Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

6 サードステップ/最終決断 (6 Third Step/The Final Decision)

2022-06-15 09:11:08 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

Okay, this is another article about our IVF treatment record.

On the last article, I talked about how Andy and I confronted a financial challenge in the treatment.

Andy had taken a lot of time and effort in researching all the financial matters in the treatment, but one day he told me,


"The more I did research about it, the more the things got complicated. I started leaning toward doing it in Japan again."


Yeah, we'd been debating if we would want to do another IVF in Japan again or in MN from scratch for a long time.

Either way has the pros and cons for sure, which means that it's really difficult for us to make a decision easily.

In March 2022, around the time when we started facing the financial challenge doing an IVF in MN, Japanese government eased the restrictions about entering the country in the pandemic. So, the biggest challenge for our family, the rule of being not allowed to use public transportation for a week or so after entering the country, was lifted, and also they don't want you to be self-quarantined for several days after entering the country if you're vaccinated too.

Andy (a spouse of a Japanese citizen) would still need to get a visa, but as long as he has a visa, he can go to Japan too.

So, Andy and I restarted considering about doing an IVF in Japan again and did some research to see if the plan would be really possible or not.

When you want to do an IVF in Japan, the medical costs would be way cheaper than in the US, but you have to add all the travel costs to your budget instead.

IVF treatment in generally takes you 1 month at least for 1 cycle.
(I heard that some people take a bullet trip to Japan and swing back to their residential country right after their egg is transplanted.)

In case that you can stay at your family's or friends, you don't have to pay a place to stay and cut a lot of costs by that, but in our case, my parent's house isn't big enough for 3 of us to stay. Also, they live in a condo, which means that we would have to worry about May-chan making a lot of noises and bother other people living in the lower level.
(Thankfully, the neighbor in the lower level is kind and never made a noise complain to my parents, but I wouldn't be comfortable to force them hear all the noises that our little monster makes.)

So, we would have to rent a house for more than 1 month and also need 3 full-price flight tickets too since a child over 2 years old must buy a same ticket as an adult.

So, all the cost to do an IVF in Japan to us would be not much cheaper than the costs in MN, but the biggest difference is that it's way easier for us to estimate all the expenses doing an IVF in Japan.

Of course, it's not unusual that an actual expenses goes over the budget, but most of the costs for doing an IVF in Japan is going to be for the flight tickets and place to stay, so it's very easy to know the actual costs when you book it and it's not going to go over the price.

As for the medical costs, the clinic in Japan showed us a list of the costs for all the treatments and medications last time, so even if we would need more medications or something than the last time, it's easy for us to estimate the costs with the list and also the payment records from the last IVF that we did there.
(At the clinic in MN, they didn't include the costs for medications in the basic plan, and that's also why the total cost could go very high depending on the case.)

Anyways, after we did some research, we reached the final conclusion to do an IVF in Japan again.

Even though the regulations about entering Japan in the pandemic were eased some, but there were still a lot of things that we had to care about more than the time before the pandemic.

Oh well, are we really going to go to Japan and do another IVF there??

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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Unknown (浜みき)
2022-06-15 22:06:44
みきさん (Hit-chan)
2022-06-16 08:56:16

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