lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Navigating Genetic Data Regulation, Privacy and Ease of Use.

2011-03-23 12:46:18 | Science
DNA Guide, Inc. - Tech Summary<object id="__sse7351457" width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://static.slidesharecdn.com/swf/ssplayer2.swf?doc=dnaguidetech-110322170327-phpapp02&stripped_title=dna-guide-tech-7351457&userName=dnatimes" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><embed name="__sse7351457" src="http://static.slidesharecdn.com/swf/ssplayer2.swf?doc=dnaguidetech-110322170327-phpapp02&stripped_title=dna-guide-tech-7351457&userName=dnatimes" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="350" height="292"></embed></object>

□ DNA Guide, Inc. - Tech Summary >> DNAtimes

>> http://www.slideshare.net/dnatimes/dna-guide-tech-7351457

The Solution addresses the three key barriers to growth for the genetic information marketplace; genetic data regulation, genetic data security and genetic data and information format that makes it assessable to wider audiences.

the application leverages geographic information systems (GIS) technology to distribute dynamic maps of entire genomes on mobile platforms. Values witihin each DNA samples are used for administering security across the datasets.

□ □ rnomics: アレニウス寿命予測におけるRNA構造を配列する自由エネルギー地形の定義
Arrhenius Lifetimes of RNA Structures from Free Energy Landscapes: We develop a novel method to... http://bit.ly/hnkiQy #sciencia

効率的なRNA配列を決定する自由エネルギー障壁の定義にArrhenius Lifetimeを利用出来るとして、交換状態のエネルギー流域とバリアのエントロピーを記述するアルゴリズムの計算量クラスを保存するImproved agreementって具体的にどう与えられるのかな?@ ̄ρ ̄@ ViennaRNA Packageでシミュレーション出来そう。

□ 原発はリスクの凝縮体であって、他のエネルギー産業や交通システムといった社会インフラの生産性に伴うリスクと代償を経時的に累積させるわけでなく、そのリスク自体が「破綻」という事象の地平線の向こう側に閉ざされている。だが、それを扱う社会的コストは経時的に累積し、結果二重のリスクを背負う

□ 米国エネルギー省のエネルギー計画への意見を募集。科学局のエネルギー研究部門には43億ドルの費用 RT @AIP_Publishing: Important Review of DOE Energy Technology Activities http://ow.ly/4mubv

Genomic medicine has reached clinical practice http://bit.ly/fjNjVb

HUM-MOLGEN: registry of biomedical companies - BioInformatics ...: As Bioinformatics has become an... http://bit.ly/hQ4XiL

a novice concept to help, aware and assist scientific community in and about the field of bioinformatics.

As Bioinformatics has become an integral part of biological studies, there is a need for introducing an explicit protocol-based approach to Bioinformatics analysis. The objective of BISA is to make it practical for life scientists to design and execute reusable dry-lab protocols.

illuminainfo: "Japanese pharma maker Daiichi Sankyo agreed to pay $935 million for Plexxikon"
Boom Times for Genomic Startups (Bloomberg) http://buswk.co/hL0jQ8 #sequencing

□ 非常時における放射線リスクの評価・アナウンスの問題は、異なる条件下にある各研究データの示す、閾値解釈の不統合に起因するディスコミュニケーションによって齎されている。災害時のリスク評価には、市場やインフラへの影響を鑑みて、統一的な変動基準を設けるのが課題となりそう。


Video: mTeSR®1: A Guide to Passaging hESCs and hiPSCs

stem_cells: STEMCELLTechnologies
Our new video describes methods to passage cells cultured in mTeSR™1 & morphology of cells at different stages of culture: http://ow.ly/4k0WJ


>> http://www.bcgatlas.org/

PLoSMedicine: 世界各国のBCGワクチン接種状況と政策アトラス
This Week in PLoS Medicine: LiST; Genetic analysis of PROMISSE; BCG World Atlas http://bit.ly/eGFOWo

Madhukar Pai and colleagues introduce the BCG World Atlas, an open access, user friendly website for TB clinicians to discern global BCG vaccination policies and practices and improve the care of their patients.

Growing global: Xiaflex market expands with $262M+ Auxilium- Asahi Kasei deal

gaou_ak: Kazuharu Arakawa
BioHelpathonという日本の研究者を支援する動きが広がっています。大変ありがたい! RT: Support scientists in Japan (#japan #jpquake) biohelpathon.org via @rvosa

Japan science support
"Research facilities have been destroyed by the recent earthquakes and tsunami in Japan, and fear over radiation has brought work to halt at a far greater number of laboratories throughout the Tokyo area.

The setback for science will be great, and many in Japan are wondering whether they will ever get their careers back on track. For scientists who are forced to close their labs or who chose to evacuate, there might be hope. Researchers living outside of Japan are trying to think of ways to help scientist-refugees."

□ Nippon Science Support Network - 日本科学サポートネットワーク

The purpose of this website is to establish a platform for coordinating immediate relief efforts via existing scientific networks between Germany and Japan.

We have established a database for dedicated funding resources, exchange schemes and open positions for visiting students and research fellows from Japan in response to the recent earthquake and tsunami disaster.

Joint meeting of German and Japanese societies for Developmental Biologists opened today with minute of silence for victims in Japan.


RT @guykawasaki LinkedIn hits 100 million users [infographic] - Holy Kaw! http://bit.ly/fgNaVD HT @sciencegoddess

(Rapid gene sequencing technology will give medical laboratories a new diagnostic tool)

portablegenomic: 448の致死性小児疾患をラピッド遺伝子テスト。費用僅か$400で
Clinical Labs Are on Track to Get New Genetic Test That Screens for 448 Rare Childhood Diseases http://bit.ly/hRQ6wo #hcsmeufr #health20fr

Item - データベース: JapanAPI - wedata: Database: JapanAPI日本を中心とした公的情報のAPIリスト。コメントは @i2k まで。 endpoint: APIのエンドポイント。(必須... http://bit.ly/fo56J2

bengoldacre ben goldacre Why don’t journalists link to primary sources?Ben Goldacre http://dlvr.it/Kmdf4 Specially imp when articles are OA

