lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Bird cage.

2023-12-17 23:11:11 | Science News

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□ scDiffEq: drift-diffusion modeling of single-cell dynamics with neural stochastic differential equations

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.06.570508v1

scDiffEq, a drift-diffusion framework for learning the deterministic dynamics. scDiffEq utilizes the metric of Sinkhorn divergence, an unbiased entropically regularized Wasserstein distance. Using multi-time point lineage-traced data, scDiffEq improves prediction of cell fate.

scDiffEq is based on neural Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs) and is designed to accept cell input of any dimension. scDiffEq requires the annotation of an initial position from which it solves an IVP, to fitting the neural SDE describing the dynamics of the cell manifold.

□ CellHorizon: Probabilistic clustering of cells using single-cell RNA-seq data

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.12.571199v1

CellHorizon a probabilistic method for clustering scRNA-seq data that is based on a generative model. CellHorizon relies on CellAssign that does not require any prior marker gene information and models the expression data using negative binomial distribution.

CellHorizon captures the uncertainty associated with each cell's assignment to a cluster. It also takes dropout into account by associating a dropout rate with each gene so that, dropout and actual zero value in the expression can be differentiated.

□ CytoSimplex: Visualizing Single-cell Fates and Transitions on a Simplex

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.07.570655v1

CytoSimplex quantifies the current state and future differentiation of cells undergoing fate transition. Before cells reach their final fates, they often pass through intermediate multipotent states where they have characteristics and potential to generate multiple lineages.

CytoSimplex models the space of lineage differentiation as a simplex with vertices representing potential terminal fates.

A simplex extends a triangle into any dimension; w/ a point is a OD simplex, a line segment is a 1D simplex, a triangle is a 2D simplex, and a tetrahedron is a 3D simplex. The variables cannot change independently, resulting in K-1 degrees of freedom for a K-dimensional simplex.

□ Lokatt: a hybrid DNA nanopore basecaller with an explicit duration hidden Markov model and a residual LSTM network

>> https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-023-05580-x

Lokatt, a HMM-DNN nanopore DNA basecaller that uses an explicit duration Hidden Markov model (EDHMM) with an additional duration state that models the dwell time of the dominating k-mer.

Lokatt integrates an EDHMM modelling the dynamic of the ratcheting enzyme, and is tasked to learn the complete characteristics of the ion current measurements.

Lokatt adopts residual blocks w/ convolution layers, followed by bi-directional LSTM and an EDHMM layer, totaling 15.3 million parameters. It is used for a sample-to-k-mer level alignment assumes the Gaussian observation probabilities and trained with the Baum-Welch algorithm.

□ Towards explainable interaction prediction: Embedding biological hierarchies into hyperbolic interaction space

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.05.568518v1

Comparing Euclidean and non-Euclidean models, incorporating various prior hierarchies and latent dimensions. Using a pairwise model, Euclidean versions perform similarly or even slightly better according to the binary classification task and are computationally more efficient.

The input sequences are converted to 300-dimensional vectors using Mol2vec and ProtVec embeddings. Subsequently, these encoders, coupled with an embedding clip and exponential map, generate latent representations within a shared hyperbolic manifold using Poincaré maps.

□ MaxCLK: discovery of cancer driver genes via maximal clique and information entropy of modules

>> https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btad737/7462770

MaxCLK, an algorithm for identifying cancer driver genes, which was developed by an integrated analysis of somatic mutation data and protein‒protein interaction (PPI) networks and further improved by an information entropy (IE) index.

MaxCLK uses a modified maximal clique algorithm to find all feasible solutions, which is much more efficient than Binary linear programming (BLP). MaxCLK seeks out all the k-cliques. All predictions are consolidated into a weighted undirected network.

□ stGCL: A versatile cross-modality fusion method based on multi-modal graph contrastive learning for spatial transcriptomics

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.10.571025v1

stGCL adopts a novel histology-based Vision Transformer (H-ViT) method to effectively encode histological features and combines multi-modal graph attention auto-encoder (GATE) with contrastive learning to fuse cross-modality features.

stGCL can generate effective embeddings for accurately identifying spatially coherent regions. stGCL combines reconstruction loss and contrastive loss to update the spot embedding.

□ DeconV: Probabilistic Cell Type Deconvolution from Bulk RNA-sequencing Data

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.07.570524v1

DeconV assumes a linear-sum-property between single-cell and bulk gene expression, implying that bulk gene expression is a sum of the components from single-cell gene expression. DeconV models cell-type-specific GE with probability distributions as opposed to point estimates.

DeconV consists of two models, a reference model and a deconvolution model. Reference model learns latent parameters from single-cell reference after which deconvolution model uses the learned parameters to infer optimal cell type composition of a bulk sample.

The reference model, is a probabilistic model consisting of a discrete distribution (zero-inflated Poisson or zero inflated negative-binomial) with cell-type-specific parameters for single-cell gene counts.

The Deconvolution model translates single-cell expression to pseudo-bulk or real bulk gene expression. This is motivated by the aggregation-property of Poisson distributions which states that the sum of two (or more) Poisson random variables has also a Poisson distribution.

□ TIGON: Reconstructing growth and dynamic trajectories from single-cell transcriptomics data

>> https://www.nature.com/articles/s42256-023-00763-w

TIGON (Trajectory Inference with Growth via Optimal transport and Neural network) that infers cell velocity, growth and cellular dynamics by connecting unpaired time-series single-cell transcriptomics data.

TIGON is a dynamic, unbalanced OT model. TIGON features a mesh-free, dimensionless formulation based on Wasserstein–Fisher–Rao (WFR) distance that is readily solvable by neural ODEs and inference of temporal, causal GRNs and growth-related genes.

□ invMap: a sensitive mapping tool for long noisy reads with inversion structural variants

>> https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btad726/7460205

invMap, a two step long read alignment strategy (referred to as invMap) with prioritized chaining, which separately deals with the main chain and potential inversion-chain in the candidate aligned region.

By transforming the non-co-linear anchors to co-linear cases, invMap can find the inversion events even with small size. invMap modifies the nonlinear anchors occurring in the aligned region to linear ones and identifies small new chains to detect potential inversions.

□ BayesDeep: Reconstructing Spatial Transcriptomics at the Single-cell Resolution

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.07.570715v1

BayesDeep builds upon a Bayesian negative binomial regression model to recover gene expression at the single-cell resolution. BayesDeep deeply resolves gene expression for all "real" cells by integrating the molecular profile from SRT data and the morphological information.

The response variable is the spot-resolution gene expression measurements in terms of counts; and the explanatory variables are a range of cellular features extracted from the paired histology image, including cell type and nuclei-shape descriptors.

BayesDeep predicts the gene expression of all cells based on their cellular features, regardless of whether they are within or beyond spot regions. The model robustness is achieved by regularization using a spike-and-slab prior distribution to each regression coefficient.

□ DeepEnzyme: a robust deep learning model for improved enzyme turnover number prediction by utilizing features of protein 3D Structures

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.09.570923v1

DeepEnzyme integrates Transformer and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) models to distill features from both the enzyme and substrate for predicting kcat.

DeepEnzyme employs GCN to extract structural features based on protein 3D structures and substrate adjacency matrixes; Transformer is utilized to extract sequence features from protein sequences. ColabFold is employed to predict protein 3D structure.

□ scELMo: Embeddings from Language Models are Good Learners for Single-cell Data Analysis

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.07.569910v1

scELMo transfers the information of each cell from the sequencing data space to the LLM embedded space. It can finish this transformation by incorporating information from feature space or cell space.

scELMo with a fine-tuning framework performed better than the same settings but under the zero-short learning framework. scELMo + random emb represents fine-tuning scELMo with random numbers as meaningless gene embeddings.

□ Latent Dirichlet Allocation Mixture Models for Nucleotide Sequence Analysis

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.10.571018v1

LDA can identify subtypes of sequence, such as splice site subtypes enriched in long vs. short introns, and can reliably distinguish such properties as reading frame or species of origin.

LDA can analyze the building blocks from the input sequences (words or nucleotide k-mers) to recognize topics, which describe the features of the input sequences.

After summarizing the k-mer counts at each position in a matrix, LDA calculates k-mer matrices and transforms sequences into topic memberships. Sequence clustering can be achieved by analyzing the topic distributions and the interpretation of topics can reveal functional motifs.

□ H2G2: Generating realistic artificial Human genomes using adversarial autoencoders.

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.08.570767v1

H2G2 (the Haplotypic Human Genome Generator), a method to generate human genomic data on an increased scale using a generative neural network to simulate novel samples, while remaining coherent with the source dataset.

H2G2 uses a Generative Adversarial Network using Wasserstein loss (WGAN) on encoded subsections of genomic data spanning over 15000 mutations, equivalent to 1 megabase of DNA.

□ CellTICS: an explainable neural network for cell-type identification and interpretation based on single-cell RNA-seq data

>> https://academic.oup.com/bib/article-abstract/25/1/bbad449/7461884

CellTICS is a biologically interpretable neural network for (sub-) cell-type identification and interpretation based on single-cell RNA-seq data.

CellTICS prioritizes marker genes with cell-type-specific expression, using a hierarchy of biological pathways for neural network construction, and applying a multi-predictive-layer strategy to predict cell and sub-cell types.

The input of CellTICS are reference scRNA-seq data, reference label, and query data. Reference data and query data should be a gene-by-cell matrix. Reference label should be a two-column matrix representing cell type and sub-cell type of each cell.

□ scHiCyclePred: a deep learning framework for predicting cell cycle phases from single-cell Hi-C data using multi-scale interaction information

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.12.571388v1

scHiCyclePred integrates multiple feature sets extracted from single-cell Hi-C data and employs a fusion-prediction model based on deep learning methods to predict cell cycle phases.

scHiCyclePred uses two feature sets, the bin contact probability feature set, and a small intra-domain contact probability feature set, to improve the accuracy of cell cycle phase prediction.

In the fusion-prediction model, three feature vectors for each cell are input into the model, which generates three vectors in parallel after passing through two convolution modules composed of a Convld layer, BatchNorm layer, Maxpool layer, and Dropout layer. These three generated vectors are then merged into a single vector.

□ HGNNPIP: A Hybrid Graph Neural Network framework for Protein-protein Interaction Prediction

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.10.571021v1

HGNNPIP, as a hybrid supervised learning model, consists of sequence encoding and network embedding modules to comprehensively characterize the intrinsic relationship between two proteins.

IN HGNNPP, a random negative sampling strategy was designed for PPI prediction and compared with PopNS and SimNS. Random negative sampling refers to uniformly sampling negative instances from the space of all answers.

□ SPACE: Spatial Patterning Analysis of Cellular Ensembles enables statistically robust discovery of complex spatial organization at the cell and tissue level

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.08.570837v1

SPACE detects context-dependent associations, quantitative gradients and
orientations, and other organizational complexities. SPACE explores all possible ensembles – single entities, pairs, triplets, and so on – and ranks the strongest patterns of tissue organization.

SPACE compares all moments of any-dimensional distributions, even when the underlying data is compositional. SPACE operates on raw molecular expression data, classified pixels, spatial maps of cellular segmentation, and/or centroid data simultaneously.

□ Hyperedge prediction and the statistical mechanisms of higher-order and lower-order interactions in complex networks

>> https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2303887120

a group-based generative model for hypergraphs that does not impose an assortative mechanism to explain observed higher-order interactions, unlike current approaches. This model allows us to explore the validity of the assumptions.

The results indicate that the first assumption appears to hold true for real networks. However, the second assumption is not necessarily accurate; A combination of general statistical mechanisms can explain observed hyperedges.

□ A cross-attention transformer encoder for paired sequence data

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.11.571066v1

A new cross-attention layer that does produce a cross-attended embedding of both inputs as output. This layer can be used in combination with concatenated self-attention layers and parallel self-attention layers.

Transforming the cross-attention matrix to a matching shape. The projected cross-attention matrix has size len(s_a+s_b) × len(s_a+s_b), multiplying this with their Value vector results in a cross-attended embedding for both sequences.

□ Variant Graph Craft (VGC): A Comprehensive Tool for Analyzing Genetic Variation and Identifying Disease-Causing Variants.

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.12.571335v1

Variant Graph Craft (VGC), a VCF analysis tool offering a wide range of features for exploring genetic variations, incl. extraction of variant data, intuitive visualization of variants, and the provision of a graphical representation of samples, complete w/ genotype information.

□ DGP-AMIO: Integration of multi-source gene interaction networks and omics data with graph attention networks to identify novel disease genes

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.03.569371v1

DGRP-AMIO (Disease Gene Predictor based on Attention Mechanism and Integration of multi-source gene interaction networks and Omics) merges gene interaction networks of different types and databases into a unified directed graph using triGAT framework.

DGRP-AMIO uses a a 0/1 vector on the edges to indicate the presence or absence of gene interactions in each database and incorporated this edge feature into the training of attention coefficients.

□ Reconstruction of private genomes through reference-based genotype imputation

>> https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-023-03105-6

Quantifying the risk of data leakage by developing a potential attack against existing imputation pipelines and then evaluating its effectiveness. The attack strategy resulting from the work consists of two parts: haplotype reconstruction and haplotype linking.

The haplotype reconstruction portion utilizes the output from imputation to reconstruct a set of reference panel haplotypes for each chromosome or for each chromosome “chunk” (i.e., non-overlapping segments within a chromosome).

The haplotype linking portion leverages any available genetic relatives to link across these genomic segments (chromosomes or chunks) to form sets of haplotypes and diplotypes predicted to belong to the same individual.

Reconstructed haplotypes from the same individual could be linked via their genetic relatives using our Bayesian linking algorithm, which allows a substantial portion of the individual’s diploid genome to be reassembled.

□ Multicellular factor analysis of single-cell data for a tissue-centric understanding of disease

>> https://elifesciences.org/articles/93161

Multicellular Factor Analysis is a fundamental advancement in the factor analysis of cross-condition single-cell atlases.

Multicellular factor analysis allows for the inclusion of structural or communication tissue-level views in the inference of multicellular programs, and the joint modeling of independent studies. Projection of new samples into an inferred multicellular space is also possible.

□ Enhancing Recognition and Interpretation of Functional Phenotypic Sequences through Fine-Tuning Pre-Trained Genomic Models

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.05.570173v1

The genomic diversity within HERV sequence-specific enriched motif regions of the human pangenome was assessed using Odgi Depth. Gene annotations that overlapped with these regions were categorized by chromosome and gene category using Bedtools Intersect.

The HERV & Regulatory phenotype datasets, maintaining the original interval lengths, allowed us to analyze the chromosomal distribution of the corresponding functional and nonfunctional random regions, confirming the uniformity of the constructed datasets across all chromosomes.

Currently, the commonly used pre-training BERT and GPT models have a maximum model input tokens limitation, possibly resulting in loss of spatial information of the genome and important regulatory elements, such as the long-distance Enhancer.

Despite DNA controlling complex life activities, research predominantly focuses on approximately 3% of protein-coding sequences. The fine-tuned HERV dataset reveals that hidden layer features enable the model to recognize phenotypic information in sequences and reduce noise.

To investigate how the model isolates phenotypic label-specific signals, they calculated local representation weight scores (ALRW) for phenotypic labels using average attention matrices.

□ QuadST: A Powerful and Robust Approach for Identifying Cell-Cell Interaction-Changed Genes on Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.04.570019v1

QuadST is motivated by the idea that in the presence of cell-cell interaction, gene expression level can vary with cell-cell distance between cell type pairs, which can be particularly pronounced within and in the vicinity of cell-cell interaction distance.

QuadST infers interaction-changed genes (ICGs) in a specific cell type pair interaction based on a quantile regression model, which allows us to assess the strength of distance-expression association across entire distance quantiles conditioned on gene expression level.

□ GeneExt: a gene model extension tool for enhanced single-cell RNA-seq analysis

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.05.570120v1

GeneExt is a versatile tool to adjust existing gene annotations in order to improve scRNA-seq quantification across species. The software requires minimal input and can be used with minimal options, with default parameters optimized for most species.

□ RERconverge Expansion: Using Relative Evolutionary Rates to Study Complex Categorical Trait Evolution

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.06.570425v1

In this framework, a rate model places constraints on the rates inferred in the transition rate matrix of the Markov model. The rate model specifies which transition rates are zero, and which rates are equal.

□ wQFM-DISCO: DISCO-enabled wQFM improves phylogenomic analyses despite the presence of paralogs

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.05.570122v1

DISCO-R, a variant of DISCO with a refined and improved pruning strategy that provides more accurate and ro-bust results. They also propose wQFM-DISCO (wQFM paired with DISCO) as an adaptation of wQFM to handle multicopy gene trees resulting from GDL events.

□ comrades-OO: An Object-Oriented R Package for Comprehensive Analysis of RNA Structure Generated using RNA crosslinking experiments

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.12.563348v1

COMRADES Object-Oriented (comrades00), a novel software package for the comprehensive analysis of data derived from the COMRADES (Crosslinking of Matched RNA and Deep Sequencing) method.

comrades00 offers a comprehensive pipeline from raw sequencing reads to the identification of RNA structural features. It includes read processing and alignment, clustering of duplexes, data exploration, folding and comparisons of RNA structures.

□ NestOR: Optimizing representations for integrative structural modeling using Bayesian model selection

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.12.571227v1

NestOR (Nested Sampling for Optimizing Representation), a fully automated, statistically rigorous method based on Bayesian model selection to identify the optimal coarse-grained representation for a given integrative modeling setup.

NestOR objectively determines the optimal coarse-grained representation for a given system and input information. NestOR obtains optimal representations for a system at a fraction of the cost required to assess each representation via full-length production sampling.

□ Oxford Nanopore

>> https://x.com/nanopore/status/1732544126262874346

What’s more, telomere-to-telomere (#t2t) assemblies now achievable with JUST simplex.

Q28 simplex data is accurate enough.

You do not need data from any other platform — paving the way for @nanopore T2T assembly, using just simplex data.

#nanoporeconf 1/2


2023-12-17 22:10:10 | Science News

(Created with Midjourney v5.2)

□ ORFeus: a computational method to detect programmed ribosomal frameshifts and other non-canonical translation events

>> https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-023-05602-8

ORFeus, a novel computational tool for inferring altORFs. ORFeus uses a hidden Markov model (HMM) to infer translation patterns from ribo-seq data that is inherently noisy and sparse.

ORFeus is based on an HMM architecture designed to detect multiple types of recoding and alternative events using ribo-seq data in conjunction with nucleotide sequence. ORFeus identifies changes in reading frame and additional upstream or downstream reading frames.

□ anc2vec: Joint Learning of Node Semantics and Graph Topology using a Transformer in the sparse network regime

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.05.570178v1

anc2vec generates feature embeddings for Gene Ontology (GO) terms using neural networks. This technique captures ontological uniqueness, ancestor hierarchy, and sub-ontology membership, augmenting protein representation beyond mere structural attributes.

node2vec, a random walk-based approach for generating structural node fea-tures. They improves the anc2vec method and integrating the produced semantic features with structural node2vec.

Intricating process of propagating protein features with shared Gene Ontology (GO) terms using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). This observation underscores the potential difficulties of using GNNs for feature propagation, especially in the context of shared GO terms.

A transformer-based neural network is trained on anc2vec features to predict protein interactions, providing an enhanced protein representation that can effectively complement structural node2vec features. anc2vec and node2vec both produce 200-dimensional features.

□ KGRACDA: A Model Based on Knowledge Graph from Recursion and Attention Aggregation for CircRNA-disease Association Prediction

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.04.569883v1

KGRACDA is a model for predicting circRNA-disease association (CDA), which supports end-to-end CDA analysis. KGRACDA mainly use feature vector embeddings, it utilizes knowledge graph techniques to represent circRNA, miRNA, InRNA and diseases as entities and relations.

KGRACDA uses a recursive method to build a graph neural network, which enables the model to capture the local information between nodes from shallow to deep, fully aggregate the relations between entities, select strongly associated nodes with attention mechanism.

□ Dupsifter: A Lightweight Duplicate Marking Tool for Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing

>> https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btad729/7471870

Dupsifter provides an aligner-agnostic duplicate marking tool that is lightweight, has streaming capabilities, and is memory efficient. dupsifter is a command line tool for marking PCR duplicates in both WGS and WGBS datasets. It is based on the samblaster methodology.

Dupsifter can accept streamed input, such as from BISCUIT or bwa-meth, as well as running with an already aligned BAM. Dupsifter natively handles unmapped and non-primary read alignments, which are included in the output from both BISCUIT and bwa-meth.

□ Modeling fragment counts improves single-cell ATAC-seq analysis https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-023-02112-6

scATAC-seq binarization is unnecessary and results in a loss of useful information. Chromatin accessibility is highly dynamic and nucleosome turnover rates are in the same order of magnitude as the scATAC-seq incubation duration.

scATAC-seq fragment counts capture the continuum of chromatin accessibility. They adapted the PeakVI models. PeakVI learns the probability that a peak in each cell is accessible, while accounting for cell-specific effects and region biases through learnt factors.

□ simona: a Comprehensive R package for Semantic Similarity Analysis on Bio-Ontologies

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.03.569758v1

Simona is a novel R package for semantic similarity analysis on general bio-ontologies. Simona implements infrastructures for ontology analysis by offering efficient data structures, fast ontology traversal methods, and elegant visualizations.

Simona provides a comprehensive toolbox for semantic similarity analysis with more than 70 different methods. Simona is implemented by efficient algorithms, and has runtime improvement of approximately 2x, 25x, and over 3000x compared to ontology Similarity, GOSemSim, and GOSim.

□ ReConPlot: an R package for the visualization and interpretation of genomic rearrangements

>> https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btad719/7460198

ReConPlot (REarrangement and COpy Number PLOT) provides functionalities for the joint visualization of SCNAs and SVs across one or multiple chromosomes.

ReConPlot relies on ggplot2. ReConPlot only requires as input the genomic coordinates for the regions. to be visualized, integer minor and total copy number data, and SV information in browser extensible data paired-end (BEDPE) format.

□ Maximizing the potential of genomic and transcriptomic studies by nanopore sequencing

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.06.570356v1

In order to systematically analyse which factors do or do not influence the lifetime of a flowcell (and consequently the number of sequenced bases) they analysed several parameters that vary across sequencing runs.

If you are interested in modifications in the backbone, then the standard normalization for background distribution may destroy the signal to be detected.

Comparative analysis between two such samples should be performed on the same flow cell. For comparing samples across several flow cells, alternative (not established) normalization steps are required, which account for e.g. flow cell specific signal patterns.

□ N-spherical functors and tensor categories

>> https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.03972

Dyckerhoff, Kapranov and Schechtman introduced the notion of an 'N-spherical' functor between stable infinity categories, for N a positive integer. This is a generalization of the more standard case N = 4 of a 'spherical' functor between triangulated categories.

Calling an object N-bounded if the corresponding regular endofunctor on the derived category is N-spherical.

Besides giving new examples of N-spherical functors, the notion of N-bounded objects gives surprising connections with Jones-Wenzl idempotents, Frobenius-Perron dimensions and central conjectures in the field of symmetric tensor categories.

□ LMdist: Local Manifold distance accurately measures beta diversity in ecological gradients

>> https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btad727/7461183

Local Manifold distance (LMdist), an unsupervised algorithm which adjusts pairwise beta diversity measures to better represent true ecological distances. Beta diversity measures can have a bounded dynamic range in depicting long environmental gradients with high species turnover.

LMdist projects pairwise distances onto a manifold and traverses the manifold surface to adjust pairwise distances at the upper end of the beta diversity measure’s DR. LMdist adjusts only those pairwise values which may be undervalued in the presence of a sampled gradient.

□ SAPPHIRE: Improving population scale statistical phasing with whole-genome sequencing data

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.07.570528v1

SAPPHIRE (Smart and Accurate Polishing of Phased Haplotypes Integrating Read Enhancements), a new method that leverages whole-genome sequencing data to enhance the precision of haplotype calls produced by statistical phasing.

SAPPHIRE achieves this by refining haplotype estimates through the realignment of sequencing reads, particularly targeting low-confidence phase calls.

If sequencing reads clearly show a reversed phase, SAPPHIRE corrects it and the read count supporting the phase is reported. The heterozygous genotype extraction can be run on a single node per chromosome.

□ SQANTI-SIM: a simulator of controlled transcript novelty for lrRNA-seq benchmark

>> https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-023-03127-0

SQANTI-SIM, a versatile tool that wraps around popular long-read simulators to allow precise management of transcript novelty based on the structural categories defined by SQANTI3.

SQANTI-SIM returns the simulated long-reads, a reduced GTF file without the simulated novel transcripts, and the orthogonal datasets. Moreover, it includes functions to generate a comprehensive report that evaluates the performance of the transcript reconstruction algorithm.

□ METALICA: Unfolding and De-confounding: Biologically meaningful causal inference from longitudinal multi-omic networks

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.12.571384v1

METALICA introduces novel unrolling and de-confounding techniques used to uncover multi-omic entities that are believed to act as confounders for some of the relationships that may be inferred using standard causal inferencing tools.

The top unrollings and de-confoundings identified by METALICA across various methods were ranked based on the overall bootstrap score and factors like the number of networks in which they appear, as well as the types of networks supporting each finding.

□ BioCLIP: Contrasting Sequence with Structure: Pre-training Graph Representations with PLMs

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.01.569611v1

BioCLIP, a contrastive learning framework that pre-trains Protein Structure Models (PSMs) by leveraging (Protein LAnguage Models) PLMs, generating meaningful per-residue and per-chain structural representations.

BioCLIP's pre-trained Graph Neural Network (GNN) surpasses conventional training methods, and structural embeddings enhance sequence embeddings and usually boost performance when combined.

□ EfNST: A composite scaling network of EfficientNet for improving spatial domain identification performance

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.03.569798v1

EfNST accurately identifies spatial domains by integrating Gene Expression Profiling, Spatial Location, and potential characterization of Histological Image information to elucidate heterogeneity in tissue structure.

The Denoising Autoencoder (DAE) can avoid losing information after inputting the original data by reconstructing the input data containing noise. The Variational Graph Autoencoder (VAGE) utilizes latent variables to learn latent representations in graph structure based on VAE.

□ G-bic: generating synthetic benchmarks for biclustering

>> https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-023-05587-4

G-Bic, a fully parametrized generator of heterogeneous and temporal data focused on the necessities of biclustering. G-Bic is the first contribution to generating multivariate data w/ numeric, symbolic, and time-series data; therefore, it conforms to diverse application domains.

GBic handles temporal data, including contiguity assumptions on the time dimension, and offers higher degrees of flexibility for parameterizing the coherence (type and strength), structure (number and size), and quality of the biclusters.

□ Stereopy: modeling comparative and spatiotemporal cellular heterogeneity via multi-sample spatial transcriptomics

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.04.569485v1

Stereopy is a fundamental and comprehensive tool for mining and visualization based on spatial transcriptomics data, such as Stereo-seq (spatial enhanced resolution omics sequencing) data.

The spatially resolved temporal gene pattern inference (TGPI) algorithm represents a notable advancement in detecting important spatiotemporal gene patterns while concurrently considering spatial and temporal features, which enhances the identification of important genes.

□ HiCDiff: single-cell Hi-C data denoising with diffusion models

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.01.569684v1

HiCDiff uses a parameterized Markov chain model trained to learn the transition from noisy data to cleaner data to reverse a noise forward diffusion process of gradually adding Gaussian noise to Hi-C data.

HiCDiff employs a residual network architecture with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) to denoise the Hi-C data of either a single cell or bulk cells. HiDiff achieved the performance similar to the state-of-the-art supervised ScHiCEDRN.

□ pyComBat: a Python tool for batch effects correction in high-throughput molecular data using empirical Bayes methods

>> https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-023-05578-5

pyComBat, a new Python implementation of ComBat and ComBat-Seq, the most commonly used software for batch effects correction on high-throughput molecular data.

This implementation offers the same correcting power, with shorter computation time for the parametric method compared to other implementations, and significantly shorter time for the time-consuming non-parametric version.

□ BanditPAM++: Faster k-medoids Clustering

>> https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.18844

BanditPAM++, which accelerates BanditPAM via two algorithmic improvements, and is O(k) faster than BanditPAM in complexity and substantially faster than BanditPAM. BanditPAM++ is based on two observations about the structure of BanditPAM and the k-medoids problem.

k-medoids clustering has several advantages over k-means. Crucially, the requirement that each cluster center is a datapoint leads to greater interpretability of the cluster centers because each cluster center can be inspected. k-medoids supports arbitrary dissimilarity measures.

BanditPAM++ returns the same answer to the k-medoids clustering problem as PAM and BanditPAM while improving the SWAP complexity of BanditPAM by O(k) and substantially decreasing its runtime. BanditPAM++ returns the same result as BanditPAM in every SWAP iteration.

□ SingleScan: a comprehensive resource for single-cell sequencing data processing and mining

>> https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12859-023-05590-9

SingleScan enables users to quickly explore the features of each tool and role of the tool in the entire data analysis procedure. SingleScan uses the min–max scaling method is used to normalize the citations of publications.

SingleScan provides a relatively comprehensive list of single-cell analysis tools and provides a standard process for single cell analysis, with software available for each step.

□ ARTdeConv: Adaptive Regularized Tri-Factor Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Cell Type Deconvolution

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.07.570631v1

ARIdeConv, an innovative deconvolution approach. An important feature of ARTdeConv is its adoption of a tri-factor model, which integrates an additional diagonal matrix to consider cell-type mRNA amounts during the deconvolution process.

ARTdeConv offers enhanced flexibility compared to reference-based methods, as it accommodates cell types whose reference GE are not known. ARTdeConv presents advantages over reference-free methods by incorporating cell type expression within the partial signature matrix.

□ memo-eQTL: DNA methylation modulated genetic variant effect on gene transcriptional regulation

>> https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-023-03130-5

memo-eQTL, an extended eQTL method to systematically assess the modulation effects of these meCpGs, This method characterizes the modulation effect as the interaction between SNP and meCpG (SNP × meCpG) via a moderate model (M3).

memo-eQTL incorporates the genetic variant and DNA methylation, along with their interaction, into a multiple regression model. The statistical significance of the DNA methylation modulation effect is determined by comparing this model with and without the interaction.

□ ganon2: up-to-date and scalable metagenomics analysis

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.07.570547v1

ganon2 indexes large datasets with a small memory footprint, maintaining fast, sensitive, and precise classification results. This is possible with the Hierarchical Interleaved Bloom Filter data structure paired with minimizers and several other improvements and optimizations.

ganon2 provides either sequence or taxonomic profiles, with abundance estimation including correction for genome sizes, multi-matching read re-assignment with the Expectation-Maximization (EM) and/or the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) algorithm with multiple reporting filters.

□ vcfdist: accurately benchmarking phased small variant calls in human genomes

>> https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-43876-x

vcfdist, an alignment-based small variant calling evaluator that standardizes query and truth VCF variants to a consistent representation, requires local phasing of both input VCFs, and gives partial credit to variant calls which are mostly (but not exactly) correct.

vcfdist uses alignment distance based metrics for evaluation which are entirely independent of variant representation, and only measure the distance between the final diploid truth and query sequences.

□ Dividing out quantification uncertainty allows efficient assessment of differential transcript expression with edgeR

>> https://academic.oup.com/nar/advance-article/doi/10.1093/nar/gkad1167/7460324

Their DTE (differential transcript expression) method is implemented in edgeR. The quasi-Poisson dispersion estimates the variance-inflation induced by RTA and can be used to scale down the transcript counts so that the resulting library sizes reflect their true precision.

The edgeR functions catchSalmon and catchKallisto import transcript-counts and associated bootstrap resamples from Salmon and kallisto, respectively, and estimate the RTA-induced overdispersions.

□ ATAT: Automated Tissue Alignment and Traversal in Spatial Transcriptomics with Self-Supervised Learning

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.08.570839v1

ATAT: Automated Tissue Alignment and Traversal, an algorithm which, to our knowledge, is the first algorithm that utilizes self-supervised contrastive learning over the H&E image to align and traverse ST data.

Path traversal through the lattice structured graph. Between adjacent tiles on the spatial grid, a similarity score is calculated using the learned tile representations.

A path is traversed between user selected start and end anchor points using the similarity score as edge weights for a shortest path algorithm between adjacent tiles.

ATAT derives gene expression trajectories along traversed paths. The gene expression at each tile along the path is averaged across the set of all tiles assigned to the path tile.

□ GOAT: efficient and robust identification of geneset enrichment

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.10.570979v1

GOAT (The Geneset Ordinal Association Test) is a parameter-free permutation-based algorithm for geneset enrichment analysis. The full algorithm is computationally efficient and completes in the order of seconds and within 1 second when using precomputed null distributions.

GOAT uses squared gene rank values as gene scores to boost top-ranked genes in the input genelist. Validations using synthetic data show that estimated geneset p-values are well calibrated under the null hypothesis and invariant to geneset size.

□ Non Parametric Differential Network Analysis (DNA) for Biological Data

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.08.570801v1

DNA algorithms combine statistical learning and graph theory to explore the changes in the interaction patterns starting from experimental observation.

A novel DNA method to identify differential edges among two networks and integrate differential expressions between nodes. GE level is statistically predicted by using multivariate count data, and the conditional dependence graph is built by using pairwise Markov random fields.

□ MUFFIN : A suite of tools for the analysis of functional sequencing data

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.11.570597v1

MUFFIN offers generic tools to analyze high-throughput sequencing count data and complements the existing tools available in Scanpy and the Python ecosystem.

□ mergin: Leveraging large language models for data analysis automation

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.11.571140v1

mergen, an R package that interfaces with LLMs for data analysis code generation. This package provides the functionality to augment their capability via prompt engineering methods, data file inclusion for prompts, error feedback mechanisms, and automated dependency resolution.

They provide a comprehensive analysis of the code snippets generated by LLM models and prompt engineering techniques.

□ RecallME: Benchmarking and improving the performance of variant-calling pipelines

>> https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btad722/7471871

RecallME tracks down difficult-to-detect variants as insertions and deletions in highly repetitive regions, thus providing the maximum reachable recall for both single nucleotide variants and small insertion and deletions.

RecallMe was created to address these accuracy assessment challenges: diverse variant notations among callers; unraveling multi-allelic sites; pinpointing causes of false negatives by reviewing supporting reads in BAM files; optimizing recall and precision parameters.

□ MAGqual: A standalone pipeline to assess the quality of metagenome-assembled genomes

>> https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.13.571510v1

MAGqual (Metagenome-Assembled Genome Quality) enables the user to pass in MAGs generated by metagenomic binning software and quickly assess the quality of these bins according to the MIMAG standards.

These bins are analysed to determine completeness and contamination (using CheckM v1.0.13) and the number of rRNA and tRNA genes that each bin encodes. This information is used by bespoke code to determine the quality of each bin, in line with the MIMAG standards.

□ Clumppling: cluster matching and permutation program with integer linear programming

>> https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btad751/7473369

Clumppling (CLUster Matching and Permutation Program that uses integer Linear programmING), a framework for aligning clustering results of population structure analysis.

Clumppling provides a histogram of pairwise dissimilarities under optimal alignment of replicates within modes. Clumppling uses integer linear programming for finding optimal alignments, embedding the cluster alignment problem in standard combinatorial optimization frameworks.


2023-12-17 00:07:20 | 映画

□ 『WISH』


人も動物もみな、同じ星からはぐれた星屑である。『願い』とは叶うことを待つものではない。産声をあげたばかりの数多の物語が、きっとこの宇宙のはじまりから、私たちを突き動かすベクトルの向かう先にいる、自分自身の姿に違いないのだ #WISH #ウィッシュ

Walt Disney Pictures (2023)
Directed by Chris Buck / Fawn Veerasunthorn
Screenplay by Jennifer Lee / Allison Moore
Music by Dave Metzger

□ Julia Michaels - A Wish Worth Making (Official Video)