豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-09-14 18:45:51 | トリニティー・ビーチ




Camping car
Mon. September 14 : fine

I heard there is a long holiday this week in Japan. In Australia a long holiday has more than 1 month. Going on a holiday around Australia in a camping car spending more than 3 months is a popular challenge. A Hi-ace camping car costs $300 per day in Japan but it is $60 in Australia. Bigger one for 6 people costs only $125. The TV, the gas stove, the microwave, the refrigerator, the shower and the toilet are standard equipments. One of my neighbors has sold their motor boat and bought a new camping car with $250,000. Offering their house for rent, they are going on a trip to whole the country for 3 years.

grey nomad
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