lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

The Creator.

2023-10-29 00:10:10 | 映画

『The Creator』

>> https://www.20thcenturystudios.com/movies/the-creator

20th Century Studios (2023)

Directed by Gareth Edwards
Written by Gareth Edwards
Screenplay by Chris Weitz

Music by Has Zimmer
Cinematography by Greig Fraser / Oren Soffer

Production Design by James Clyne
Art Direction by Lek Chaiyan Chunsuttiwat / Chris DiPAola
Costume Design by Jeremy Hanna / Preeyanan ‘Lin’ Suwannathda

人を依代に人に寄り添うAIと、神の真似事をする人間との飽くなき闘争。古典的なサイバーパンクでありながら先進的な視覚効果と演出によって、カタルシス溢れる最も美しい情景をSF映画史に刻む。MVのようなキメキメのビジュアルと編集、Hans Zimmerの神々しい楽曲が、まるで神話のような一枚画を描く

An AI created to resemble and serve as a companion to humans, is engaged in a struggle with humans who play god. This cyberpunk sci-fi film, employing cutting-edge visual effects and direction, combined with the divine music of Hans Zimmer, creates scenes of breathtaking beauty.

□ Hans Zimmer / “A Place in the Sky”

□ Hans Zimmer / “Prayer”

□ Hans Zimmer / “True love”