lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2012-01-07 17:49:31 | Science News
<iframe src="http://videocast.nih.gov/embed.asp?file=16668" width="350" height="288" frameborder="0">browser does not support iframe</iframe>

□ NIH - From the 'Genetic Code' to the 'Genetic Code'

>> http://videocast.nih.gov/launch.asp?16668

Eric Lander indicates that we need a cellular circuitry mapping project to go to the next level." bit.ly/xjdbkB /via @OpenHelix
"Gene-Gene Interaction and Gene-Environment Interactions which might mean The Current Models are overestimating squared."

Eric LanderのNIH講演。何を置いてもスピーチが上手過ぎて聞き惚れる。


Check out cool new website mapping #water, #sanitation, #hygiene in schools in 30+ countries! Share your data too ow.ly/8kVhF

□ Demonstration of temporal cloaking.

>> http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v481/n7379/full/nature10695.html

Alternatively, it may be desirable to cloak the occurrence of an event over a finite time period, and the idea of temporal cloaking has been proposed in which the dispersion of the material is manipulated in time, producing a ‘time hole’ in the probe beam to hide the occurrence of the event from the observer.



How we communicate information: Visualization & Interface sessions at #Strataconf can help you do it right bit.ly/vZJmbY

New NIH genetics center focuses its lens on exome, despite doubts zite.to/yJsU1C via @zite
Less than half of the more than 7,000 heritable diseases identified thus far have a known genetic origin. So, on 6 December, to help pinpoint the DNA glitches behind these disorders and thereby hasten diagnosis and drug development, the Bethesda, Maryland?based US National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute announced the funding of the Mendelian Disorders Genome Centers Program, part of a larger bundle of genomics grants totaling more than $400 million toward projects it has also supported in the past.

Increasingly, given technological advances, scientists are advocating whole-genome sequencing over exome sequencing. Although the latter only contains one-fiftieth of the sequence length analyzed, about the cost saving is only half, at around $2,500 compared with $5,000 for the whole genome. This is because it is more expensive and labor intensive to process genetic material for exome sequencing,


AnnotCompute: annotation-based exploration and meta-analysis of genomics experiments database.oxfordjournals.org/content/2011/b… #bioinformatics @myen

Notre Dame researchers demonstrate new DNA detection technique - bit.ly/zaOlJ0
Physicists Carol Tanner and Steven Ruggiero led the team in the application of a new technique called laser transmission spectroscopy (LTS). LTS is capable of rapidly determining the size, shape and number of nanoparticles in suspension.

the team describes how they applied LTS as a novel method for detecting species-specific DNA where the presence of one invasive species was differentiated from a closely related invasive sister species.

"Data is the 4th paradigm of science" - @derrickharris gives insight on #BigData bit.ly/yvm5QO
5 deep insights on big data
Hadoop is great and companies need to start analyzing all their data lest they risk losing their competitive edge. Gotcha. But there’s a heck of a lot more to think

Updated: Biomedical Research Insider: Data Integration platforms - Research and Service Delivery - Oracle bit.ly/xPavyV
Certainly the 'Omics platform is indicative of their aim to get to work in the translation medicine area (described as the North Star of their current thrust) - but it's an undeveloped product, not even fully implemented at Moffitt as far as we are aware. And that will be its first implementation - Moffitt hinted that this was the missing component in the Oracle solution the first time round.


□ htSeqTools: High-Throughput Sequencing Quality Control, Processing and Visualization in R

>> http://ow.ly/8f064
>> Bioconductor: http://t.co/dDTpTbHz

We provide efficient, easy-to-use tools for High-Throughput Sequencing (ChIP-seq, RNAseq etc.). These include MDS plots (analogues to PCA), detecting inefficient immuno-precipitation or over-amplification artifacts, tools to identify and test for genomic regions with large accumulation of reads, and visualization of coverage profiles.


□ Rational Design of CRISPR RNAs that Function with the Cas RAMP Module Complex to Cleave RNAs http://bit.ly/wIlFur
We also present data that indicate that the Cmr complex cleaves an endogenous complementary RNA in Pyrococcus furiosus, providing direct in vivo evidence of RNA targeting by the CRISPR-Cas system. Our findings indicate that the CRISPR RNA-Cmr protein pathway may be exploited to cleave RNAs of interest.

□ Biobank UK prepares to open for business

>> http://bit.ly/wKf9vg

ROLL up, roll up: the biobank is open for business. Medical, lifestyle and genetic data from 500,000 middle-aged Britons is to be made available to medical researchers worldwide through the Biobank UK project, which has spent five years recruiting volunteers.

□ SOLiDSequencing:
Life Tech Provides SOLiD Platform for University of Strasbourg's Genomax Project ow.ly/8iuRo
According to Seiamak Bahram, head of Genomax and a professor of immunology at Strasbourg University Hospital, "hundreds" of blood samples have been sequenced on the SOLiD platform, providing "an invaluable insight into the most common diseases."

Life Tech社が、ストラスブール大学のGenomaxプロジェクトにSOLiDプラットフォームを提供。総額140万ドルの資金援助を得て、数千のサンプルを管理するトランスレーショナル・バイオバンクの構築へ。地方自治体からも投資かぁ

40 Most Awesome iPad Apps for Science Students. ow.ly/7S8VT
『理系学生がインストールすべきiPadアプリ40選』定番がズラリと並ぶが、ReferenceでWolfram Alphaが二位に甘んじたのが意外。BiologyにランクインしたGeneIndexHDは最近PLoSでも取り上げられてた。

□ Preparation of high-quality next-generation sequencing libraries from picogram quantities of target DNA

>> http://genome.cshlp.org/content/22/1/125.long

New sequencing technologies can address diverse biomedical questions but are limited by a minimum required DNA input of typically 1 μg. We describe how sequencing libraries can be reproducibly created from 20 pg of input DNA using a modified transpososome-mediated fragmentation technique.

20pgからのSequencing Library.トランスポゾソーム仲介断片化技術により、ごく微量の試料から解析が可能に。ピコグラムとは随分と大きく(小さく)出たな

Open Science is born, gets a Wikipedia page. Write, add value or edit. wthink.me/xPSFxB #OpenScience #OpenData

Brazil's Open Gov Data Portal licensed under CC BY; beta for now, full launch in April - goo.gl/id9H2


□ Presidents in Twitter: (A Pint of R) /
“idea of checking out how Presidents are doing in twitter.” http://wp.me/p1jsKA-J

Example 7.17 in Introduction to Monte Carlo methods with R xianblog.wordpress.com/?p=14054


□ A Quick Demo of SoilProfileCollection Methods and Plotting Functions (R-bloggers) http://t.co/CSZqNxNC

Chimeric Monkeys : Tachibana et al. generate the first chimeras from a nonhuman primate, the rhesus monkey. ow.ly/8jDqB

On open access, open science and Congress storify.com/digiphile/on-o… via @Storify
Yesterday, I heard about a bill introduced in December in the House of Representatives entitled the "Research Works Act." The bill catalyzed an open conversation on Twitter between Tim O'Reilly and Darrell Issa about H.R. 3699.

平成24年度 産業技術関連予算の概要(経産省)(PDF) meti.go.jp/main/yosangais… "○革新的バイオマテリアル実現のための人工遺伝子合成技術開発" //今回予算がついた「人工遺伝子」ってこれか。

個別のデータベースやアノテーション更新など, インフラとしてあって当然と思っている資源は, 自転車操業で成立していて脆弱なものであることが多い.

アノテーションへの既存オントロジー導入のメリット, 1) 対象領域の語彙母集団の見積もりをしなくてよい. 2) アノテーション構造設計に「妥当な制約」を与えてくれる. オントロジーがそういうものだから当たり前といえば当たり前.

CLCbio 用マシンを MacPro にしたおかげで、ユーザには CLCbioやローカルで動くゲノムブラウザを使ってもらいつつ、それでは賄えない部分は、自作のパイプラインを裏にインストールして実行できて便利すぎる。Mac OS X は本当に素晴しい。


面白いなあ。これが本当なら日本人社長は米国人社員を日本の会社のシステムに阿吽の呼吸で取り込むことにすら成功している。 「我々は彼らを完全にお客さんとして処遇する仕組みを構築している。」 business.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/topics…



□ 氾濫する研究分野の現場と、ビジネス開発を接着する鍵は、データの網羅的なモデルドリヴンによる利用しかないと思う。これには回帰的な作用があって、開発目標からも研究の利用価値からも双方の視点で結びつくことが出来る。ただ、成果の共有に付随するパテントの問題の解決と制度確立が難題になりそう