Hello there!
How's everything going in your life?
So, I've complained about the long and cold winter here in MN a couple of times on my blog, but I can finally say that we're completely through the winter now in May and we've been enjoying nice and warm days.
Though, once we're through the long and cold winter, the season of storms has started.
I'm writing this on May 12th and we got a thunder storm warning and tornado warning last night, May 11th, and around 8PM when the tornado got closer to our area, they told us to evacuate in the basement.
Following Andy, the chief of our family disaster prevention department, we also went into the bathroom in the basement with a comforter and some snacks.
It was about for 40 mins or so that we stayed in the bathroom and during the time, the lights in the bathroom went off and made us notice that we lost power.
It's actually not that unusual for us to lose power when a thunderstorm hits the area and tree branches cut electric wires or something in summer, so we were optimistically thinking, "Oh, a wire somewhere was cut again." at the point.
Fortunately, we could get out of the bathroom when the tornado warning was cancelled in 15-20 mins.
Andy went out to check around the house even though it's still stormy outside...
Oh...my....the tree....!!!!!
One of the trees in the back yard fell down on the ground.
It was still too dark to see what's going on last night and we lost power anyways, so I went to bed early.
Today, I went out to check the tree first in the morning.
Wow! The tree was completely broken. We're super lucky that the tree didn't hit the house!!
The tree wasn't that old, but it was broken at the thick trunk.
From the opposite angle.
The tree fell over and cut the electric wires directly connected to our house.
That's why only we lost power in the area though other houses still had it.
Needless to say, it's very dangerous to get close to the wires, so I took these pictures from a certain distance.
Andy reported the incident to Excel company last night right away after he found it.
The big thunder storms hit a big area of MN, so there seemed a lot of houses lost power at the same time.
The operator lady of Excel energy mush have got millions of incoming calls endlessly last night and sounded very exhausted.
(She was still very nice and took care of our report really well.)
I imagine that there are so many people working to fix power outage at lots of different locations now, but in our case, the broken wire is only connected to our house and we're the only one getting an impact by that.
So, Andy's saying that we're probably on the bottom of the list.
(They'd probably start working on from the lines connected to more households.)
We also use electricity to pump up well water, so once we lose power, that means we lose water as well.
Anyways, I'll just end this here for today.
On the next article, I want to write about what we're doing on the next day after the storm.
Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!
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- 14 Hit-chan家族滞在記 (My Family Visit to MN vol.14) 2日前
- 14 Hit-chan家族滞在記 (My Family Visit to MN vol.14) 2日前
- 14 Hit-chan家族滞在記 (My Family Visit to MN vol.14) 2日前
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- 13 Hit-chan家族滞在記 (My Family Visit to MN vol.13) 4日前
- 13 Hit-chan家族滞在記 (My Family Visit to MN vol.13) 4日前
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