豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-09-15 21:36:25 | 動物





Tue. September 15 : fine

Mudskippers in Japan are designated as the sub-endangered species due to the influence of landfill and environmental pollution. Skippers live in the tropical and subtropical tidal wetland in Asia, Africa and Australia. Using both their gill respiration and skin respiration they have land life on the surfside. As there are a lot of tidal wetland and mangrove forests in Cairns you can see several different species of mudskippers. The biggest kind is more than 30cm long. The male has larger and showier back fins than female and it dances to invite a female into his nest. You can observe it from the wooden path in the mangrove forest.

wooden path at Cairns airport

There is a huge mudskipper at the children’s park on the City coast. I will write about great Ichiro tomorrow.

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2009-09-14 18:45:51 | トリニティー・ビーチ




Camping car
Mon. September 14 : fine

I heard there is a long holiday this week in Japan. In Australia a long holiday has more than 1 month. Going on a holiday around Australia in a camping car spending more than 3 months is a popular challenge. A Hi-ace camping car costs $300 per day in Japan but it is $60 in Australia. Bigger one for 6 people costs only $125. The TV, the gas stove, the microwave, the refrigerator, the shower and the toilet are standard equipments. One of my neighbors has sold their motor boat and bought a new camping car with $250,000. Offering their house for rent, they are going on a trip to whole the country for 3 years.

grey nomad
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2009-09-13 19:57:45 | 食事




Fruit platter
Sun. September 13 : fine

A platter means a large plate. Meat and fish are served on a large plate with vegetables, pasta and other food in the rational country, Australia. With that way it is easier to wash plates and it doesn’t make the table busy. Big breakfast is one of the platter cuisines. Sea food platter seems like the Sawachi cuisine from Kohchi. In our house the breakfast for Yumi is usually serial and milk and a fruit platter for me. Today I have 2 passion fruits, 2 kiwifruits and 2 navel oranges. Fruit is reasonable in Cairns and it comes to $7.

big breakfast
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2009-09-12 19:43:37 | 日常生活





Blue Sky Archives
Sat. September 12 : fine

2 years has passed since I moved to Cairns. I have used all those facilities, the city library, the book-lending shops and the free rental library at the Japanese travel agencies. I have finished reading all the books in Japanese that exist in Cairns. Now I have been reading free old books of that their copyright has been expired on e-books of Blue Sky Archives. I read some proletarian literature that was recommended by my premature friend when I was a middle school student. I didn’t want to reread it last year in the middle of “Crab Fishing and Canning Boats” fad. Now the fad had passed and I finally reread it 50 years after the first time. I like both crabs and boats but I don’t like this plain novel. Residents are reading books beside the swimming pool of VUE under the blue sky. The boat floating offshore is a tourist boat but a crab boat.

tourist boat in Perth

tourist boat in Vietnam
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2009-09-11 18:42:23 | 植物





Cooktown Orchid
Fri. September 11 : fine

I sometimes see orchids, the state flower of QLD when I walk through the tropical rain forest. They also bloom just aside the busy pathway. Japanese people easily pick them up to bring home when they find some wild flowers. There were several spots of gregarious pheasant-eyes, dog’s tooth violets, calanthes and lilies of valley on the hilltop in the suburbs of Towada City where I lived for 20years. 10 years after, all wild flowers were dug away. 20 years after, the natural flower gardens in Lake Towada and Mt. Hakkoda national park are in a verge of extermination. They also pick up mushrooms and edible wild plants entirely. They catch rare kinds of butterflies recklessly and pick up all the larval food plants in order to increase the price of butterflies.

dog’s tooth violets

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2009-09-10 23:01:30 | 動物




Southern blue fin tuna
Thu. September 10 : fine

It is the second-grade tuna that comes after black tuna. It is middle sized with its maximum weigh of 250kg. It lives only in southern hemisphere and lays eggs in the sea of north-east Australia, the offing of Cairns. 92% of it has been decreased within past 50 years and it is one of the most endangered kinds of animals. 90% of tuna that is caught in the world is eaten in Japan. Almost every tuna that is caught offshore of Cairns is send to Japan. Only a small amount of it is displayed at the fish stores in Cairns. The red meat, the medium-fatty and the fatty are all $4 per 100g. At Tsukiji fish market the medium-fatty tuna is $49 per 100kg. 1m-long tuna is caught easily on the boat but OZs release them naturally.

Tsukiji fish market
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2009-09-09 20:10:53 | ケアンズ





Art exhibition in old oil tanks

Wed. September 9 : fine

Being different from Japanese or American scrap-and-build way, Europeans and Australians don’t easily demolish historical or traditional buildings. There are a lot of museums and concert halls that were renovated into from old wool shed, power house, jail, court house or post office in Sydney. Three huge tanks of the old oil tanks are being reused as the sites for exhibition, dance, music or others. Some paintings and sculptures done by high school students are displayed there during Cairns Festival. As Australia is the multinational country there are various ways of expressions and sometimes I am surprised at some novel paintings.

power house museum

old police museum
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2009-09-08 19:03:13 | ケアンズ





Concert in the tropical rain forest
Tue. September 8 : fine

OZs don’t give politicians, scientists, financiers or artists any special treatments. Prim minister, President of financial conglomerate, the doctors, the authors, the actors, the gardeners and all other people are equal. It also has some negative effect. Top-class actors are gone to the US and top-class musicians are gone to Europe. As the result, there are only second-rate actors and musicians remain, though, I think it’s OK for this “equal country”, Australia. The musicians ho play on the stage in Botanic Garden were the third-rate musicians. The concert surrounded by flowers and green with birds and butterflies dancing were supremely luxurious. If I had to listen to that everyday, it would be the hell but if it is a few times a year, it would be the paradise.

Mardi gras

starry sky cinama
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2009-09-07 19:53:38 | ケアンズ




Last day of Festival Cairns
Mon. September 7 : fine

Yesterday was the last day of Festival Cairns. The main site was Collins Street, northernmost of City. There were 500 open-air stalls on the spacious 1-km-long pedestrians’ paradise surrounded by Botanical Garden, the old water tanks and the park. Several stages were built in the Botanical Garden and in the old water tanks for the music and dance performances. The entrance fee was free everywhere. Drinking was prohibited. It was safe for kids and disabilities, too. In Nebuta Festival from my hometown, Aomori the access and place saving were the big problems. Hoon ramped and drunks started fighting to each other in the rubbish and the crowd, so we had to watch the festival at the risk of our life.

Japanese summer festival
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2009-09-06 19:40:17 | トリニティー・ビーチ




Low rainbow
Sun. September 6 : fine

Bush fire has occurred frequently around Cairns because of high temperature and little rainfall. It rained after a long separation the day before yesterday. After the rainfall I saw a low rainbow from the west terrace of our unit. The height of the rainbow depends on the position of the sun. According to the reflective index of water-drop a rainbow is seen 42 degree up of the sky by the spectator who stands with one’s back to the sun. So you see the high rainbow when the sun is low and vice versa. The mystery of the rainbow was dissolved by Descartes, a philosopher and also a mathematician from the 16 century. He published the mechanism of appearance of rainbow in his book, “the Discourse on Method”. Mathematics is mother of philosophy and grandmother of poetry. Truth, good and beauty are the Trinity.

high rainbow
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2009-09-05 20:00:56 | 教養?




Declination of composite art
Sat. September 5 : fine

Musical stars often sing about their feelings in solo but these are unlikely circumstances in Japan, because Japanese people never tell what they think. So I feel that Japanese musicals are very unnatural. Long time ago there was a drama group in every town and every school in Japan, but that is rare now. The education that neglects learning presentations and the nation that cultivates taciturnity has made the society childish as being represented by some lowbrow culture such as TV programs and comics. There were some chanson singers and canzone singers before but there are just Japanese pop singers now. As the audience loses their sense of beauty the stages go downhill unilaterally year by year.

"Cats", last year's stage by Cairns Musical
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2009-09-04 22:01:30 | 教養?





Miss Saigon
Fri. September 4 : fine

Cairns Musical has history of more than 50 years. They played the epic stage “Miss Saigon” during Festival Cairns. It was the big stage with more than 100 people including the directors, the actors, the orchestra, the stagehands and others. The venue, Municipal Hall is an old building with accommodation of 600 persons but the stage equipments are ample for the full stage. The entrance fee was $40. The stage was absolutely better than Shiki’s. I’m so shy that I’m quite fed up with the musical of Takarazuka or Shiki. I’m also fed up with the ex-Takarazuka-star, Mrs. Hatoyama’s speeches.


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2009-09-03 20:35:20 | 政治・経済





Obedience without a cause
Thu. September 3 : cloudy occasionally rainy

Bush fire in Los Angels has burnt lots of houses and it’s still burning. The observatory that has history of more than 70 year where we visited last month is also in danger of burning down. There is the 100-inch-diameter Hooker telescope that was used by Hubble when he proved space swelling. American finance has been facing the crisis caused by the world economic swelling. Corresponding to the US demand Japan has offered the war expenditure of the Gulf War and bought the US Treasury. Although American government and financial circles show their strong displeasure about de-Americanization of Japan, I hope the spaceman, Yukio achieves confidently his idea, the fraternal politic.

Rebel without a Cause

national people's dignity
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2009-09-02 18:49:50 | 動物




Rock wallabies
Wed. September 2 : fine

The regulation of guns and introduction of public medical insurance are the things Clinton’s government challenged and failed. Obama’s government is also being stuck in introduction of public medical insurance due to the objection of Christianity fundamentalists and other right-wing organization. Reduction of nuclear weapon is likely to have a lot of troubles. Mr. Clinton is a little amorous older man and Mr. Obama is addicted to nicotine, however, they are both outstanding politicians. Even though the politician is excellent, making good nation would not be expected when the electorates’ intellectual and ethical levels are low. For good or bad it’s the democracy. Apparently, there is a shadow over the US. Isn’t this the time for Japan to quit following the US and to start walking independently.

this is not a child but an adult
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2009-09-01 19:41:33 | 植物




Ignorant masses strangle their nation
Tue. September 1 : fine

Japan is the loyal yes-man to the US. It has high tax and low life levels. It’s the stressful nation holding no attraction for young generation. The only one-party nation among developed countries has finally entered into the adult. Although the ruling party changes, Japanese purse is still empty. Other countries would keep staring at Japan coldly. “Who has made Japan like this?” was the key word that clinched Liberal Democratic Party’s historical defeat. It’s the responsibility of the ignorant electorates. Japanese rigid idea that has been kept under the conservative administration for more than half a century should be questioned again fundamentally. This is the photo of the strangling tree, banyan.

strangling tree, banyan
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