(The Linking Open Data cloud diagram.)
□ Linked Open Data チャレンジ Japan 2011.
>> http://lod.sfc.keio.ac.jp/challenge2011/index.html
「Linked Open Data チャレンジ Japan 2011」では、これまで見られなかった新たなデータづくり、データを共有する仕掛けや、データの活用アイデアなどを「作品」として募集します。作品の分野は問いません。異なる分野のデータをマッシュアップした作品や、様々な分野でLinking Open Data運動を進めている方々の活動も作品として募集します。また、企業がビジネスとして推進している作品、個人や学生の皆さまからの発想豊かな作品など、幅広い応募を期待します。
□ BMC_series:
A hitchhikers guide to the Galapagos - probably the best titled research we've ever had at #BMCEvolutionaryBiology: bit.ly/pW0nGW
□ CellCellPress:
Why is the NIH building sequencing centers in Africa? To reverse the neocolonial imprint on foreign-funded research? bit.ly/pAMxLu
□ CaliperLS:
@Caliperls Kevin Hrusovsky talks about Benefits Of Mapping The Human Genome with Fox Business. bit.ly/q0NYHu via @foxbusiness
□ BioSpace365:
Biochemist salary data. http://j.mp/qgNRzm #salaries #biotechcareers #research
□ takechan2000:
情報オブジェクトと非情報オブジェクトに扱いまで言及。これは僕的には言い過ぎだとおもうけどなあ... @fumi1 CIDOC Recom. for Object ID for LOD bit.ly/qbwaI6
□ metamx:
O'Reilly interview with Metamarkets' CTO Michael Driscoll, discussing the Big Data stack (at Strata 2011) bit.ly/pIll5z
□ tkwsm:
@dritoshi GenBankに"PYTHAGORASWITCH"をクエリーにblastpしたら、D-alanine--D-alanine ligaseが、PYTHAGORASという配列を持っていることがわかりました。単位ください。
□ NatureJapan:
Nature Highlights: アンチセンスで運動ニューロン疾患のSMN2を救済 nature.asia/qgGh2C
□ eurogene:
How Much Are We Missing in SNP-by-SNP Analyses? "important genetic variants can be obscured" 1.usa.gov/qUO8EL
□ AIP_Publishing:
Anatomy of a bit: Information in a time series observation http://ow.ly/6PI3z #AIP_CHAOS
□ genome_gov:
New study: NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program diagnoses patients whose cases have stumped all other MDs. http://qoo.ly/7au
□ AIP_Publishing:
Smartphone apps win spot on satellite launch #AIP_PT http://ow.ly/6PgIF
□ AIP_Publishing:
Kolmogorov similarity scaling for one-particle Lagrangian statistics #AIP_POF http://ow.ly/6Qvlv
□ _masaka:
How Siri Works ? Interview with Tom Gruber bit.ly/owkxWI 例の音声対話型検索がAI利用とはグルーバーの仕事だったのか。タスク、データ、アーキテクチャの焦点を絞ったのが成功要因と。SWとの関係興味深い。昨年の記事
□ kota_kasahara:
□ Hypios:
$20,000 problem has just been solved on Hypios: finding new incentives to reduce energy consumption. #openinnovation #crowdsourcing
□ tri_iro:
□ yokofakun:
"Journal of Biomedical Semantics at BioHackathon 2011" blogs.openaccesscentral.com/blogs/bmcblog/…
□ TriLinkBioTech:
Selective Fluorometric Detection of Pyrophosphate w/ Copper(II)-2, 6-Bis(2-benzimidazolyl)pyridine Complex bit.ly/nc5Xuz
□ AIP_Publishing:
Communication: Rigorous calculation of dissociation energies (D0) of the water trimer, (H2O)3 and (D2O)3 #AIP_JCP ow.ly/6Sr8N
□ DailyNewsGW:
Golden Helix, Expression Analysis Team on Cloud-based Solution for RNA-Seq Analysis: read more bit.ly/ppsyx6
□ BioMedCentral:
Journal of #Biomedical Semantics at #BioHackathon 2011 ow.ly/6TLl4 #JBiomedSemantics
□ gaou_ak:
MarkのBioHackathon 2011のサマリー、G-language Groupの説明が一番充実してる!bit.ly/rbYL6Y
□ dritoshi:
NGS解析ソフト CLC Genomics Workbench はアカデミック、固定1ライセンスで、625,000円の永久ライセンス。アップグレードするには別途、年間保守ライセンスを定価の20% (125,000円)を購入するそうです。goo.gl/n6hpw
□ riv7: ??? ▼
#PNAS Distant Mimivirus relative with a larger genome highlights the fundamental features of Megaviridae pnas.org/cgi/content/lo…
□ _masaka:
Linked Literature, Linked TV ? Everything Looks like a Graph bit.ly/r5Omr0 120万の番組評価データ、1400万の書誌データをMahoutで解析、Gephiで視覚化、考察。実に盛り沢山
□ International Congress of Human Genetics 2011
>> http://www.ichg2011.org/
□ scienceblogsRSS:
23andMe blog: 23andMe Scientists Head to Montreal for ICHG/ASHG, Eh: The joint 12th International Congress of Hu... bit.ly/nac2gt
□ portablegenomic:
Gagner son Exome, c'est aujourd'hui possible: Join 23andMe at ICHG/ASHG 2011 - a Chance to Win an Exome! shar.es/boRSf #health20fr
□ lukejostins:
DW: All "so called complex disease" has a mitochondria etiology. Illustrate with a mendelian mtDNA disease. Hmm #ICHG2011
EW: Epigenomic screening can be diagnostically useful EVEN IF we don't understand it. e.g. machine learning #ICH2011
□ GenomicApps: Affymetrix, Inc.
D.Walace.CHOP. Sum of energy flow=sum of information=evolution. #ICHG2011 #Affx
□ dritoshi:
R + Bioconductor がインストールされた Amazon Machine Image. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud や EC2 で動かせる。 / “Bioconductor - Cloud A…” htn.to/234uUN
□ genomeresearch:
N Schork discusses VAAST ID of disease variants genome.cshlp.org/content/21/9/1529.full #ICHG2011
□ lindaavey:
DNAnexus Raises $15 Million, Teams With Google To Host Massive DNA Database via @techcrunch techcrunch.com/2011/10/12/dna…
□ genome_gov:
Chakravarti: HapMap was success, now in phase 3, led to 1000 Genomes Project whose samples are used all over the world #ICHG2011
□ deannachurch:
MT @NCBI updated human genome annotation (GRCh37p5) is now available in the NCBI Map Viewer. 1.usa.gov/qvXnXj #ICHG2011 booth 217
□ OxfordJNLsJapan:
レオナルド・ダヴィンチの悲劇の肖像画” La Bella Principessa”を再発見。j.mp/r7o7UF
□ biochem_fan:
jsdo.it/biochem_fan/qp… > WebGL による分子ビューア. 蛋白質のPDBファイルを読み込んで主鎖を曲線で表示できるようにしたものを公開。 @magic_kanata
□ tri_iro:
□ PLoSCompBiol:
Inter-whisker timing ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3…
□ lifesciNYC:
[Interesting] 3 of top 10 institutions in molecular bio & genetics in NY cshl.edu/images/stories… @RockefellerUniv @sloan_kettering @CSHLnews
TOP Institute: Cold Sprrng Harbor Laboratory / Citations Per Paper: 103.01
□ NatureJapan:
人間の行動を変える効果のある映画作り (Nature Climate Change): NPG Nature Asia-Pacific nature.asia/r9syDw
□ dancing_infobio:
第25回生体生命工学研究会は特別講演1題,一般講演5題で10/26(水)14:00~ 工学部電気情報応物系1号館103号室で開催します.特別講演の講師は,システム生物学の若手ホープ,慶應義塾大学の荒川先生です. #東北大学
□ irenehames:
Open peer review & open access being discussed today by journal editors, excellent speakers bit.ly/pPswN0 , follow at #ISMTE2011 #li
□ trished:
Caroline Sutton #ISMTE2011 Time for publishers to focus on uses and reuses of OA articles (& data) and ways to build mineable knowledge
□ reiver:
PLoS Computational Biology: Monkeys and Humans Share a Common Computation for Face/Voice Integration ow.ly/6Y36s
□ TiPSc_news:
@Trends_Ecol_Evo Paleoecoinformatics: applying geohistorical data to ecological questions bit.ly/pahLbf
□ the_Node:
Bad news, part 2: European Court bans patents based on stem cells. (on the Node, via @eurostemcell ) fb.me/JW3Y5zD5
The European Court of Justice has today announced a landmark decision banning patenting of inventions based on embryonic stem cells. Several senior stem cell biologists have expressed their concern that the verdict, which is legally binding for all EU states, will drive development of stem cell therapies outside Europe.
□ eurostemcell:
Could patent ban drive research on stem cell therapies outside Europe? More on the European Court patent case verdict: bit.ly/orEXVG
□ ca_tweet:
Google Refineを活用してメタデータをLinked Data形式に変換する“Free Your Metadata” current.ndl.go.jp/node/19336
>> http://freeyourmetadata.org/
□ NatureJapan:
時間の量子論的解釈と相対論的解釈の峻別 (Nature Communications): Telling quantum and relativistic time apart nature.asia/pYDWK5
□ GenesDev:
G&D Research Highlights: Structural basis for histone H3 Lys27 demethylation by UTX/KDM6A - bit.ly/nyseVt
□ Research2Action:
Embedding #research into use ideas in the #policy space: The case of RIU Nigeria and SierraLeone. ow.ly/70zmJ via @DFID_Research
□ PLoSMedicine:
Predictive model developed for polio: bit.ly/nhDZMx
□ cc_jp: CreativeCommonsJapan
「ヨーロピアナ(Europeana)、全てのメタデータをCC0ライセンスで公開する新たなデータ交換協定を採用」 creativecommons.jp/weblog/2011/10…
Towards a new Europeana Data Exchange Agreement
Europeana supports open re-use of the metadata provided by our content providers and aggregators
□ takahashim:
カレントアウェアネス・ポータルにRubyKaigiのURLが載っているのは感慨深い current.ndl.go.jp/node/19338
□ 32nm:
Siri 試してみた。あれの裏側は wolframAlpha かと思った。readwriteweb.com/archives/apple…
We first ran into Siri nearly two years ago now and since then the company has been on a tear. During this year's SXSW Interactive, we quickly pegged it to run away with the BizSpark Accelerator competition and soon after it was acquired by Apple. Now, a partnership with Wolfram Alpha can really bring Siri to the next level.