豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2011-06-03 19:54:36 | 動物



ケアンズ周辺の湖沼で普通に見られるオオウナギ。東北と北陸は奥羽列藩同盟を結んで江戸幕府のために戦いました。同盟の要・会津藩は見せしめの流刑。下北で沢山の餓死者を出し、中には妻子を売る者も。西南戦争が始まると多くの者が志願。抜刀隊を組織して怨念の敵・西郷隆盛の首を狙いました。(photo by FNQnews




Long fin giant eel

Fri. June 3 : fine

You can see one of them quite easily at the lakes and marshes around Cairns. Tohoku and Hokuriku once allied to fight for Edo Shogunate. The leader of the ally, Aizu Clan was banished for a lesson. In the area of Shimokita many people starved to death and some even needed to sell their wives and children. Once the Seinan War break outs lots of citizens volunteered for the soldier. They formed Battotai Troop and aimed at Takamori Saigo, the deep-seated enemy. photo by FNQnews


Great Saigo

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