lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Clip. -Biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality.

2007-07-13 03:01:50 | Science
Spreading rate dependence of gravity anomalies along oceanic transform faults
p183 - 187

Gravity and bathymetry data from transform fault systems associated with mid-ocean ridges that are spreading at different rates indicates that crustal thickening may occur under transform faults associated with intermediate- and fast-spreading ridges. If confirmed, this observation would require a change in our understanding of how magma accretion occurs along rapidly spreading mid-ocean ridges.

Patricia M. Gregg, Jian Lin, Mark D. Behn and Laurent G. J. Montesi

Abstract: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abcRaeaUj2oCjIba
Article: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abcRaeaUj2oCjIbb

Biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality pp188 - 190

An analysis of published data from grassland biodiversity experiments looks at the relationship between biodiversity and multiple ecological processes (ecosystem multifunctionality). Different species often influence different ecosystem functions, suggesting that studies considering single ecosystem services in isolation may severely underestimate the levels of biodiversity required for fully functioning ecosystems.

Andy Hector and Robert Bagchi

Abstract: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abcRaeaUj2oCjIbc
Article: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abcRaeaUj2oCjIbd

□ 2007年日本バイオインフォマティクス学会年会 (JSBi2007)

>> http://zp.cbrc.jp/jsbi2007
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