Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

1 人生初手術・始まり (1 My First Surgery 1/Beginning)

2022-12-23 10:27:30 | 右卵巣摘出手術 (My right ovary removal surgery)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, just as the title says, in this crazy busy holiday season, I recently had a surgery for the first time in my life.

Technically speaking, I have done an operation for wisdom teeth removal a long time ago and if I count it as a surgery, the recent one was my second experience in my life, but you know, I personally don't count the first one as a real operation, so let me say that I just had my first one.

So, when I explain the reason why I needed to have the surgery in short words, they needed to remove a cyst on my right ovary, which was called "Endometrioma".

Thankfully, the surgery was done in a day and I could come home on the same day. I'm writing this 5 days after the surgery and I'm already recovered enough to do some chores and eat as normal.

I've been recording most of things in my life here, so let me talk about this new memorable incident here too.

Here's the beginning.

It was October 30th, which was the 3rd day of my menstrual period in the cycle.

I was casually thinking that the bleeding and cramps would go away in another couple of days as usual, but I realized that the cramp spot was moving from around my uterus in the low and center of my belly, which's my usual cramp spot, to a smaller spot on the right side of my lower belly.

Still, the pain level was only 3 out of 10, so I was still thinking, "Yeah, it's probably a part of my usual cramps."

Though, the pain in the low and right of my belly (almost around a part called groin) remained even after the bleeding and cramps on in the spot of my usual period were finished.

Again, the pein level wasn't that high and either Advil or Tylenol was working pretty good to kick the pain away and let me have my normal life, so I decided to wait and see for some days.

While I was waiting and seeing the symptoms for some days, the pain kept coming and going in the pain level of 3-6. The over-the-counter medicine were working fine to kick the pain for some hours, but the pain always came back again.

I personally didn't want to keep taking those pain-relief medicine everyday, so I sometimes went to bed, "Okay, I'm doing fine now, so I'll skip to take Tylenol tonight." Though, why night of all night? I woke up to a pain in level 6 or so in the middle of the night and had to end up taking medicine anyways. I happened to have such a tiring night 2-3 times.

10 days after I started having the pain, Andy made a call to a nurse line to ask them, "If we should wait and see for a little more time or go to see a doctor soon."

Then, from miscarriage in August in my medical history, the nurse said, "It's not unusual to have such a pain in the process your ovulation cycle is getting reset. So, if you wait and see until the next cycle and the pain still remains, you want to see your OBGYN. Also, in the case that the pain level suddenly goes up or symptoms like fever or vomit happen, you want to go to urgent care or ER right away."

So, I kept going on a life with pain-relief medicine when I had bad cramps for some more days until my next period came and ended.

感謝祭2022 (Thanksgiving 2022) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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ハッピーサンクスギビング! (Happy Thanksgiving!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


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Then, the next cycle started on the day before Thanksgiving. I mentioned this on the 2 articles above, but the pain level of the cramps during the period was 1 or 2 higher than usual, which made me have to take pain-relief medicine and lie down in bed sometimes.

After that, the pain in my right lower belly was still going on even my period in November was over. One night, I woke up to a level 7 pain in the middle of the night again and totally got fed up with life in pain. At the point, I had been dealing with the pain for 2 weeks or so and you know, even if it's a level 2-3 pain, it makes you get less motivated or more depressed. So, in the next morning, I asked Andy,

"Honey-chan, I want you to take me to an urgent care today."


Okay, it's going to be long, so let me end this here for today.

This story will be continued.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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