lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Delerium / “Signs”

2023-03-10 22:13:37 | delerium

□ Delerium / “Signs”

>> https://www.metropolis-records.com/product/11858/signs

Release Date; 10/03/2023
Label; Metropolis Records

Writer: Bill Leeb
Writer: Rhys Fulber

>> tracklisting.

01. Falling Back to You (with Mimi Page)
02. Rain
03. Coast to Coast (feat. Phildel)
04. Sun Storm
05. In The Deep (feat. KANGA)
06. Esque
07. Remember Love (with Mimi Page)
08. Amebedo
09. Streetcar (feat. Inna Walters)
10. Glimmer (with Emily Haines) [Delerium Remix]
11. The Astronomer
12. Absolution (with Mimi Page)

Delerium / “SIGNS” カナダの夢幻的エレクトロニカ・デュオ、デレリアム7年ぶりの新譜。トラックメイキングは全篇Conjure One寄りだが、Bill Leebのポエティシズムが芯にあり、Mimi Pageのレイヤード・ヴォイスが目立つ点では、前作”Mythologie”の路線を色濃く継いでいる。

Delerium has explored any number of aspects of electronic music, ceaselessly evolving and exploring, seemingly traversing genres in search of the exquisite.

Signs is a masterwork of hypnotic rhythms and enveloping ambience, with stunning vocal contributions from Mimi Page, Phildel, Inna Walters, and KANGA. Each singer's unique voice elevates Signs, adding levels of aching beauty and romanticism.

□ Rain

□ The Astronomer


2023-03-10 18:12:06 | アート・文化

□ 『EDNE』 by junaida

Michael ENDE / “Der Spiegel im Spiegel” (鏡の中の鏡)へのオマージュ。見開きを境界に僅かに異なる鏡対称に描かれた一対の絵画と、一節ずつの引用からなる絵本。マルチバースの原点とも言える古典。我々は物語に溶け、誰にでもなれて、誰でもない誰かを探している。

Who went through this door.
When, and from which side.
And, why did they walk inside.


Why go through this door.
When, and from which side.
And, who is it that actually walks inside.
