri. July 24 : fine

There is everything you can imagine: a garden of immense size, a pond and a tennis court outside, and a restaurant, a lounge, a library, a meeting room, a beauty salon, a gym, a pool room, a gaming room, a working room for hobbies such as poetry and cooking, a glasshouse and others inside. This is an apartment house for elderly people in wealthy class. We are staying one of the annex guest rooms that belong to this institution. My sister bought a 2LDK unit with $30,000 6 months ago. Thanks for the grant from the nation and the state; the total monthly management fee and board is less than $300. She is now being admitted in the neighboring care house unconsciously.

my sister 10 months ago
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