Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

15 サードステップ/赤ちゃんがお月様に行った日 (15 Third Step/Day our baby went to the Moon)

2022-11-04 10:26:24 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

Oh well, I've been having a very hectic life in the last month and feeling that time is flying so quickly.

Though, I'm going to get one big chore done this weekend, so I hope that I'll get my calm and easy life back and spend more time on my blog then.

This is another article of Third Step series.

I started bleeding from the late afternoon on August 3rd and the bleeding was still going on like my usual period on the next day, August 4th.

Around 4 pm on the 4th, a chunk of blood or some other tissues around 2 inches came out of my body while I was taking a bath.

I got a contact with Andy right away and then Andy called to the nurse line of my clinic. They told me that I needed to go to ER or urgent care as soon as possible.

At that point, Andy was 6 hour drive away from our house.

It was very challenging for me to go to a location that I'd never been to with May-chan and I was wondering how to deal with the situation. Thankfully, my friend, Kat, came to help us right away at such short notice.

Andy actually called Kat after we found out that I needed to go to urgent care and talked to her what's going on. Then, she didn't ask him much and just said, "I'll be there shortly."
(FYI, Kat is mom of Mere-chan who I babysat for a while.)

When I said "Thank you!" to Kat, "Of course! I was working from home today and Tom's gonna pick up Meredith anyways. I called Tom and said I'm going to help Hit-chan, he simply answered 'Okay!' without asking me any further question. Haha"
(Not only I really appreciate Kat for coming over to help me at such short notice but also Tom for unexpectedly having to watch Meredith by himself for us.)

Since I'm not comfortable with driving unfamiliar roads, Kat kindly offered to drive my car to the clinic.
(May-chan's car seat was in my car, so she drive my car.)

I had saved a spot online beforehand, but I checked in at the front counter too.

I live in MN for 12 years, but I'd almost never been to urgent care before. So, I didn't know much about the system or procedure, so having Kat with me reduced my nervousness and anxiety.

May-chan actually seemed happy going out for the first time on the day.

Even though I had saved a spot online before we left home, but we waited about 30mins or so in the waiting room.
(Like this, thanks to Kat for making May-chan occupied with her phone, she could stay still quietly most of the time.)

They called my name and lead to a room in the waiting room first and then I talked to a doctor about a brief reason why I was there and did a basic health check.

When they called my name next and lead to a different room, there's a different doctor there. I talked to him about all the thing happening to me and also had him check the stuff which came out of my body too.

After I explained everything to him, he said, "We can't tell that's a baby or just some other tissues yet, so let's do ultrasound to make it clear if there's still someone in the ultrasound room now. Otherwise, I'll have you do that Monday. Also, I'll have you take a blood test too."

Luckily, there's still a ultrasound technician working that evening, so we walked to the lab room and ultrasound room.

I asked Kat&May-chan to be with me in the ultrasound room.

This is an American standard, but technicians for ultrasound or x-rays don't do diagnoses, which is doctor's responsibility, so they don't tell you much about the results .

So, I assume that experienced technicians would probably know weather a baby is alive or not, but again, final diagnoses are supposed to be done by doctors, so they would avoid telling you any conclusion.

The technician who took care of my ultrasound also mentioned, "I can't say anything conclusive, but I'd let you know what I can tell from my experience."

When she inserted a camera in me, the images inside my belly showed up on a screen in front of me. When I saw the images, I'm not a doctor or technician, but I could tell "Oh, there's no fetal sac in my belly anymore." After the exam, she kindly said, "I am so sorry this happened to you." with teary eyes.

We're already 99% sure that my baby was gone, but we needed to see the doctor again to hear the diagnosis.

As the result, he explained that they could detect the fatal sack in my belly, which meant that the baby probably went out of my body.

If I explain my feeling at the time, I already had known instinctually that my baby wouldn't be in my belly anymore from the point when I started bleeding. So, when the doctor gave me the final diagnosis, "Okay, I knew that." I confirmed that my instinct was right and also I relieved to have the closer since I didn't want to wait in the dark forever.

Kat kindly drove us home and after that, I decided to tell May-chan what just happened because I often had talked to her, "A baby is in my belly, so why don't you rub her?"

I bet that she was tired at the point, but surprisingly...

"The baby is gone!!!" she started crying so hard.

Her unexpected reaction surprised me a lot and made me realized how much she was looking forward to meeting the baby. Even though it was just one of the laws of nature, but I felt so bad for her that I couldn't make it happen and couldn't help getting my eyes watery too.

It was the only time that I cried for the miscarriage.

Also, "The baby is not in my belly anymore." I used those words to explain the miscarriage to May-chan. Then, May-chan was crying and said,

"The baby went to the moon!!"


I have no idea where she got the phrase or image from, but thanks to her words, I started feeling like, "Oh, I see. Our baby is back to the moon!" and used the expression for the title of this article.

Okay, this is all about the day when our baby went to the moon.

I mainly talked about how we spent the day, but I'd also like to share how Andy and I mentally took and got over the incident some other time too.

Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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