豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2009-02-11 19:40:26 | 動物
2月11日(水) 晴

豪州でゲテモノ食いNo1は踊り食い。イセエビの生き造りは法律で禁止。開発が進んで大蛇をめっきり見かけなくなったと土地の人は言いますが、熱帯雨林やマングローブの森では今なおニシキヘビが健在。毒はないけど鳥、魚、蝙蝠、ポッサムなど生餌専門。時には人家に侵入して鶏、犬、猫も襲います。しかし豪州は自然保護が徹底しているのか、捕獲されたワニでもヘビでも死刑は宣告されず、遠隔地への追放刑。(photo by Cairns Post)



Eating living parrot
Wed. February 11 : rain after fine

The weirdest food for Australians is living fish. Cooking living lobster is prohibited by law. Local people say that they rarely see big snakes as the development has progressed but there are still pythons in the tropical rain forest or mangrove forest. They have no poison but eat birds, fish, bats, opossums, and other living animals. Occasionally, they invade into the houses and attack chickens, dogs, and cats. As preservation of nature is strict, crocodiles or snakes that are caught are not sentenced death penalty but expulsion to remote regions.

eating living salangidae

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