lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Ivan Shopov / "Lights & Shadows"

2011-12-30 20:02:15 | music11

□ Ivan Shopov / "Lights & Shadows"

♪ <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mediaplayer.yahoo.com/js"></script>Above
Shift Time
Clouds Above

Release Date; 15/12/2011
Label; ABCD
Cat.No.; none
Format: Art book + CD, Digital
Notes: Limited edition of 500 numbered and signed copies

>> http://abcd.ivanshopov.com/album/lights-shadows

>> tracklisting.

01. Based On Dreams
02. Clouds Above
03. Mountain Chain
04. Far In The Back
05. In Space
06. Piano Wave
07. Soil
08. Gray Light
09. Shadows
10. Narrow Step
11. Noise Floor
12. Learn And Use
13. Above
14. Shift Time
15. Clear Fields
16. Personal Faith
17. Trepet
18. Back In Mind (Bonus Track Digital Download Only)

All tracks written, produced and arranged by Ivan Shopov.
Recorded at an altitudes up to 10, 000 meters and at ground level in departure lounges around the world, mastered in Balkansky's studio. P & C 2011 Ivan Shopov and ABCD.

□ LIMITED EDITION Art Book And Album

Lights and Shadows is a collection of artworks and music from Ivan Shopov, alongside photos from Ivo Christov. Contained within is a collection of contrasts - light against shadow, abstraction against reality and aggression against serenity. It's a piece of art that shows how Ivan Shopov brings his creative visions to life through the simplicity of black ink upon white paper.

"Amazing record, some of the best albums i heard in 2011.
So deep and delicate. Feels like flying over huge mountains, I love the Clouds Above track, lots of beautiful harmonics and little percussion beats. Wonderful record! "

-Richard Devine

ブルガリアの作曲家であり、画家としての顔も持つアーティスト、Ivan Shopovのキャリアの集大成とも言えるアートブック。その世界観を、彼の絵画センスと二重性を兼ね持つ、音楽というフォーマットに結晶化したコンセプト・

COOHやBalkanskyとしての活動でも知られるIvan Shopov。Bulgariaを代表するIDM、dub-step、experimental electronicaの担い手としてのノウハウを動員し(時にバルカンの民族音楽のエッセンスを取り入れてきた)、アンビエントでありながら鋭いエッジを纏ったセンスは、アルバム終盤に覗くDrum 'n' Bass要素への回帰によって、漸うと露顕する。


どこかAphex TwinのAmbient Worksを彷彿とさせる狂気じみた音色のあしらい。一つ一つの楽曲は短い時間に区切られているものの、その豊穣なバラエティは、隔絶された次元の中で、分裂的なまでに異方化した観念の描く世界の仮象であり、何処か咽び泣くようなアトモスフィアの重層は、音の客体たるオブジェクトとの位相関係を構築し、くぐもったリズムの顕形は、理を敲く捩じれた慣性現象すらトレースする。



2011-12-30 17:20:12 | Science News

RT @brainpicker: High-resolution map of science, from the POV of those reading the papers - bit.ly/uTwrOH via @flowingdata
Maps of science derived from citation data visualize the relationships among scholarly publications or disciplines. They are valuable instruments for exploring the structure and evolution of scholarly activity. Much like early world charts, these maps of science provide an overall visual perspective of science as well as a reference system that stimulates further exploration.



NAR article about the Gene Wiki in 2011: community intelligence applied to human gene annotation bit.ly/uByU2a
Here, we describe recent improvements to the automated system that keeps the structured data presented on Gene Wiki articles in sync with the data from trusted primary databases. We also describe the expanding contents, editors and users of the Gene Wiki.

Finally, we introduce a new automated system, called WikiTrust, which can effectively compute the quality of Wikipedia articles, including Gene Wiki articles, at the word level. All articles in the Gene Wiki can be freely accessed and edited at Wikipedia, and additional links and information can be found at the project's Wikipedia portal page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Gene_Wiki

2012 NAR Database Issue: NCBI articles about BioProject, BioSample, Bioassay, Structure, Taxonomy, GenBank, and RefSeq 1.usa.gov/t4RyhF

NAR DB Issue 最新号。DB数は1380。今回はBioDBcore標準に則った機械可読形式でのメタデータも提供されるとのことで、大きな変化だろう。 nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/40/D1.… nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/40/D1/…

VarSifter: Visualizing and analyzing exome-scale sequence variation data on a desktop computer j.mp/siTnN1 = #awesome toolbo

Rachel Armstrong, Architecture & Synthetic Biology 3 | Plus Ultra Technologies/30 steps http://bit.ly/vuYbw5

An interactive tutorial explaining the mechanism of epigenetics and reagents available for researchers in the field.

Beautiful life we dont see: Check this video out -- Epigenetics Tutorial youtube.com/watch?v=nygyUM…


□ First three-dimensional map of the human genome. | Genome Engineering shar.es/WqZxQ
Genome architectures revealed by tethered chromosome conformation capture and population-based modeling
Researchers at the University of California have created the first three-dimensional map of the human genome. The team at USC describes the genomic DNA strand as being ‘so long that if a nucleus were the size of a soccer ball, the strand of DNA inside it could be unraveled to stretch more than 30 miles long

Inside the nucleus, DNA forms hundreds of millions of contacts with itself. Using a new technique for genome-wide mapping of chromatin interactions, known as tethered conformation capture (TCC), USC researchers plotted out the location of each of those DNA-on-DNA contacts and used sophisticated computer algorithms to model the results in 3D.

Bienenwolf kultiviert Antibiotika-Produzenten: mpg.de/4733438/Insekt…
Viele Insekten sind auf die Unterstützung von Bakterien angewiesen. Die Mikroorganismen produzieren Überlebens-Cocktails für ihre Larven, helfen beim Abbau schwer verdaulicher Kost oder liefern lebenswichtige Vitamine. Martin Kaltenpoth und sein Team vom Max-Planck-Institut für chemische Ökologie in Jena entlocken den Allianzen zwischen Insekt und Mikrobe teils verblüffende Details.


Whole cancer genome sequencing by next-generation methods: 1.usa.gov/tV8Jd8 #biopathology

RT @ForbesTech: DNA Sequencing For Fun And Profit: A Low-Cost Platform For Garage Biotech onforb.es/uZA29a

simple way to pipe and redirect inside find/xargs: find pattern | xargs -i "cmd1 {} | cmd2 > {}.out" | sh

System evolution is constrained by dimensions. More dimensions = more confounded fitness changes per element mutation per dimension.

□ Modeling stem cell population dynamics http://t.co/gtyQcdGG / computational model of germline development in C. elegans http://t.co/p3rHCSBr

Support BioBricks Foundation! Support the future of Synthetic Biology! blog.openwetware.org/community/2011…

NARのeditorialにSUSTAINABILITY OF BIOINFORMATICS DATABASESの項が。SRAやKEGGの話題も。読んどけ系 http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/40/D1/D1.full

Dan Kobolt: "# of human genetic diseases unraveled by #NGS ( #genomics) skyrocketed this year" massgenomics.org/2011/12/diseas…

Simultaneous RNA-seq-based Transcript Inference and Quantification Using Mixed Integer Programming j.mp/tkvLHo

Synthetic Biology: Emerging Global Markets

Modern Biotechnology 2011 (Synthetic biology) - Science of the Unthinkable. -Video bit.ly/trUlYK

Amazing research by Dr. Drew Endy in synthetic biology, creating cellular level data storage bit.ly/ry3FgL Thx for sharing @adamjd3

bit.ly/sxpGT7 Wald-Log Test ? most powerful statistical method of detecting differentially expressed genes in RNA-Seq data set

Competition Heats up for Next-Gen Sequencing, Clinical Data Analysis Software in 2011 : bit.ly/rAJiz2

Time-course network analysis reveals TNF-α can promote G1/S transition of cell cycle in vascular endothelial cel... bit.ly/uv9l1W

Computer-aided synthetic biology may be right around the corner scim.ag/tIzZsK
These technologies were applied to engineer RNA-regulated controls in metabolic pathways. More broadly, we provide a framework for studying RNA functions and illustrate the potential for the use of biochemical and biophysical modeling to develop biological design methods.

European Federation of Biotechnology bit.ly/zVmxNn

Artemis: Genome Browser & annotation software (Sanger Inst) sanger.ac.uk/resources/soft… #bioinformatics @myen

"Spats" only a matter of time RT @genetics_blog CummeRbund - #Rstats package for analyzing #Cufflinks RNA-seq output compbio.mit.edu/cummeRbund/

David Haig tracks the twists and turns RT @EpiExperts Commentary: The Epidemiology of #Epigenetics Oxford Jrnls. ow.ly/8aGMN

Scientific breakthrough: RESEARCHERS at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) have successfully mapped the Malay genome bit.ly/vV2uxA
GENOME MAPPED: Valuable to drug companies in developing personalised medicine for the Malay population of Southeast Asia

Video: Drew Endy talks about: Falling off a Log: Bioengineering at Stanford bit.ly/uFWy5O

A Biotech Lab In Every Garage, Or In Every Library? bit.ly/vVuPMj

Affymetrix Expects eBioscience Buy to Close Next Month: read more bit.ly/sef47W

FY 2012 NIH Budget Includes $577M for NCATS: read more bit.ly/rqo7sD
The budget, which was passed by Congress a week earlier, provides $30.7 billion to NIH for FY 2012, a $300 million increase over funding for 2011. It also includes $576.5 million to fund the new National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), as well as $513.8 million to fund the National Human Genome Research Institute.

New Genome Institute Opens in Minsk: read more bit.ly/uXssWX

"They teach us information & energy are 2 sides of the same coin, but never taught us the physics of information." j.mp/sBfP8q #TED

Apple files patents for hydrogen fuel cell technology to power mobile devices zite.to/t7IyR1 via @zite cc/ @cwjpalmer

Potential and flux decomposition for dynamical systems and non-equilibrium thermodynamics ow.ly/8c3qf #AIP_JCP

学術におけるクリエイティブコモンズライセンス利用事例をリストしています。活用事例募集してます。 wiki.lifesciencedb.jp/mw/index.php/%…


□ Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Data Mining http://lang-8.com/105044/journals/1248277

Reading:NHKニュース 農水省 家畜伝染病の警戒強化 nhk.jp/N3zL6GNE 検疫システムや防疫の告知など, のうりんLODで貢献できそうな気がする.

産総研とNEDOを1法人化ですか。研究機関とファウンダーを一緒にするのは、別省の事例、例えばCRLとTAOの統合を見てても、あまりいいことないと思うけど。 RT 独立行政法人、統合で4割削減案 野田政権 t.asahi.com/5287

科学研究のベンチマーキング2011「論文分析でみる世界の研究活動の変化と日本の状況」2011/12、科学技術政策研究所。論文生産において低下する日本のポジション、国際化の拡大に充分対応できていない日本、伸び悩む国立大学の論文数 ow.ly/8bTgz

【Nature News Blog】12月27日(日本では28日)慢性疲労症候群ウイルス原因説の2010年8月のPNAS論文がScience論文に続いて取り下げられました。Another XMRV study retracted htl.li/8c6dl

【国際政治】IRAP最新号が出版されました。目次はこちらからご確認下さい→ oxford.ly/t8uNW1

□ [Discovery.ch]『女性のオーガズムの仕組みとは?』オーガズムとは何のためにあるのか―その仕組みを科学的に探っていく。女性のオーガズムは、DNAの選別や、最適なタイミングでの受精を助ける役目を果たしている可能性 12/31 21:55- http://japan.discovery.com/episode/index.php?eid1=908109&eid2=000000

既に観た人の感想を辿ったら、かなり際どい内容みたい(*/▽))。伏せ字にしたけど閲覧注意w "MRI室で女性が○○してオーガズム感じる時の脳の反応を見てた。 他にも男女が○○しながら局部のエコーをとって○○の動きを放送してた。" http://mimizun.com/log/2ch/news/1323657748/526
