lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress 2011.

2011-04-18 10:38:21 | art music

□ Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress 2011 April 15-16.

"Mapping the Future: Translational Network Biology & Patient Engagement"

>> http://sagebase.org/
>> http://sagecongress.org/
>> http://togetter.com/li/124834

Second Annual Sage Commons Congress The Road Ahead Engaging “Data Intensive Science” to Build “Better Maps of Disease”
Why Build a Participatory Platform?
True Crowdsourcing of Medicine activating all of us-?‐ your role

Sagebio: Sage Bionetworks
2011 Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress presentations and videos now on line http://bit.ly/dVkGyp #sagecon

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□ Eric Schadt: Open Network Biology - Sage Bionetworks

>> http://sagecongress.org/2011/Schadt.pdf

? Aim: Introduce a new type of article as a citable entity, network-based models of complex phenotypes
? In the biosciences, the need is representing knowledge and understanding with models, not simply papers
? Making models a citable entity
?A “Models” article type
? Code and data submitted to a platform that can execute the code ? Reproduce models used in paper description (either current or previous
? Enable “readers” (and, importantly, reviewers) to interact with the model to reproduce predictions from model claimed in publication

bachinsky: David R. Bachinsky
Evidence: The Weak Link Of Evidence-Based Medicine: wp.me/ppMHd-27B

GeneticAlliance: Genetic Alliance
RT @sharonfterry: Wow, Stephen just ended #sagecon with virtual choir - amazing! http://ow.ly/1sxA99 We are singers & the conductors! #fb

(Sage Bionetworks Platform Architecture)

Developing Predictive Molecular Maps of Human Disease through Community-based Modeling (PDF) http://bit.ly/gT2V8w

“Funding is local, science is global.”



Check out our blog post on Open Network Biology and the 2nd Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress http://ow.ly/4zank


生命科学略語検索サービス "Allie" http://allie.dbcls.jp/ の論文が "Database" 誌に掲載されました http://database.oxfordjournals.org/content/2011/bar013.abstract

how the democratization of electronic music failed - http://4c3.de/9eo

□ BBCの遺伝子番組"The Book of Life"が好評価 RT @markgfh: Have seen the first episode of The Gene Code, and it's very good. Ambitious bbc.in/dLL61s

emblebi: EMBL-EBI
19th release of BioModels Database: BioModels Database now publicly provides 326 models in the curated and 373 i... http://bit.ly/fXIWQq

human umbelical vein endothelial cells (HUVECS) labeled for focal adhesions (green) and F-actin (red).

>> http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/

The smallest unit of life, now online and searchable. Check out the #ARRA funded cell image library: http://1.usa.gov/huFstP

Thanks to Recovery Act funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) is making thousands of revealing, beautiful, and informative cell images and videos accessible worldwide to anyone with an Internet connection.

Community detection based on network communicability http://ow.ly/4Crqc #AIP_CHAOS #complex networks

OxfordJNLsJapan: An Off-line Electronic Cash Scheme Based on Proxy Blind Signature.
【数学・物理科学】The Computer JournalのEditor's Choice論文です(無料公開)http://oxford.ly/dJygGJ #computerscience

The proxy blind signature scheme is proved secure upon the discrete logarithm assumptions, decisional bilinear Diffie?Hellman assumptions and Chosen-Target computational Diffie?Hellman assumptions in the Random Oracle Model.

On the basis of the new proxy blind signature, this manuscript proposed an electronic cash (e-cash) scheme. The e-cash scheme can provide unforgeability of e-cash, anonymity of honest customers and efficient traceability of double spending.

rnomics: Fabrice Leclerc
Genetic and biochemical diversity in the HCV NS5B #RNA polymerase in the context of interferon... http://bit.ly/gtEB4D #bioportfolio

Interesting link from @cshperspectives discusses the succesess and failures of Open Science: http://bit.ly/es3mmy

CEO Cliff Reid’s new blog post covers 1st impressions & benefits of a factory approach to human genome sequencing (http://bit.ly/fDLiDI)

If unwound & tied together, the strands of DNA in one cell would stretch almost 6 feet, but would be only 50 trillionths of an inch wide.

Otomata - generative sequencer based on cellular automation.: http://bit.ly/hCUkMq

Live Geometry: http://bit.ly/ewgPcq an interactive designer for ruler-and-compass constructions

[More to come...]

