Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ハッピーサンクスギビング! (Happy Thanksgiving!)

2022-11-24 11:16:43 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi there!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!

Andy, May-chan and I are up north at Dad&Mom's house from yesterday and we're going to celebrate Thanksgiving together enjoying a big feast and reminding ourselves how lucky we are again.

I guess it's too much information, but I just got in my period in the morning yesterday and struggled with a stronger pain than usual right before we set out on the way to Dad&Mom's. Still, I took some Tylenol and made the 3 hour drive anyways.
(I'm thinking to share this here sometime, but I feel that the cramps during my period has been slightly more painful since the miscarriage.)

Even after we got to Dad&Mom's house, I lied in bed around 5 pm and straight went to bed at 8 pm last night.

Thanks to the rest and sleep, my condition today has been much better still with some Advil or Tylenol and good enough to update my blog like this.

When I woke up early this morning, I saw the beautiful orange sunrise right from the window in the bedroom, but I wasn't feeling good enough to get up and take a picture of it at the time. This view was at 11am. Hehe. It's still wonderful, isn't it?

May-chan's having such a great time with Grandma & Grandpa here too.

As usual, I'm in charge of just eating, not cooking, on Thanksgiving, so May-chan and I are having a lazy and relaxing time as watching YouTube or so.

Dad&Mom are enjoying the annual Macy's Thanksgiving parade on TV now.

Again, I'm not in the best shape due to my period now, but it's just a matter of time to get better. I'm also doing good enough to enjoy the special meal today, so that's what I want to be thankful for first today.

I'm not writing anything useful or something here, but I just wanted to say "Happy Thanksgiving!" to everyone celebrating Thanksgiving day.

Even if you're not particularly celebrating Thanksgiving day today, it's always nice to remind yourself how lucky you already are, so why not today?

From me personally, thank you again for reading my blog!! I really appreciate your support and love.

Okay, again, I just wanted to greet you. I hope you're having a great Thanksgiving day!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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