ラプラシアン行列を用いたグラフ構造の出力を、chatGPT PlusとGitHub Copilot+VSCode-Open AIとで試してみた。Wolfram Pluginが即座にランダムグラフのヒートマップを描画できたのに対し、Copilotはサブグラフのコード生成で躓いた。Laplacian Eigenmapの描画はリソース不足でタイムアウトした
I tested the Laplacian matrix to generate graph structures using AI. The Wolfram Plugin instantly rendered a heatmap of a random graph. Copilot struggled generating the subgraph code. The attempt to create a Laplacian Eigenmap hit a timeout due to insufficient resources.
So far, it seems that the ability of large-scale language models to apply in the field of arithmetic is quite limited.