lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Climate science: No solar Fix. -太陽活動が低下しても気候は温暖化する。

2010-04-04 11:18:11 | Science

□ Climate science: No solar Fix.

>> http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/464652a
>> http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2010/2010GL042710.shtml

Georg Feulner and Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research used a global climate model to examine the effect of a Maunder-type minimum on global mean temperature by 2100. The model reproduced the cooling of past solar minima, but when simulating the future the authors found that the solar effect was overwhelmed by the much larger temperature increase due to greenhouse-gas emissions.



□ 気候:「暗い初期太陽の気候パラドックス」は存在しない
No climate paradox under the faint early Sun pp744 - 747
It has been inferred that, during the Archaean eon, there must have been a high concentration of atmospheric CO2 and/or CH4, causing a greenhouse effect that would have compensated for the lower solar luminosity at the time and allowed liquid water to be stable in the hydrosphere.

Here it is shown, however, that the mineralogy of Archaean sediments is inconsistent with such high concentrations of greenhouse gases. Instead it is proposed hat a lower albedo on the Earth helped to moderate surface temperature.
Minik T. Rosing, Dennis K. Bird, Norman H. Sleep and Christian J. Bjerrum
Abstract: http://forcast.emailalert.jp/c/ac1Hac5Ss17Msoby
Article: http://forcast.emailalert.jp/c/ac1Hac5Ss17Msobz



