Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ママパパ宅滞在記 1/5 (Up North 1/5)

2022-11-10 08:26:28 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hi there!

How's it going today?

So, today I want to talk about some days when we're up north at Dad&Mom's house. It's about a month after May-chan and I came back to MN from Japan.

We left home a little before 6am in the morning of Thursday so that we could avoid the morning rush hour.

It's 3 hour drive to Dad&Mom's house. On the way, it rained a little bit, but we could see rainbow after that. (Lucky!)

We safely got to Dad&Mom's house and May-chan started playing with the toys right away.

Andy needed to work, so Dad&Mom and May-chan&I went to downtown Nisswa to hang out.

It's still raining. Luckily we could find a spot to park very close to the buildings.

We first went into a toy store which Dad&Mom recommended.

I don't know why, but grown-ups can get excited at a toy store too!

May-chan was so curious of these toy cars. (May-chan hasn't been into princesses yet maybe because she's like me. Or she's just not watched any princess movies yet.)

Yup, she's very spoiled. It's neither her BD nor Christmas, but Grandma got her one of the toy cars. Yeah, she's born to be lucky.

Besides the toy car, Grandpa got her a dinosaur sticker book too. I know, I know, she's blessed.

After a fun time at the toy shop, we went into this shop.

StoneHouse Coffee

祝・4年振りプレゼント企画(第九弾)(Hit-chan's WakuWaku Present!) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


前回のプレゼント企画の賞品だったStone House Coffee.

I love their coffee, but I always get their beans as a gift or purchased them online, so it was my first time to visit their retail store.

Needless to say, I got a few bags of beans and we also enjoyed coffee there too. It's delicious as always.

It's raining all day, so...

May-chan played a card game with Grandma. The cards are with animal illustrations and you want to match a pair of same animals.

晩御飯はグリルでソーセージと野菜を焼いたもの。多分、この頃は雨止んでたのかな?(笑) 炭の香りがついていて、美味しかったよ!
The dinner was grilled hotdogs and veggies. I don't remember, but it probably stopped raining by then. The smokey flavor was amazing.

After dinner, Brad, Grandma, May-chan and I played the animal card game together.

May-chan really loved the game and her reaction was so cute and funny, so I shot a video too.

8/18/2022 Playing Memory Cards 2(神経衰弱2)

In the game, you're supposed to try to match pairs of animals and the one who makes most pairs is a winner. Though, in May-chan's rule, we all got excited every time somebody matched pairs and all the matched cards went to May-chan's hand. Yeah, it was a very peaceful game. LOL

Like this, we started this stay at Dad&Mom's house in a very fun and peaceful way.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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