lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

和み庵でお茶を -Relaxing Tea Music.

2008-06-14 12:02:45 | music7
<embed id="VideoPlayback" style="width:350px;height:285px" allowFullScreen="true" flashvars="fs=true" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=-2787480472440959887&hl=ja" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>

□ Relaxing Tea Music.

>> tracklisting.

01. "Pachelbel's Canon in D" / Danny Wright
02. "Dawn at Point Reyes" / Michael Irwin
03. "From the Heart" / John Boswell
04. "Mistral" / Hideyo Takakuwa
05. "Water Tapestry" / Kevin Kern
06. "The Shape of Her Face" / Michael Whalen 
07. "Rain" / Need More Sources 
08. "Where We Used to Play" / Spencer Brewer 
09. "For Years and Years" / Helios 
10. "I Can Almost See You" / Hammock


□ ニコニコ動画版



Macで長時間動画をiMovie HDを使って制作した場合、アスペクトを指定し、一度ビットレートを落として.movに書き出した後、 100MB前後に納めたいなら、 もう一度ffmpegでフィルタをかけるなりして、DivXとして100MB以内に圧縮し直すのがベストみたいです。(ffmpegは環境によって、ムービーファイルを直接flvやAVIにエンコードできない場合があるので)

ニコニコ動画にuploadする場合は、40分以上の動画は自分でflvにせず、他の形式(wmv以外)のまま100MB以内のサイズのファイルをuploadし、smile Video側にflvへのエンコードを任せるのが最良の選択だそうです。


2 コメント

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Thank you very much for your praising. hehe...S... (n.)
2008-06-17 07:51:14
Thank you very much for your praising. hehe...So I must check "Paschale Mysterium" immediatry. Pierre Kaelin's "In Paradiseum" is one of the masterpiece of my music life. yeah I hope to make a gregorian album sometime. Good suggestion oceano :)
Nice choice,very chillout album.I love "Mi... (Oceano)
2008-06-15 22:39:16
Nice choice,very chillout album.I love "Mistral" and "I can almost see you" the most :D The Previous album is also very good.specialy track from "The Fifth Element" Love this soundtrack.
Maybe you will do something with gregorian in this style.Maybe you have songs from the album "Paschale Misterium" , "Die Gregorianschen gasange" or Pierre Kaelin "In Paradiseum".from those album Enigma used gregorian chants for the albums :D
