lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2007-08-24 18:49:52 | music5
(IXY DIGITAL L2; Exp.±0; ISO Auto; AWB; Evaluative; iPhoto.)

□ Asura / "Life2"

The Prophecy

□ David West ft. Inkfish

Searching for Substance

Charles FaravelとFabrice Mazzoliniによるエレクトロニカ・デュオ、ASURAのニューアルバムから"The Prophecy"を紹介。全天の星原を巡るようなダイナミックなアンビエント。壮大なアトモスフィアとシンセストリングスに、中東風のコーラスや神秘的な聖歌が重なります。

David Westが立ち上げた自主レーベル、WESTからの第一弾リリース"Searching for Substance"は、もともとPharmacy of Sound名義で発表していたものの数年越しにして初のリリース。煌めくような疾走感と、深みのある蒼い透明感。Ozgur Canのリミックスも白眉です。 

□ behaviorを導出するシグナル誘導因子のトーラス構造



□ clip.

量子物理学: 波よ、さよなら
Quantum physics: Wave goodbye pp872 - 873
When measuring photons, it's a case of 'wanted, dead' [mdash] catching them alive is not an option. But we can observe how a superposition of many photon waves progressively collapses as it interacts with a beam of atoms.

Luis A. Orozco
Abstract: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abiLad2PkqoIjpaM
Article: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abiLad2PkqoIjpaN

Progressive field-state collapse and quantum non-demolition photon counting pp889 - 893
This paper reports the observation of a step-by-step state collapse by using atoms to non-destructively measure the photon number of a field stored in a cavity. The procedure illustrates all the postulates of quantum measurement and should facilitate studies of non-classical fields trapped in cavities.

Christine Guerlin et al.
Abstract: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abiLad2PkqoIjpbc
Article: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abiLad2PkqoIjpbd

Non-random coextinctions in phylogenetically structured mutualistic networks pp925 - 928
A phylogenetic approach is used to show that past evolutionary history partly explains network patterns that link plants and their pollinators and seed dispersers. Species close in the phylogeny tend to play similar roles in the network. As a result, co-extinction cascades following the extinction of a species affect taxonomically related species, resulting in a non-random pruning of the evolutionary tree.

Enrico L. Rezende et al.
Abstract: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abiLad2PkqoIjpbq
Article: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abiLad2PkqoIjpbr

Integrating molecular and network biology to decode endocytosis pp883 - 888
The strength of network biology lies in its ability to derive cell biological information without a priori mechanistic or molecular knowledge. It is demonstrated that a molecular understanding of clathrin-mediated endocytosis can refine the network approach and allows the derivation of general biological principles.

Eva M. Schmid and Harvey T. McMahon
Abstract: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abiLad2PkqoIjpba
Article: http://ml.emailalert.jp/c/abiLad2PkqoIjpbb