Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ハッピーサンクスギビング! (Happy Thanksgiving!)

2022-11-24 11:16:43 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi there!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!

Andy, May-chan and I are up north at Dad&Mom's house from yesterday and we're going to celebrate Thanksgiving together enjoying a big feast and reminding ourselves how lucky we are again.

I guess it's too much information, but I just got in my period in the morning yesterday and struggled with a stronger pain than usual right before we set out on the way to Dad&Mom's. Still, I took some Tylenol and made the 3 hour drive anyways.
(I'm thinking to share this here sometime, but I feel that the cramps during my period has been slightly more painful since the miscarriage.)

Even after we got to Dad&Mom's house, I lied in bed around 5 pm and straight went to bed at 8 pm last night.

Thanks to the rest and sleep, my condition today has been much better still with some Advil or Tylenol and good enough to update my blog like this.

When I woke up early this morning, I saw the beautiful orange sunrise right from the window in the bedroom, but I wasn't feeling good enough to get up and take a picture of it at the time. This view was at 11am. Hehe. It's still wonderful, isn't it?

May-chan's having such a great time with Grandma & Grandpa here too.

As usual, I'm in charge of just eating, not cooking, on Thanksgiving, so May-chan and I are having a lazy and relaxing time as watching YouTube or so.

Dad&Mom are enjoying the annual Macy's Thanksgiving parade on TV now.

Again, I'm not in the best shape due to my period now, but it's just a matter of time to get better. I'm also doing good enough to enjoy the special meal today, so that's what I want to be thankful for first today.

I'm not writing anything useful or something here, but I just wanted to say "Happy Thanksgiving!" to everyone celebrating Thanksgiving day.

Even if you're not particularly celebrating Thanksgiving day today, it's always nice to remind yourself how lucky you already are, so why not today?

From me personally, thank you again for reading my blog!! I really appreciate your support and love.

Okay, again, I just wanted to greet you. I hope you're having a great Thanksgiving day!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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ステイトフェア2022 3/5 (State Fair 2022 3/5)

2022-11-22 08:32:07 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi everyone!

How's your life treating you??

My life? I've been actually kind of overworking in the last couple weeks for dropping off and picking up May-chan at school and also working on a lot of volunteer stuff for Japanese school.

Honestly speaking, there's not much that I have to do and most of the things are what I want to do. Still, just as every year, I'm going to be extra busy through Thanksgiving to New year's day from now on, so I'm convincing myself that I should be smarter to manage time and energy in all the stuff.

Okay, this is more about our fun fair days.

Again, this year was the first year for us to visit the fair since 2019 and we had much fun on the first day with Dad&Mom. Just one day at the fair was not enough for us to enjoy all the stuff that we wanted to do, so Andy, May-chan and I went there again.

We left home before the sun rose as always.

The gate wasn't open yet, so we waited in the line about for 10mins or so. It's a little bit chilly.

We've been to the fair so many times, but I can get so thrilled on every single visit. Oh, we didn't forget to bring May-chan stroller this time. Hehe.

Let's get onto it!!

On the first day when we went there with Dad&Mom, it was super busy and less organized before we entered the fair ground. On the day we visited there for the 2nd time, the staff were probably used to their job and there were less visitors, I guess, and the process and time to go through the gate were much quicker and more smoothly.

The first thing that I wanted to do in the morning was...

Jump!! Yeah, again. This is my personal tradition at the fair and can't skip it.

Andy kindly did the jump too! Yup, I could capture a nice moment in my camera.

I wanted to get a cup of coffee, so I got it from this stand.

Okay, then we headed to the animal barns just as our usual routine at the fair.

I didn't take any pictures of May-chan and animals on the first visit, so why not? Cheese!

We saw the giant pig again, but it was the first time for us to see a giant pig at the fair actually standing!! LOL

Compared Andy and May-chan to the pig in the picture, you can get an idea how big the pig was.

After we greeted the animals in the barns, Andy got a hot dog for breakfast from his favorite sausage stand.
(Most of the food stands hadn't opened yet at the point, so it's lucky that his favorite sausage stand was open.)

This time, we wanted to do something that we didn't on the last visit, so...

Arcade! Andy and I actually love playing the basket ball game at the fair. It's been 3 years for us to play the game too.
(May-chan actually loved it too.)

We picked up games which May-chan could play and enjoyed them together.

She's done a Whack-a-Mole game once in Japan, so she knew how to play this Whack-a-Shark game.

At an arcade in the US, you get tickets from game machines and then exchange the tickets with toys or candies at the counter.

Before May-chan was born, Andy and I just gave out the ticket which we got from the basketball game to stranger kids at the arcade, but this year I wanted to show May-chan the fun system, which was my very first experience too.

She exchanged the tickets with some toys and this one was her favorite.
(Still, she played with it while we're at the fair. Haha.)

Okay, this is how we started our second fair day.

Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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ステイトフェア2022 2/5 (State Fair 2022 2/5)

2022-11-21 13:05:16 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How's it going today?

Okay, let me talk about the 2nd half of the first fair day with Dad&Mom.

In the beginning, we spent most of the time greeting with the barn animals. Then, the food stands were opening a little later and we started enjoying the food which was the main purpose on our fair visit.

I always have a hard time to decide what to eat at the fair, but this year I started from a corn dog which was one of my favorite fair foods.

Even when you say corn dogs at the fair, there are so many different stands selling the popular fair food and I bet that everyone has its own flavor.

I'd personally never been picky and cared about which stand would be the best for corn dogs, so I randomly picked up one stand this year too. Well, to be honest with you, I should start being a little bit more cautious to choose a stand next year. The one that I picked this year wasn't bad at all, but good either.

The picky eater was getting hungry too, so I got her a cup of popcorn which she would eat for sure. Yeah, it's not particularly a fair food though.
(She really enjoyed it.)

Andy wanted to have some beer, so while he was getting it, the girl team went to check the Christmas tree section.

There was a big tree displayed in the section.

A nice lady kindly taught us, "You can color these candy canes and put them on the tree." So, May-chan tried it.

She got a help from Grandma to put her candy canes on the tree.

In the same building, they newly made a Halloween section. Wolfman! Roar!!!

May-chan was saying, "It's scary!!", but she was actually having fun with being scared saying, "Oh, ghosts are there!!"

We joined Andy enjoying beer.

Then, Dad&Mom and we once separately went to different areas.

We checked the international bazaar and I purchased a dress at an Asian shop. It's become my tradition to buy a dress at the fair in the last couple years, but my favorite shop actually changed the sizes from Asian to American, so most of their dresses were too big on me.

Then, we went into the dairy building since I wanted to get our ice cream lover a fresh ice cream there.

May-chan was so pleased with the freshly made ice cream, but it's kind of too big for her to finish before it's melted, so I was busy wiping her mouth and the melted ice cream around the cone. LOL

あと、Heritage Centerといういつも覗くエリアで、いつも買う巨大なケトルコーンをお土産にゲット!
We always check the area called Heritage Center because there's a popcorn stand where I get a big bag of kettle corn every year!

There were some performers entertaining the audience too.

Then, we reunited with Dad&Mom again and did another fair tradition for our family, scratching loterry tickets. We usually swing by the stand on the way out, but we stopped by a little early this year. Dad&Mom actually won $200 or something. Yay!
(They actually have a good luck at the fair and won a good chunk of money in the past too.)

I actually wanted to eat something new and different from my usual this year and got this.

It's called Pierogi which are dumplings loved in East Europe.
(Andy's family is actually Polish, so that's one of the reasons why I wanted to try it.)

I got a combo of cheese and meat and preferred the cheese ones.

Though, they're not something very unique or special, I wouldn't buy them again next year. Haha.

Mom got onion rings which I'd never tried before. They're actually very delicious!!

The last thing that I really wanted to do at the fair was trying a ride with May-chan. As you can see her smile in the pic, she really loved it.

Andy wanted to check lawn mowers or snowblowers before we left.

Like this, the big vehicle booths are so popular to kids since they can freely climb up on the seat and play there.

It was our first time to visit fair since 2019 and we took extra time to enter the ground in the beginning. Still, we had so much fun enough to cover the inconvenience earlier that day.

Andy, May-chan and I actually visited the fair twice, so I'd like to share more about our fair day from the next article.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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ステイトフェア2022 1/5 (State Fair 2022 1/5)

2022-11-20 08:37:01 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello folks!

How's your day going today?

As the title says, Andy, May-chan and I could go to MN state fair for the first time in 3 years.

In 2020, they canceled the fair due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, they reopened the fair, but we still self-quarantined and decided not to go into the big crowd.

This year we actually went to the fair twice, once with Dad&Mom and once just with 3 of us, so I'll share how we had much fun there.

On the first day, we left home when it's still dark outside a little after 6am.

We always try to get to the fair ground first in the morning when they open the gate, and we did it this year as well.

When we got closer to the fair ground, we found this long line of cars waiting to enter the parking lot just as you can see in the picture. It was actually the longest line which we'd ever seen at the fair.

The reason why they made such a long line was because they opened the gate at 7am which was1 hour later than usual this year.

We headed to a parking lot on the other side of the fair ground and could park there in a while. Though we got relieved to find a parking spot, we realized that we'd forgotten to bring May-chan's stroller. Dang!! So, Andy had to wait to rent a stroller in another long line at the entrance again.

They unnecessarily took so much time to get us rent a stroller, so Andy kindly told us to go ahead and he would join us later.
(Andy said that the staff at the stroller rental were not used to the job or something and took so much more time than it should have been for no reason.)

At the fair ground, it's still first in the morning and not busy at all. we could walk around without any hustle.

The first thing that I wanted to do at the fair was taking a jump picture which was my tradition at the fair. Thank you, Dad&Mom, for jumping with May-chan!

It's a little bit difficult to capture the moment when both May-chan and I jumped together, so I ended up holding her and jumped. Haha.

Mom got a cinnamon roll and coffee for breakfast.

This was the cinnamon roll stand.

Across the cinnamon roll stand, we found this panel. So, why not? Cheese!

While we're hanging out by the cinnamon roll stand, Andy finally got a stroller for May-chan and joined us. The stroller was pretty huge and hard to turn around. Haha.

Most of the food stands were not open yet at the time and I wasn't hungry yet, so we headed to see animal barns which's also our usual way to enjoy the fair.

We started from cattle barn. After we greeted the cattle, we realized that the big stroller wasn't functional to go around in the barns, so we left it outside.

In front of their eyes...

ママブタ&赤ちゃんブタ 赤ちゃんブタってめちゃくちゃ可愛いよね。
there were Mommy and baby piggies. Why are piggies so cute??

Yup, there was a giant pig too.

Chickens and turkeys.


Horses too. Horses are so cool and handsome, but I'm too scared to get close to them.

We went out and enjoyed watching...

Fish Pond where 40 kinds of MN fish swam around.

If you've been my blog reader for a while, you'd probably know that we pretty much do same things every year at the fair, but it's still fun and special for us.

Just as usual, we spent fun time greeting barn animals or something until the food stands opened.

On the nest article, I'll talk more about fair food, so please stay tuned!

Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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17 サードステップ/私達なりの捉え方 (17 Third Step/How we see the miscarriage)

2022-11-18 12:09:59 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, the other day I let you guys know that our 2nd IVF tuned to end in miscarriage at 9 weeks here.

Today, let me share how I personally went through the incident and mentally faced it.

I know that there are a huge number of ladies who experienced a miscarriage in the entire world and I bet that everyone has a different to way to face and get over it.

As a matter of fact, nobody knows everything about human's lives and can tell what's right or wrong, so I'm going to share my personal story just as one of infinite aspects to see a miscarriage experience.

I already wrote how I went through the miscarriage on articles of this series in the past, but to be very honest with you, I wasn't shocked so much by the unexpected incident.

Needless to say, I was very disappoint to know that the baby wasn't coming anymore, but the fact itself which the baby was gone didn't bring me a deep grief or pain of loss so much.

I contemplated the reasons and realized one thing which was I hadn't always seen death as a tragic incident in general.

I've been very inspired by words from Bashar and one of them was, "Death is like you moving from one room to another." and gave me another way to see what death is. "Yeah, I was certainly stuck in a biased view, death is always tragic."

Also, "A soul makes decision on its own." is another inspiring word to me and it also links to my life motto, "You create your own world." So, the miscarriage also felt to me like, "Oh, okay, it's your decision, my baby."

Besides that, I'd always wondered, "When a baby's soul would come into a body??" and won't find the answer.

Although, one time I randomly came across a YouTube video in which a girl who had a memory of when she's going into her mom's belly and she was saying,

"I was taken to a room where a log of screen monitors. There's a log of pregnant women on the monitors and they asked me which lady I would want to go into, so I picked up my mom and slid into her belly."
(From her story, you could say that a baby soul goes into a body after the body was created."


Again, nobody tells if the girl's story is right or wrong. Still, I personally believe that such a world exists in a way and it doesn't exist in the other way. You can believe whatever concept you want to believe in.

When I first heard the girl's, "I see. That's interesting." I just casually got the idea in my mind, but later when I went through the miscarriage,

"Oh, if I believe in the girl's story, my baby might not have been in the body yet."

I started thinkin that way.

At the same time I started seeing the experience that way, May-chan's word, "The baby went back to the moon!" crossed my mind too. Then, I got this idea, "Oh, my baby was on the way to my belly, but the body was failed to be built well, so she/he turned around and returned to the moon!" like "Oops! There's no body that I can go in!"

Andy originally was saying to me, "I might not want to use the same name when we have a baby next."

So, in his head, "There's already a baby soul in Hit-chan's belly and it's gone with the body at the same time. So, even when we can have a baby next, the soul will be different from the one we just lost, so we want to come up with a new name for the next baby." he was thinking that way.

Still, Andy was also confused with his own mixed feelings and thoughts and "A part of me is thinking this way, but another part of me is thinking that way too." he didn't know how he wanted to face and get over the miscarriage yet.

So, I suggested Andy to sit and have a time to talk about our thoughts and feelings for the miscarriage one time so that we both could get settled down in a certain viewpoint to comfort us.

In the conversation, I shared my feeling that I talked above in the article and heard Andy's feelings and thoughts too.

At the end of the discussion, we both reached to take the option to believe in the concept that I came up with.

Also, I was really grateful for May-chan through the experience.

By losing a chance to welcome the baby this time, I was reminded how lucky and miraculous it is to have May-chan in my life, and I now love her more.

My miscarriage happened at 9 weeks which was very early, so it might be easier for me to get over it. Though, if the baby had gone later in the pregnancy or our first child, Andy and I could have been shocked much more and faced the incident differently.

Anyways, this is all for today. I want to make this article the last one in Third Step series.

Andy and I are still willing to try to have our 2nd child, but we don't know how we want to do it yet. Though, I'm still going to share our story here when the plan is made.

Okay, thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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