非日常に身をゆだねる一人旅は苦難の連続。まるでマルコポーロか芭蕉か猿岩石。昨日早朝のシエムリアップ空港は停電で真っ暗。月曜の昼まで回復は期待できないとのこと。しかしこれは想定の範囲内のトラブル。ローソクの灯の下で手書きの搭乗券を作成し、手押し車で小荷物を積み込み、徒歩でタラップへ。機械頼りの現代人はあまりにひ弱。夕方シンガポール航空の新鋭機・A380 でシドニーへ。チャンギ空港にはこの超ジャンボ機のために第3ターミナルが完成していました。機内は広くて快適。しかし今朝のシドニー空港では800人分の小荷物のために1時間以上待たされました。
Mon. February 4 : rain
Traveling alone that leaves yourself in none-routine is the succession of hardships. I’m like either Marco Polo, Basyo, or Saruganseki. Siem Reap airport was completely dark because of blackout yesterday (Sunday) early morning. They said we couldn’t expect the recovery until Monday noon. It was an assumable kind of trouble, though. They made handwriting air tickets under the candle light, carried our luggage in carts, and we walked to boarding ramp. People of today who totally rely on machines are so weak. I flew to Sydney on A380, the new airplane Singapore Airline have in the evening. The new third terminal has completed for this double decked super jumbo jet in Changi airport. The flight was comfortable as there were a lot of space in the airplane. I needed to wait for more than 1 hour for my luggage at Sydney airport since the passengers were 800 in it.
jumbo ice shavings
非日常に身をゆだねる一人旅は苦難の連続。まるでマルコポーロか芭蕉か猿岩石。昨日早朝のシエムリアップ空港は停電で真っ暗。月曜の昼まで回復は期待できないとのこと。しかしこれは想定の範囲内のトラブル。ローソクの灯の下で手書きの搭乗券を作成し、手押し車で小荷物を積み込み、徒歩でタラップへ。機械頼りの現代人はあまりにひ弱。夕方シンガポール航空の新鋭機・A380 でシドニーへ。チャンギ空港にはこの超ジャンボ機のために第3ターミナルが完成していました。機内は広くて快適。しかし今朝のシドニー空港では800人分の小荷物のために1時間以上待たされました。
Mon. February 4 : rain
Traveling alone that leaves yourself in none-routine is the succession of hardships. I’m like either Marco Polo, Basyo, or Saruganseki. Siem Reap airport was completely dark because of blackout yesterday (Sunday) early morning. They said we couldn’t expect the recovery until Monday noon. It was an assumable kind of trouble, though. They made handwriting air tickets under the candle light, carried our luggage in carts, and we walked to boarding ramp. People of today who totally rely on machines are so weak. I flew to Sydney on A380, the new airplane Singapore Airline have in the evening. The new third terminal has completed for this double decked super jumbo jet in Changi airport. The flight was comfortable as there were a lot of space in the airplane. I needed to wait for more than 1 hour for my luggage at Sydney airport since the passengers were 800 in it.
jumbo ice shavings