豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2010-05-30 15:50:17 | 政治・経済

音楽はレコード、録音テープ、CD、そして今やワンクリックで購入してHDに収納。街のレコード店は激減。書籍も本棚からHDへ。本屋も図書館も消えそうです。映画はビデオ、DVD からHDへ。レンタル・ビデオ店や映画館も風前の灯火。音楽も本も映画も消耗品。良し悪しは別として、消費者は安さや便利さを求めます。



Bookshelves will be gone
Sun. May 30 : fine

The storage of music started from the records via audiotape and CDs and now you can buy music by downloading it and store it in HDs. The number of the record shops has been decreasing remarkably. The books have moved from the bookshelves to HDs as well. The book shops and libraries seem to be disappearing. As for the movies, they are moved from the video tapes, via DVDs to HDs to be stored. Video rental shops and cinemas are on the verge of extinction. Music, books and movies are all expendables. Right or wrong, consumers desire cheaper and handier things.

apple and universal gravitation
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