Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

最近のめい画伯の作品・ブロック&粘土編 (May-chan's recent artworks / Blocks&Play-Doh)

2022-03-12 07:54:53 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hello folks!

How's your day going today?

So, our lovely daughter, May-chan, is a non-stop girl. She keeps moving around most of the time, but there's a time that she stops and focuses on something, which is an art time.

I've introduced her artworks here before, but let me show you some of her recent works today.

May-chan is such a prolific artist, so I picked up her blocks and clay works only for today.

May-chan loves playing with blocks lately and amazingly creates an original world with blocks on her own.

This is one of her block worlds.

What I was so impressed was the slide. She put the yellow ladder, but the piece that she used for it was originally a fence. She rotated and put it on the slide as a ladder.

She also put the same piece on the piece with tires and said "Fire truck!!"
(I can't deny that I let her be on a screen time longer recently, but she's picked up a lot of new words that I didn't teach her such as "Fire truck" or "Ambulance" in Japanese. So, that makes me feel screen time isn't always that bad.)

She put the girl (Mommy) on the left and kitty on the right, and then...

Daddy showed up behind the door! (She started calling the girl and boy dolls "Mommy" and "Daddy" on her own.)


前半 我が家のバレンタインデー2022 (Valentine's Day 2022 1/2) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


前半 我が家のバレンタインデー2022 (Valentine's Day 2022 1/2) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I wrote this on the article about Valentine's day, but Andy and I gave her a new set of Duplo as a Valentine's day gift.

So, her block world was upgraded too. She added a tree and some flowers.

As for the small Rubik's cube in the front, she says it's a swing. She got the Rubik's cube as one of small toys in a Christmas stocking, but utilized it very well in the block world, which made me so impressed too.

She nicely put the eggs on the table too. Haha

Okay, here are a couple of her play-doh works next.

Compared to letting her play with blocks or drawings, letting her play with Play-doh makes a bigger mess and requires me more patience Still, May-chan loves playing with Play-doh, so I let her play with it as often as my patience lets me do. Haha.

Even though she plays with clay less often, her Play-doh skill has been improved.

This is a strawberry. When she first started playing with Play-doh, she only kneaded or rolled it. Recently, she makes specific figures too.
(Her strawberry might be disturbing to someone who has trypophobia. I'm sorry ahead if you are.)

She also made some human-shaped ones too.

When May-chan was more little, I always showed her how to draw or make specific shapes first and she exactly copied them. Now, she's much more creative and freely draws lines just as she pictures in her head. So, all I need to do for her is admire her artworks and tell her how wonderful they are.

I assume that she gets inspirations from YouTube mostly, but she surprises me on a daily basis by creating something I'd never taught her.
(In a Japanese expression, "Children grow up on their own" sounds very true to me.)

May-chan is now 3 years old and more motivated on making artworks too. As the first and biggest fan of her art, I'm always looking forward to what she'll show me next.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!! Take care!

Peace to Ukraine and to the entire world.

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