

高木仁三郎の言葉 #52


高木仁三郎セレクション p.85

The words of Jinzaburoh TAKAGI (1938-2000), people's scientist against nuclear power#52

The nuclear accident and society

Safety reviews on building nuclear plants is actually performed in form as if by purely a technological judgment of specialists, though it depends on various non-pure-technological considerations like this. As we see later, this problem is, I think, shared by many contemporary advanced technologies, and characterizes today’s situation around technologies.

Jinzaburoh TAKAGI selection p.85

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高木仁三郎の言葉 #51


高木仁三郎セレクション p.84

The words of Jinzaburoh TAKAGI (1938-2000), people's scientist against nuclear power#51

The nuclear accident and society

How society makes no provision against such a severe accident is demonstrated as an example by the domestic and international attitudes of USSR government. Namely the food distribution and ingestion had to be controlled and forbidden in many European countries as well as in USSR. Even though USSR government should have paid an enormous amount of compensation money only for these actions to the countries according to an usual international practice, it didn’t pay something like compensation money at all, which is well known. In the case of a smaller-scale accident at a normal plant, such a thing couldn’t get by to be probably conflicts among the countries. The outclassing accident at Chernobyl actually made the indemnity liability of it passed over. In the accident various principles remained broken, by which human beings constitute society such like under the war time.

Jinzaburoh TAKAGI selection p.84

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