Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

自家製紅生姜 (Homemade Pickled Ginger)

2019-11-27 17:47:57 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's your day going?

Here in MN, we got a lot of snow from last night and the view of our back yard turned out like this in the morning.

Look! Andy grilled pork chops the night before yesterday and left his grill out. So, it got lots of snow on the top. LOL

So, this is another story from my summer diary.

If you've read my blog for a while, you might know this, but my favorite food in the world is Takoyaki. Haha.

When I was in Japan, I made it at home, of course, but even in MN, I shipped a Takoyaki plate here from Japan and make it sometimes at home too.

I said I make it sometimes, and it's only about a couple of times a year.

In general, most of Japanese products are relatively expensive here in MN even though they're pretty cheap in Japan.

Ingredients for My favorite Takoyaki are not exception either, and it costs kinf of a lot if you buy everything at an Asian grocery store here.

So, I make some ingredients at home so that I can save a lot of money. Like Tempura crumbles.

Speaking of pickled ginger, I can buy it at a store here too, but not only because it's kind of pricy and made with artificial color but also I want to generously use it as much as I like for my favorite food, I became to make it at home from some years ago.

On the day in July that I wrote on this article, I could get a very fresh ginger at United Noodles.

Usually, people use young ginger to make this pickled ginger, but you know, it's hard to find it here, so I usually use regular ginger root.

Look! It looks nice, doesn't it? Though, I actually left it for a couple of days after I bought it, so it had lost a little bit of freshness.

The size was very big too!

I peeled off the skin and cut it into the size as I liked. Then, I left it out in the room over night to get them dry. If you leave them out too long and get them dehydrated too much, the texture becomes so chewy.

This is what I dried over night. It looks pretty much same as fresh ones.

So, I use these 2 kinds of vinegar to pickle them. Rice vinegar and Ume Plum vinegar. If you pickle ginger just with this brand's ume plum vinegar, it gets too salty, and that's why I mix it with rice vinegar.

I always this brand's ume plum vinegar for my pickeled ginger and ordered a set of 2 bottles on Amazon this time too. Though, I have a story about it too.

When I opened the box, one of the bottles was completely broken and all the vinegar inside was gone.

So, I first tried to contact with the seller through Amazon account, but they said, "It's ruined in the process of shipping, so please contact with Amazon service center."

Then, I tried to contact with them via email, but they didn't have an address for it or something, so I ended up having a chat with them.

All I wanted was either getting a new bottle or refund for the half the price since I could get one bottle fine.

Though, the first offer from the service person was, "We can give you 15% off coupon that you can use on a next shopping.", which made me think "???" So, I treid to tell her my request more specifically and said, "I don't need the coupon. I'd be happy if you can send me another bottle or refund the half of the total price."

Then, she answered, "We can give you 30% off coupon." and made me so frustrated!!

Let me make it clear again. I was talking with a human being. LOL

While I was having a chat with her, Andy was walking by me, so I vented it out to him, "This shouldn't be this hard!!" Then, he sat in front of my laptop and typed some words like "Why isn't it possible to get refund for what I didn't receive." in a very appropriate and rational way.

"Okay, we'll get you refund and pay it back to your credit card." LOL
(They actually got me refund for the total price of the order, not just the half of it.)

I don't remember every single word of the chatting conversation since this happened while ago, but this is how things went.

Obviously, the service person was just doing her job according to their manual, but this episode made me feel that things would have been much easier if I could use more proffesional English and expained things to her more professionally.

As the resulf of this a little bit frustrating chatting, I could get one bottle of ume plum vinegar for free.

Anyways, I mixed the 2 kinds of vinegar, poured it in the jar and put it in the fridge.

This is 2 days after and looks pretty much same as the 1st day.

To be honest, I hadn't checked the flavor at all and just had kept it in the fridge until this point when I wrote this article. So, I decided to try it.

It's been 4 months since I made it.

I tried it, and it's pretty good. It's a little bit on the salty side and has a little bit hot spiciness from the ginger too.

I make pickeled ginger at home like this but use 99% of it for Takoyaki, which means I won't have to make it for another couple of years.
(I store it in the fride, and it's good for a couple of years according to my past experiences.)

I actually have a big octopus in the freezer now, so I want to host a Takoyaki party (I'm the only guest though. Haha) sometime soon!!

Thanks for reading again!!!

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紅生姜♡ (Yuko)
2019-11-28 13:44:55


Yukoさん (Hit-chan)
2019-11-29 00:24:54
土生姜を使っているので、少し辛めの仕上がりになるんですが、たこ焼きのアクセントとして無くてはならない存在なんです。(笑) たまに焼きそばにも使ってますよ~。一回作ってしまえば、使い切るまで冷蔵庫で保存できるので本当に楽です。



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